is the earth round or flat? we need to settle this question
Is the earth round or flat? we need to settle this question
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>If a person believes that the earth is flat,
You can't talk him out of that, he knows that it's flat
He'll go down to the window and see that its obvious, it looks flat
So the only way to convince him that it isn't is to say,
"Well let's go and find the edge".
doesn't look round to me
if i was dictator i would execute round earth believers and start a flat earth reeducation campaign
I believed for years that it was round, but honestly, all of the arguments have convinced me that it's flat. Another thing that convinced me was seeing how EXTREMELY emotional and hysterical round-Earthers get when you simply say "the Earth is flat". I see no reason why the elites would lie about Earth's shape, but I genuinely believe the Earth is flat. I'd never tell anyone though.
it's a donut
Oops messed up while pasting lyrics. Sorry.
>I see no reason why the elites would lie about Earth's shape
it's a foot in the door strategy. they learned it from the soviets. if you force everyone to profess belief in an obvious lie like a round earth then they're already mentally halfway to accepting your other more useful lies like diversity.
Don't start getting comfortable spouting neonazi rhetoric to me now, user. I don't care for it. I simply believe the Earth is flat. That's all.
flat earthers and neo nazis are fellow travelers, user. you can't believe one and not the other without some heavy cognitive dissonance.
No cognitive dissonance here. I just don't care for it.
Also, I'm a brown spic.
Thats fucking stupid
>huurrr if u flat erffer then u muss be nazi too!
And you actually believe you're smart.
Wahoo faggot
it's a disc on the backs of four elephants standing on a giant turtle
they're not ready for the mario-shaped world redpill
The universe is a torus
I figured it out one day on acid
>Idiot s o y boys think that joking about the Earth's shape somehow distracts from or delegitimizes flat Earth
it's obviously in the shape of The World
Flat Earth isn't legit to begin with
Just watch the top gear botswana special where they cross the salt flats.
>i know governments lie about every single fucking thing they do but they would never lie about the shape of the earth!
>Implying the government would have reason to lie about shape of the Earth and all governments around the world are all in on the conspiracy
Are you hearing yourself?
Personally I subscribe to velociraptor earth
Perfectly explains how it moves around the sun.
>Ancient Greeks worked out the Earth is round without the technology we have today and they fucked boys.
>Modern people in western society with the best technology the world has ever seen somehow can't figure out that the Earth is spherical and the flat Earth model fails in almost every way.
>believing the lies in history books, aka govt mindwashing
Next you'll tell everyone how the earth revolves around the sun to try and sound smart, when every scientist realizes it's the opposite
it's relative to your velocity
>traveling @ C the earth is contracted to a flat plane parallel to the tangent of the direction of travel
>checkmate atheists
>Every scientist
Please find me one actual scientist that believes the Earth revolves around the sun
It's a sphere because that's the only shape that explains the direction of sunrise/sunset on the equinoxes, horizon drop, why the sun doesn't shrink to a tiny dot when it sets (filmed with a solar filter), the southern celestial pole, the phases of the moon, how the angle of the north star in the sky varies with latitude, and a bunch of other stuff I can't list off the top of my head. A bunch of real-world observations just don't work on the flat earth. If the sun is local, people across an entire line of longitude would NOT be able to observe it rising exactly due east at the same time.
Also here's a guy photographing the curve. He accounts for lens distortion by placing the horizon in the center of the frame and comparing to two physical levels in the shot that do not curve.
I'm not going to spoonfeed you, that's your government's job apparently. And you're just eating it up.
What difference would it make, if the earth was flat?
How do you explain a boat going over the horizon? If it was a flat Earth then the boat should just appear to shrink as it gets further away. But instead the boat goes over the horizon where it cant be seen from your point of view because the Earth is round
There are no boats. That is just a government lie that you are so READILY eating up without questioning and diverting your attention away from the fact the Earth is not round
How are you posting this? There is no Jow Forums. Its a government lie to blame the alt right on their problems
round probably since the resurfacing of flat earth came from a cult but who cares
Am.. Am... I real...?
Not an argument, braindead niggers
Nope. Your'e a government lie just here to post that message. Didn't think you could use bots on Jow Forums but then again it is only a government lie
huh that is literally what the CIA believes
What is your idea of an argument then? You can't use science because flat Earthers will just say it isn't real. You can't really say anything to change their opinion because they'll use rounded logic or statements with no proofs to say you are wrong.