Bro its just personality bro

bro its just personality bro

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Just tell them youre diamond 3 in league and they will eat out of your hands.

Reminder even most s0yb0ys have gotten laid more times than the average Jow Forums user

Fucking lol @ whoever took the time to actually make this meme

It's not JUST personality, but a big part of it is personality.

And robots think that when people say you need a personality, we mean you need to be a good, polite and respectful person. Robots misunderstand a lot of things about life, which makes things harder on them.

bro just be a violent gangster bro

Iost it lel

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>t. bitter seething incel

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That's not what I said at all but some women are attracted to violent gangsters. I happen to know some girls like that. They fuck violent gangsters even if they're ugly because they're so turned on by the guy's personality and behaviors.

bro just be as slow as this guy lmao

You're dumb if you think personality has nothing to do with women's attraction to men, user. Wake up. You're only making excuses for yourself because you refuse to admit you have control over your life lol

bro just be an out of touch boomer like this idiot lmao

Whatever dude. Believe what you want. Maybe one day you'll get it together. But probably not. Have fun in your self pity.

you own a lot of trucker hats, dont you?

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That might be true lulz

Fixed orggegilian

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you're on r9k retard you clearly don't understand females enough to fuck them

found the guy with a lot of trucker hats lmao

with horrible girls like you, and not really when I work for it I get more sex than them, sois are trully pathetic and so are you for having one as your bf

diamond 3? unless you're challenger you can get out

Yeah but I'm not willing to spend thousands of dollars just for the privilege of having sex 3 times a month with some tattooed single mother obsessed with social media

found the guy who looks up to and feels intimidated by men with trucker hats

oh no dont hurt me trucker hat guy im so scared hahahahhahahaah

Is that a JoJo reference?

if you know how to handle girls you can shape your personality and make yourself seem attractive to them. its definitely not about being a nice guy, but being a nice person is a start. being playful and witty and confident plays huge roles as well. at least in my experience.

>I have to unpack how he did this!

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>unpack how he did this

why do u guys even care? youve been jewed to care about sex and relationships when the best porn exists right now. You can litterally just jack off and you dont have to worry about a false rape charge or taking care of a baby that isnt yours.

>"youve been jewed"
>promoting pornography usage
>false rape and alimony boogeyman

He probably gets to lick her out for his birthday and that's it. Also he's still a virgin while she fucks Chad.

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>shape your personality and make yourself seem attractive to them
thats called being a manipulator user

is it? if theyre receptive to teasing, tease them more. if theyre receptive towards you being sweet, just be a bit more sweet. isnt that a normal thing to do with everyone? youre not going to tease a guy who looks like hes about to kill himself so the same should go for girls.

>unpack how he did this

if you're only diamond 3 NA kill yourself
you seriously must be brain damaged to be this low on the ladder while playing on one of the easiest regions