How much do you care about the sexual history of the girls you date?
How much do you care about the sexual history of the girls you date?
>i date
yew wot
girl with more than 5 is kinda uhh no
ide rather my gf to have less than 5 body count but 1-4 is fine but anything more than 5 makes me feel weird
>0 sexual partners before me
> 1 to 3 partners before me
Still redeemable, can be overlooked if we really click
>more than 3
No interest
bro you drinking some wine made from malbec grapes today or what
My body count is 11 rn so I'd understand if my gf had around the same, though if she was in the 20s + I'd kind of be uncomfortable with that.
ive been sippin yeah
Used to not care at all, as of recently I've decided I wouldn't even consider marrying a girl who isn't provably a virgin, so for serious dating she'd have to be a virgin but for bullshit short term dating I dont care.
>How much do you care about the sexual history of the girls you date?
I don't care unless she's been a truly massive whore because that means that she's probably got issues
Depends. I'd much rather have a gf with the same amount of experience to me (none), but I'm fine with making exceptions if her previous partners were far apart in time and weren't too experienced themselves.
Having an "experienced" gf as a virgin male is basically just cuckoldry because you'll never be able to measure up to her previous bfs.
Can't afford to look into it. The peace of mind gained from accepting other's history as being in the past is too good to lose.
not over 5. I dont want someone who obviously gets in and out of relationships fast. I want a long relationship
The more the better. I want a girl who wants it and I don't want to have to work through any bullshit complexes and I don't want some dependent submissive puppy dog at my waist all the time.
nice. get that buzz going, it's a beautiful sunday. in the meantime peep my rare art on instagram brob, username is partyjonesrare_artofficial!
depends on circumstances
my body count is 2 at 22, since I was in two long relationships and have no idea how the fuck to go about casual fucking or dating in general. highest I'd probably go for actual dating is probably 7-10 or so if she's the same age as me
I don't give a fuck about marriage in general since it's a scam but having a stable partner would be nice
Past 5 guys and she's basically undateable. Especially if she's the type to try for long term relationships. If you fail 5 fucking long term relationships, it seems like a redflag.
i guess i dont really want to think about it
but if i knew they were losers or people i look down on, i'd look down on her
>implying that I've dated anyone
probably won't care unless it's obviously due to mental issues or strange attitudes
I prefer women to have certain levels of sexual experience. If she is a virgin taking her virginity is awkward, usually virgins haven't acquired the liking to sex experienced women have, and many times experienced women do awesome sex things that virgin women don't know pleases men. One time I had a sex fiend gf who would take off my belt, use it like a collar around my neck to choke me, while nibbling on my neck and breathing in my ear. Came buckets, like I would stay hard for hours with her and she would edge me so that every time we had sex it was leg shaking after orgasm good. While the inexperienced gf I had didn't want to fuck with the lights on cuz she was "self conscious". Wtf? If I can't see her how am I supposed to get horny? In 2019 AD with all the porn I watch my imagination and squishy things in the dark isn't gonna keep my dick up. As you can imagine that relationship ended badly cuz the sex was terrible.
I want to get married and have kids so she needs to be a virgin.
>ree virgins bad
if you're such a sperg that you can't make a virgin grill comfortable then that's more on you than it is on her tbqh
even if a woman is experienced she won't know exactly what to do to perfectly please you unless you tell her. people naturally have to learn each other's bodies, and it's why more people do a FWB situation instead of just fucking randoms at a bar
>t. hedonist normoid who sees sex as nothing more than quick physical pleasure
A lot
If she isn't a virgin, I want nothing to do with her
see and The virgin wanted to stay in the dark because even if she didn't realize it, deep down she knew you just wanted her body and didn't give a fuck bout her. Fucking is good but there is a very distinct difference between that and actual love making. Some days you'll want do be rough but other days it'll be lovey.
I lucked into a couple of relationships and experience will only do so much for women; there are whores who are nothing but pillow princesses and there are virgins or near-virgins with 1-2 relationships that can catch on really quickly. Being a sub is one thing but if you're such a mentally submissive faggot that you can't tell someone what you want to do then that's your own damn problem.
Why not both faggot
At my age (34), the pickings are so slim as it is, I can't justify factoring that into my decision. I have problem enough finding women that aren't fat single moms.
sluts are hot desu
I have no expectations of virginity. I would hope that she has only had sex with guys she loved though, or at least thought she loved. I've been with women who don't care about that and they aren't good people.
that's why most men go below their age
try finding an intelligent-ish 19-25 year old. she doesn't need to be a genius but just smart enough that she passed high school and college, as well as has decent fucking understanding of emotions and caring about people
I'm not paying her college debt, user.There is a limit to how much pussy should cost, and that certainly is past it.
The more the better as long as there are no stds.
Was just about to make a thread about this. My gf has only had 2 previous partners, but the last one before me was a disgusting fat cunt she had a fwb thing with, and it fucking repulses me to think about. I'd honestly rather she had fucked 5 chads before me instead of that disgusting loser, literally Ugly Bastard tier. Will probably end up ending the relationship over this.
I care in the interest of safety, but numbers don't bug me. I can't really say anything since I've been with dozens of women
never said you had to pay for her debt user, just that she has to not be a drop out tier retard, though depending on where you live they might be insufferable depending on the college they went to. Having a good personality and being pleasant to be around is more important imo
Saying " you'll never be able to measure up to her previous bfs." is the most cuckoldry thing you can say as a virgin male. Grow a backbone and be better than them.
Over 9 is a definite deal breaker. I can be the tenth but double digits is a no from me dawg. I get too jealous / judgemental for that