at what moment did you realize it was over?
At what moment did you realize it was over?
About 15, when I realized that I'd never be able to bond with another human being or truly fit in. I have newfound hope now however, I merely wish for a decent income that I'll use to live in solitude with plenty of escapism and skills to pursue.
Few years ago, maybe around the election when everyone showed just how little they actually know of the world
I cant even talk to people anymore because its always "muh left" this and "muh right" that and they cant even form the idea that something might be wrong with the ((two party)) system
Much easier to sit home smoke weed and watch anime
24. It pisses me off that I took this long to give up.
When I was 11 and started crying daily over not being a girl
When I realised my mentally ill parents damaged my mental health too much. I can't get a job bc of it -> no money to move out -> can't recover.
When my mother died
I am truly alone and I could die at any moment and no one would give a fuck
Freshmen year, the year I separated from all my friends for a private school and a stupid pursuit of athletics. Tried to deny it for a year but broke down the next. So far it's only been work, go home, play vidya, sleep, and repeat.
>at what moment did you realize it was over?
The correct question is:
>at what moment did you realize it didn't even start or ever will?
I never thought my life would ever amount to anything in the first place.
It's still fully dawning on me just how fucked everything is, but I refuse to accept that it's over.
This place is systems within systems within systems, and one must first take the time to fully comprehend each of the interlocked systems at a given level, realizing the flaws thereof, before one can see through the smoke to the parent meta-system and understand why this, too, is equally as broken.
I suspect that I will never full comprehend just how deeply the rot has set in, but I must go on trying - sometimes the smallest perturbation can cause everything else to fall into place; there exists an action, by means of the infinite variability of collective and individual agency compared to the finite lines of interrelation between the world's systems, that if executed at precisely the right place and time, will course-correct all the systems in a chain-reaction.
This is what I am looking for.
When I finally gave up. Then I was like "Man fuck that, giving up is for faggots"
That's really sad user. I'm sorry you went through that. Go meet some great people they are out there. No shame in looking for connection.
Pre-school when my mom dropped me off and left and the wrong teacher took me to her class.. that's when it was over for me
things have been getting worse and worse since i started highschool at 14, i realized it when i was like 16.
Too late, you already gave up once.
That makes you a faggot, but one who tries not to be.
That makes you Tom Cruise.
When I was 17 but I was stupid enough to try giving myself another chance just to lose 11 years of my life
18, that was when I finally realized how different I am, how different the world I live in and the world most people live in and that there is absolutely no hope. I will never emotionally grow up past the age of 13 because of this.
No one ever treats me with respect, as soon as I meet someone new they figure out very quickly that there's something wrong with me and they assert themselves above me.
I really don't want to be in contact with anyone anymore, I don't want family and I don't want friends. I just want to live like a hermit now. But to truly achieve that I need to go far far away, and make sure no one I know can find me. And that costs a lot of money, money that I will likely never have.
If given chance, I'd burn it all. I'd kill everyone I ever knew. But for some reason I don't think I'd be able too, not because I'd feel sorry for them, but because it's all just so tiresome.
Hope it works out for you. I'm on the same path but it seems it will not work out. At least there is a rope.
it started at nine when my parents had a divorce and i realized how different i was compared to all of my class mates. But i really only gave up all hope at 11 when i started to smoke and drink
Damn bro that sucks hardd
i dont know, one day i just felt that is was useless to try anymore
yeah but its not really as bad as it sounds i mean its im not like im an alcoholic but still life is fucking retarded
it was over when i was born.
>that feel when mentally and physically disabled to the point i cant function like a human being
this, I want this too but I still lack the control of intimacy desires
12, 15, 19, 21...
I still fail to encount the exact data
>smoking weed
You're a normalfag. Fuck off you stupid nigger.
I realized it when I was 16. I tried changing schools two times to see if it got better. Half way through high school I began to realize I was fucked. I still had a small hope that once high school was over it would get better. Thats what all the grown ups said. It didn't. It just got worse. It just keeps getting worse. I've just about abandoned hope.
When I tried to kill myself at age 6. Maybe I actually succeeded and ended up in Hell.
They were all dead.
The final gunshot was an exclamation mark to everything that had led to this point.
I released my finger from the trigger.
And then it was over.
when I dropped out of uni. realized that a good career requires connections and social skills not the diploma
last year at 17 years old
at 18. I didn't realize it but deep down I must have always felt it just when I finished highschool I realized im not fit for the current year.
every neckbeard i've ever known has been a pretty big weed smoker to be fair
When I realized that failure had become an integral part of my own character.
Every neckbeard you've ever known was a normalfag.
I feel bad for your parents, kill urself lol
that's what I'm aiming for too but Im scared I won't reach it
Sometimes I panic thinking I managed to kill myself in my teens and this purgatory nightmare is my punishment.
At the age when most other boys had been in relationships, so like 16 or 17.
Right about recently actually
Iv'e been feeling the same for the past 5 years
I don't like the people I surround myself with, and I can only like them when I drink, and with each passing day I feel like a bigger disappointment to myself and others.
This is what I wish for really
I wish you the best user
realizing that the world of cosplay girls perfectly illustrates hypergamy
these girls dress up to attract legions of beta orbiters who give them likes on social media and buy shit from their etsy's giving them the capital, both social and financial, to pursue taking Chad from the con back to his hotel room as a full-time job
nerd girls do not want to fuck nerd guys, they just want to be desired by them because it raises their standing and to take their money
It was when I noticed I was only ever genuinely happy when I was dreaming or in deep sleep. It's like reality is telling me that happiness can never be found in it.
I can masturbate, read, play vidya, but that never gives me that same sense of happiness I get in deep sleep or a good dream.
I'm basically this guy, except I'm a NEET