>tfw don't feel fully male or female but don't want to be a faggy snowflake tumblrina SJW "non-binary"
Tfw don't feel fully male or female but don't want to be a faggy snowflake tumblrina SJW "non-binary"
Nobody is 100% nothing. I am 99,9999% macho.
do you have penis or vagina?
do you look male or female?
>don't feel fully male or female
What does this mean when people say this?
There isnt some feeling or emotion of being a man that I have ever felt, yet i can recognize that I am a man
Do you expect there to be some manly emotion coursing throughout your body 24/7?
Is this why kids are so confused these days? Can they not just accept the physical world?
>Do you expect there to be some manly emotion coursing throughout your body 24/7?
Don't let conservative almost dead boomers and ignorent sexists tell you what you can identify as
I have a penis but I look female and everyone always made fun of me for it and my mom keeps talking to me about how it's okay to transition and I think I'm fucked up.
I don't know why so many people trap themselves in all these labels.
Let me make this easy for you:
>You have a penis
You're a male, a boy, a man, a guy, a dude.
He, him, his.
>You have a vagina
You're a female, a girl, a woman, a lady, a chick.
She, her, hers.
Stupid fucking brainwashed faggot. There is no gender spectrum. There's no "non-binary". You're not "gender confused" and ">don't feel fully male or female". Stop letting idiotic propaganda infect your head.
Maybe it's not too late for you.
>stop eating processed food
>stop drinking cola or energy drinks and any sugary drinks
>stop drinking milk or eating meat unless it is organic grass fed outdoor cows
>stop drinking from plastic bottles entirely, cook all your own food from raw ingredients and don't buy packaged processed foods
>go to the doctor, get your T levels tested and get the testosterone you are sorely lacking
This is a white people thing. If you aren't chad, then you might as well be a woman? No other race has this problem. But then again, our women are rock stars so I can see the allure.
>>go to the doctor, get your T levels tested and get the testosterone you are sorely lacking
I actually went to the doctor about this. I pointed out they're lower than normal and he kept talking about how it's different for everyone. He wouldn't give me more test because he said I'm healthy enough. I'll try to keep those other things in mind though, although it's a bit hard since my mom buys all my food for me and she gets mad if I don't eat what she gives me.
Maybe it's a conspiracy that the doctors are in on.
Just bee yourself, duderino.
No but seriously, just because you're (assumingly) male doesn't mean you have to lift, or be obsessed with sports and cars or what have you, same goes for females. Live your life how you want to... within reason, at least.
You have a dick. You are a man. Whatever you experience must be the experiences of a man
If you are expecting to feel some constant pump or adrenaline rush, you are just distancing yourself from your identity.
By equating manhood with some nonexistent phenomenon that you think is inherent to being a man, you are stopping yourself from experiencing what life is really like as a man.
Your priorities are screwed.
Go trap mode and make mad cash by camming.
do you feel uncomfortable with your physical sex characteristics and desire to rid yourself of them or gain those associated with the opposite sex?
or do you simply feel uncomfortable with your social role and expectations associated with your gender?
If its just the second one then literally just be yourself and stop caring what people think
If its the first then congratulations you're trans but probably nonbinary trans
either way just act as you want and do what you want with your body and don't try to force yourself to be someone youre not because of embarrassing people on tumblr or a college lgbt club
You can't be "non-binary" because it's not real.
You're a man.
Do not take testosterone supplements - your body will eventually forget how to make it by itself
>he doesnt feel like a cardboard cutout 2d archetype
I should hope not
Bumped reply because i feel like this isn't said enough
>being unhappy with society's expectations of you based on your gender doesnt mean you're trans
>being unhappy with your physical body, to the point of disgust, and desiring other characteristics mean you have body dysmorphia
>If those characteristics are of the opposite gender then you have gender dysmorphia.
I feel like making it so simple can potentially be harmful to some questioning people who are unsure and ultimately decide to stick to their original gender as they may have screwed themselves over irreversibly
I can kinda relate. It's not that I want to be a girl, I just prefer being as enigmatic as possible in the way I express myself. It makes me feel more free if I can control the way I present myself to the world. I want total control. The body I walk around in is one of the few things I can't change and it annoys me, but not to the point where I'd chop off my dick.
The word you're looking for is androgynous
What turns you on op?