Fembots, why are you so sexual? This isn't a troll thread, you just seem a lot more sexual than normie girls. I want to know why.
Fembot Thread
pls respawn fembutts
>people devoid of love and affection crave it more and develop mental disorders surrounding it
Who would have thought
on the contrary, i actually don't have a sex drive
It'd hypersexuality from mental disorders, specifically personality disorders, user
it's the raging testosterone
What else there's left for a girl? It's not like the only interesting thing we can do is have sex.
I was sexually abused as a child multiple times
there is nothing sexual about me except masturbation
I'm still an incel like you guys but yeah it isn't hard for me to have sex. I guess guys just like a quick fuck instead of a loving relationship which is what I want
Did you enjoyed it like my gf does?
I think browsing a board full of horny men who constantly sexualise them would make any girl very sexual. It makes me feel bad to know that we are ruining the girls who post here.
any fembots want to take your frustrations out on a guy and beat me half to death?
is that cvnka? I knew she was hot!
If a girl enter this board, she's already doomed.
Definitely does. I browsed here the most when I was 16-17 and I never wore anything even remotely feminine because I was lead to believe real life men were vultures like on r9k.
Broken people will always have fetishes,
No, It robbed me of my childhood. I loved playing with barbies, they were my favorite toys. The Barbie I self inserted as was a career woman, with a big house, pretty clothes, a husband, kids, neighbors..
then one day I stopped playing house and work and neighbor forever and started playing with Kelly getting kissed and touched by Barbie and I hated it, I didn't feel like it was me and it was gross. I felt like I was in the passenger seat watching someone else play through me.
>real life men were vultures like on r9k
we are, just have varying levels of normieness covering it up
you are a larping tranny
fuck you
>tarted playing with Kelly getting kissed and touched by Barbie
>and I hated it
You're dumb
BPD results in very high sex drive and sexuality is also the only thing those girls can offer so they use it to get attention and praise.
What kind of guy a girl with BPD should date? Once I've heard that control freaks are the right kind.
And you're a faggot. I hope you get your colon perforated the next time a guy uses your anus to masturbate.
For the sake of said boys the shouldn't date anyone
BPD bearers shouldn't date anybody because all they do is wreck souls and lives.
But the right guys could bring me stability, even if I suffered a bit with it.
Same reason men are, we're all miserable and orgasms are free dopamine hits.
i'm an utter control freak
How so?
I just need a guy that can handle me properly.
There's no "handling your properly". You WILL leave chat guy heartbroken and devastated as you completely forget about him and move onto the next victim.
we have to make up for our hideous faces and bodies somehow. also it's an anonymous forum so obviously people are going to post whatever comes to mind, which is usually sexual. also for some reason every white fembot's been fucking diddled on this board. idk what's with white people and molesting each other.
>The Barbie I self inserted as was a career woman, with a big house, pretty clothes, a husband, kids, neighbors..
at least being molested saved you from being basic as fuck
I just need guy that can impose some limits on my life.
why would a stable person date someone with bpd and not just another stable person? like they wouldn't get anything out of it, other than maybe some STIs
>at least being molested saved you from being basic as fuck
fuck you nigger faggot, get lynched nigger and get your colon perforated faggot.
the only thing that makes up for it is I get to torture people like you when you go to Hell.
Don't be harsh honey, it sure was a sweet infancy.
I was pushed down the stairs in my walker multiple times and my family jokes like I did it myself.
Whatever, getting to push the button that will remotely kill 70% of the population on Earth instantly makes up for it.
I was never sexually abused, haven't been diagnosed with BPD or any other personality disorder. I just have a very high sex drive.
Some broscience: I'm assuming that on a NSFW board flooded with sexual themes, where posting any indication of being female gets you flooded with sexual advances, that it seems more typical of the women here to be hypersexual. But women on average have sexual interest in men AND women, meaning there's more stimuli on the site on average for female users than male. Regardless of the stimuli, male users are more likely to only recognize a female poster that identifies herself as such, and are likely going to remember female users that are posting about something you give a shit about women for: sex. On average, I'm assuming that the majority of women who post here who have an average or below average sex drive aren't going to bother with this thread at all, further contributing to the bias. But you know what they say about assuming.
Why you are so ungrateful, honey?
confirmation bias? you're not gonna notice someones a girl when theyre just talking about a movie or food or some dumb shit like that, but with sex you're gonna notice its a girl obviously.
Pedo's target white kids since you shitskins are too gross even for a taboo fuck.
>Why you are so ungrateful, honey?
I'd prefer to live my own life than get the chance to watch people I don't like die agonizing deaths in Hell.
Whatever honey, but it's strange that you enjoyed it.
Why is it strange to enjoy the only thing I've been living for since age 5?
Because mos people don't enjoy being abused, but you're a girl, forget, it's natural for you.
That's me. Post contact if you're interested
You are a vocel. Not an incel dipshit.
I hated being abused. I didn't get paid for it. I don't get to kill them myself maybe if I could I would. Maybe I'd do it if i had been paid, because my parents were too poor to pay to bring me to a doctor and buy the medicine I needed. if child prostitution was legal I could buy my own medicine and take myself to the doctor and I would have a better life now. child prostitution is only illegal because boys can't do it safely.. and it would empower females..
If I could go back to age 4 and not have to die so a demon could posses me so I could live my life the way I I wanted I would take it.
or when we go to take their souls to Hell let me finish the job how I want since they will die anyway
because i'm a sexually frustrated virgin
>just post contact
This is how robotos talk to a girl? Hahhaha, what a loser.
dont call mariel a fembot
yeah just looks like a regular whore to me
They are. Be wary of pretty much every man you meet, online or otherwise.
You can wear feminine things without dressing like a fucking slut
I know that now. Hard to understand it you're a young girl browsing this shithole.
feminine does not mean slutty by any definition. if you're a fucking retard, maybe, but even teenage girls usually have the common sense to understand that a tibetan carpet scrubbing forum is not a representation of the real world and that the way you're treated here is not an indication of how to act IRL
whom is this originliliiii
nice larping, faggot. tits with timestamp or gtfo
I wouldn't have considered it basic. I would have lived a fulfilled life.
the life I have now is beyond basic, its primal.
A schizoid, they are the only ones who can handle you and tame you.
Fembots, between blacked.com and blackedraw.com, which do you prefer?
undocumentingreality or bestgore
>Whatever honey, but it's strange that you enjoyed it.
you don't know much about being dope sick.
you have to take hit just to get to normal
it's not enjoyable
Plz be my wholesome GF if in NA
amateur vids on ph
She lost all her thiccness. What a shame
What kind of amateur videos do you like?
I was molested and abused by my own father
Jokes on you. I'm a dude
APD male + BPD female. They do best with psychpaths. Straight up romeo and juliet of personality disorders.
hypersexuality can be a symptom of autism
i'm 100% sure everyone on here is on the spectrum
Why a schizoid?
>all these people admitting it's true
>i never even noticed
Guess I really am bad at picking up clues
It's like you never stared at her thighs for the entire episode of the podcast
i bet you think your life is pretty fucked up. like sexual abuse is the worst thing that could happen to you
I kinda enjoyed it.
Honestly I don't like watching the podcasts with female guests because Garrett goes apeshit trying to impress them which is really annoying. Barbara is a top-tier guest though, honorary 5th wheel of Mega64 right there.
I know my life is fucked because I could handle the sexual abuse. I couldn't handle the physical abuse and neglect that caused me to not be able to pay attention in class because my brain was exhausted, starving, and busy keeping my body from having a heat stroke because there had to be 40 people in a hot stuffy room for 6 hours a day or sleep in class because I couldn't fall asleep the night before or have no quiet place to do my homework and study. The only thing that makes it worth it is now I get to watch certain people die slow agonizing deaths
what you went through ain't nothing. you barely understood it at the time, and only now have begun to construe it as a terrible experience
you're just hiding behind your edginess
i bet you have lots of frivolous sex too
saddest thing i've seen all day
I would only have sex if it was consensual and since I'm dead inside I wouldnt be able to consent to sex.
Really I just feel sorry for you. Enjoying external agony doesn't make you strong, it makes you look weak. Petty. Small. I bet most people who know you pity you too. You don't seem very competent or capable.
you feel sad so you can't consent? what kind of garbage logic is that?
All I'm hearing is: you hurt my fee-fees so I'm going to hurt yours
it's just interesting to see people's reactions since people are all individuals.
I don't feel sad, i don't feel like myself that's why I can't consent.
does it matter if you consent? is this tumblr? just do it if you want to
I guess I don't want to
Lol. Where/how are my feelings being hurt? I'm trying to help this broken person by pointing out the obvious to them. They look a little silly. So do you. I'm the friend who'll tell you that your fly is down, that's all. lol.
hurt people hurt people
the default for humans is neutral but you're going on the offense.
>teenage girls
>common sense
Even adult women don't have a trace of common sense, let alone hormone fuelled little sluts.
>hurt people hurt people
user coming at ya with the most quotable shit right here
remember this simple phrase guys it could save you a lot of hassle
I'm really only trying to point out what to me is obvious, get the person to re-evaluate how they think, not hurt anybody. If something as small as "right now, what you're presenting us with seems a bit off, being edgy isn't doing you any favors" hurts someone then maybe that's a good thing. Grow the fuck up and get over your shit already. It's really holding you back at this point.
I'm hurt because you're pushing your identity on me nigger
Why do girls go on about their orgasms so much?
You're hurt because you're weak. Rather than confront the chaos you'd rather hide in a hug-box.
I'm glad that my generation is so fucking weak. I'm pretty much at the top of the food chain now and I'll keep ascending. Being hurt only hurts you. You think the people who hurt you give a shit? If anything your pain compliments them, strokes their ego. "Look at what a number I did on her, I'm such a badass." Keep stroking their ego, you dumb little bitch. Or grow the fuck up and stop being such a pussy. I already know what you'll choose bc you're too weak to do anything else, aren't you?
I'm only physically weak. I was sick and exhausted when I was supposed to be growing and learning. I'm much stronger than you spiritually.