>loved by reddit
>loved by trannies
>loved by /lgbt/
>hated by reddit
>hated by trannies
>hated by /lgbt/
all i wanna say is you surely enjoy that tranny cock, animufags
Animu vs frogs
>you can either be a tranny or a nazi
>being a nazi is completely normal, trust me
>being a tranny
>not being a tranny
no one even mentioned nazis or Jow Forums, moron.
You are entitled to your opinion but I am entitled to call you a faggot.
But I won't.
Stop making me agree with trannies and get the fuck out.
Pepe in all variations is just code for Jow Forums faggotry, don't pretend this is not the case.
did you know there is an entire website made for people like you? it's called you should check it out, i think you'll fit in just fine.
Who could have guessed, you ARE a nazi after all. I totally did not see that one coming.
>pepe hated by reddit
sure, everyone point and laugh at the newfag
im not a nazi. i just think all animuniggers should die. that's all.
>for not knowing something about reddit
who are you quoting retard kun?
my quoting abilities are just fine. did you take too much of your hormonal pills, user?
>Hating animu
>Is on Jow Forums
shit tier bait are you even trying ?
>being this big of a newfaggot
1. i don't hate animu. i just think all of it should be burned with fire. i don't hate the garbage that's on my table but that doesn't mean that i don't want it thrown out.
2. also, Jow Forums is not an anime website. that's a widespread misinformation, that's attracting a lot of discord and reddit trannies btw.
>discord and reddit trannies btw.
The site was made for animu nothing about that is wrong retard
The Reddit faggots dont come for the animu they come for the ebic greentexts and most of all Jow Forums witch needs to be nuked . Its a gate way for reddit faggots to infest the site
The biggest problem is how open the site is and how easy it is to post here Jow Forums didn't change but the world around it did summerfaggots flooded in not cause of animu but cause how open it is to newfags at least put effort into a argument retard animu has been here from the very start
Wow user! You sure do seem to know a lot about reddit! Maybe you should go back there!
Be quiet, tranny.
i was talking about TRANNIES, IDIOTS. do you think trannies (whether from reddit or whatever) come becaue of Jow Forums? they may not come for animu primarely but they like animu and feel comfortable in an animu community (do you know why? because animu is GAY) that parasites this website. it's insane how much cancerous animu has become, it's literally dominant on every single fucking board now (likely because of trannies).
>>hated by reddit
Do you come from a different timeline or something?
>dominant on every board
actual fucking retard the most thing i see the most is political trash i still dont see how this is animu is fault when it has been here since the very start and taps/trans fags have only come here since the past few years try again
also nice dodge faggot you said Reddit faggots before as a separate entity
>actual fucking retard the most thing i see the most is political trash
sometimes yeah, but politics is ok. if anything, it makes this place less interesting to intruders.
>i still dont see how this is animu is fault when it has been here since the very start and taps/trans fags have only come here since the past few years
are you retarded?
>also nice dodge faggot you said Reddit faggots before as a separate entity
see pic related
Jesus fucking Christ
being this fucking new
By your logic traps have been infesting this site since 2003 only the past few years have they come here so how did animu start this
>sometimes yeah, but politics is ok. if anything, it makes this place less interesting to intruders
Most of the time it has infest every corner of the site. reddit fags use Jow Forums as a gate way into the site
You cant read your own posts ?
>being this fucking new
3 years on this website, active on multiple boards. You eat shit animunigger.
>3 years on this website
of course you're a 2016 newfag poltard
>3 years
Yep newfaggot now stop acting like Jow Forums is what this site was made for
Seriously this is so embarrassing
>not being a tranny nazi
it's time for all you animuniggers to go to sleep. i don't even use Jow Forums and i don't care about politics.
i know your primitive brains will try to rationalize what im about to say by saying
but not so easy. i want you to understand, to somehow think for more than a second about this idea:
thank you.
if instead, you want to fight trannies, post frogs. trannies hate frogs. frogs kill trannies.
This site was founded by m00t to discuss animu, frogfag.
Frog posting is far worst then anything trannies do imagine being this mad
Right cause traps and trannies have been here since 2003 lurk moar summerfaggot Jow Forums isnt the only board
>Oh but i dont go on it
ohhh i truly wonder who could be behind this post...
imagine unironically saving these pictures to absolutely btfo the trannies
why do you save so many pictures of trannies if you hate them user kun?
>dosnt agree with my summerfaggot views
>is tranny
ahh seems i was right.
>He thinks he was right
Summer never ends
but why do you save tranny pictures if you dont truly like them?
>samefagging this hard
this is low even for (You)
Do you believe this retard ? Jesus Christ
>hahahahaha let me post cringy animu so i don't have to think about the actual arguments
animufag, here are the facts: .
prove that reddit is not more suitable for animufags than for (based and redpilled) frogposters and you win. pro tip: you can't
mmm not samefagging
I just find you retarded and its fun to make fun of you
Mmm nice mspaint edit.
>they are still at it
just let this thread die holy shit
>Telling me that i cant make an argument
>When he can only come up with samefagging as a insult
Retard this site was made for animu frog posting is closer to Reddit then
You will forever be a new faggot
This must be the gayest, most uneducated, recycled drivel I've ever had the unpleasant experience of suffering through. Your immense stupidity has left the world a worse place than it was when you found it. You are undoubtedly a faggot
let's look at the data, shall we?
>Retard this site was made for animu
wrong. 2chan was made for animu. just because Jow Forums is a clone of 2chan, you should not assume that automatically it means its purely for animu. animu has its place on Jow Forums (/trash/ is the only real animu board, though there are other "fake" boards such as /a/, which used to be what is now /asp/ that moot created when a large number of trannies flooded the website (guess how, some niggers were spamming animu)) but the issue is even bigger now. case in point: this board and many other boards that have nothing to do with animu. if this were an animu board, i would have been banned on the spot as soon as i created this thread.
everything else in your post are silly insults and i won't bother with those.
why is there so many anime banners if the site wasnt made for anime
why is there so many non-anime banners if the site was made for anime
r/wooosh lol
m00t made Jow Forums for animu dumb ass why do you think he advertised it on the something awful animu board jesu not even trying are you the site was made for animu most be hard getting this through your thick fucking skull
Wont lie though great bait
>hurr durr so what if majority of website has nothing to do with animu and so what if animu boards were created in response to trannies coming to the website, Jow Forums is still about animu just because the creator used to post on some animu forum
you need to try harder.