femanons are here because robots make their pussy wet
prove me wrong
Femanons are here because robots make their pussy wet
Other urls found in this thread:
it's more like a zoo thing
they look at us in amazement and disgust in our cages and occasionally throw us treats against official guidance
Femanons are here for attention
They love the negative attention we give them
youre a fuckin liar they are here because we make them horny this is the only explanation that makes any sense
>They love the negative attention we give them
Based and redpilled, negative attetion is the best attetion and you cannot find it in normalweb
This. They are here because they find us amusing.
can confirm
nah, females get off making fun of loser and laughing at the bottom of the social hierchy males while they fuck chads. they are soulless shameless ruthless whores on the inside. all females are
being gay is such a blessing. why did god make females such shit? honestly
i bet you spray your pussy with perfume to make it smell better you disgusting hole
Theres a reason Baphomet was decipted with female breasts
no my natural musk is part of my appeal
>being gay is such a blessing
T. only started being gay when r9gay started
please bottle your musk so i can smell it while i jerk off
Cunny original
gimme ur address i'll send u smelly tissues i used to wipe up my discharge
do you think im stupid? youre just going to send me poopy toilet paper. i know these tricks you cant fool me
people who post photos like that are too awkward to actually have sex or be alone with someone else
it's not a trick. girls dont poop user. didnt u learn that in science class
Don't the women we post make them feel inadequate?
yes. they very much do.
Felling inferior is one of the main reasons I lurk here.
can i pee on your face?
lolno fuck off retard/
Depends on many things...
ok ill settle for peeing on your feet
no her body is freakish. my body is sexy
keep telling yourself that you disgusting cellulite ridden mess.
No because it's true.
T. Chick
>keep telling yourself that you disgusting cellulite ridden mess.
that's a nice butthole. i would passionately kiss it
No, it's because women are fascinated by interpersonal relationships and human trainwrecks the same way guys are fascinated by mechanised vehicles and weaponry.