Who /bullied/ here?

Who /bullied/ here?
I blame those bullies for making me who I am now.

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Did the bullies make you gay?

Do you want me to put my peepee in your poopoo that badly?

me, I think of what could've been if I had a spine every fucking night and it ruins my life for a decade already

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I'm thankful to them, bullies are like test to see if you are bitch made and need to change. Now my muscles deter most fools.

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not OP, but the thing is that it made me accept that I am a submissive faggot and I probably should just whore myself for someone strong because there is nothing else I am worthy for, but still the sense of shame and fear of punishment never let me try to be what I was supposed to after being bullied to oblivion. As a result I am stuck to both being a degenerate society's garbage and a religious nazi-wannabe sodomy shamer who'll never be able to fit into any of these groups. It's hell.

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Yeah. Basically spent all of primary school being told by my peers that I'm less the garbage while those in authority just watched on with indifference or blamed me for it. Got beat up several times. Really screwed me up.

I have no trust or faith in anyone or anything and now I'm pretty much waiting around till life circumstances become so bad I have no choice but to commit suicide so I can finally end the hell that is my life. I have no desire to push forward anymore.

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I used to be bullied severely in middle school beca7se i was a fat mommas boy that was too emotional but then something happened and I started lifting weights and joined the school wrestling team and beat the fuck out of anyone that messed with me. Most of the kids were afraid of me and left alone after that.

I realized that no one else was going to help me, so I needed to start standing up for myself. I sound like an asshole but who cares. The world is full of assholes and you need to be one sometimes to survive.

NOT based. Don't be a victim.

Get angry, get assertive. Don't let wicked people walk over you.

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I can't be angry. I used to be angry, very angry. But the fire went out many years back. Now I'm nothing but a broken shell of who I used to be. I've died inside. Completely. It's hard for me to feel anything other than a cold indifference to things.

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Well, yeah. That shit sort of defined a large part of my personality for the future. I mean, I was bullied throughout primary school, except that apparently, unlike most in this thread, I fought back. I was a big guy, and got into fights a lot because I wouldn't take their shit. That however then turned more and more into mental bullying. Subtle. More like the way the girls do it. Now that fucked me up. Being ignored, excluded, ostracized... The subtle pokes and jabs. Even by the people I called friends.
You see, when that kind of shit happens to you at the time when you're supposed to be developing your social skills... You're pretty much fucked, user. I still got no social skills worth mentioning, and now I'm a 22 year old suicidally depressed and anxiety-ridden alcoholic and smoker who's spent his entire weekend locked by himself in his 12 square meters apartment.

Are you a girl by any chance?

Not to offend, but I've noticed that one of the main differences between girls and boys that were bullied is that women tend to become alot more functionally helpless and depressed based on the severity of the bullying while men tend to go on and eventually lead somewhat normal lives

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im noticing a pattern here... is liking animu a defect, a symptom of a mental illness? just something to think about, considering that this website is full of anime content.

My friends turned on me and bullied me when we switched from 6 to 7th grade.
I hated those niggers.

I was bullied but I was retarded so I don't blame them

It's not that all anime posters are mentally ill but all mental ill are anime posters.

I am, yeah. And functionally helpless is a pretty good way to put it. Though female bullying is a lot more psychological than men's bullying I've noticed.

I just like anime. Always have.

4ch started as a place to talk about anime, dont think so hard about it.

im still in highschool but my friend group last year turned on me, completely ignored me, pushed me out. im also mocked by some group of boys in school and sometimes other girls just laugh or treat me like im an unknown substance? i guess they think im different? its made me act more cold and hostile in school, but i hope that if this shit happens again ill be able to stand up for myself. its made me much more insecure.

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Ah, i see.
Several girls ive known that were bullied for badly talk alot like you and seem to have just given up on life while the guys ive known that have gone through some really bad bullying eventually move on.

Maybe it's just a man and woman thing.
I hope you, too, find strength to keeo going and not let those bad experiences drag you down.

this fucking tiny chinese girl bullied the shit out of me for having boobs so now i hate all asian women and men who have fetishes for them

>You can't just go 'oh so and so is the reason why you'll never be happy'
anyone else tired of being told that

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Your first bully:
Your parents

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I used to bully people really bad. I made this one kid get down on all fours and bark like a dog then kicked him in the ribs and broke one of them. I had a really really fucked up childhood so I took it out on people. Used to do a lot of really mean shit to people. I regret everything I ever did it was really wrong of me. I still ended up here tho so if that is any consolation to any of you I hope it is.

>I had a really really fucked up childhood
why do bullies use this excuse? lots of people have fucked up childhoods (including victims of bullies) - not all of them go on to bully people. face it: you're inherently, genetically defective and inferior to those you bullied and the general non-bully population. also you being here isn't a consolation, since you don't even belong here as former bullies weren't and will never be robots. you might be socially deviant, but it doesn't make you a robot

Me, I'm buying an ar soon. Going to train with it, too. When I'm good enough at the shooting ranges I'll go out and do my own training on smaller and smaller targets while obtaining information. Eventually I'll put to use my skills. Doing what, well, I don't know.

this is a jidf poster. A kike who is inspiring bullies to break more kids while saying it's those who are bullied that are to blame. Take his message and kill/fuck a child. Show him true strength.

on behalf of those kids I forgive you for whatever its worth

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On behalf of those kids I'd tie you and him up and peel your skin off. First you, Israeli, then the bully. Get shot dead.

I mean its not an excuse I just want to provide a reason for why I was taking out all my anger on other people. I know it isnt an excuse and it dosnt justfiy any of the shit I did. And i may not be a robot but im pretty damn close. I understand how wrong I was as a a kid im sorry people do terrible things to others I really am.
I dont expect any forgiveness Im not trying to gain that I know I do not deserve it. I did try to make amends with all the people I hurt some of them forgave me others did not and I understand why they wouldnt I know the feeling of wanting to get revenge or take things out on people but it is a never ending cycle if you do. My father used to beat me every day of my life for existing. He would burn my hands on the oven and whip me with cords until I bleed. He used to throw beer bottles at me and I still have glass stuck in my body from it. He once tried to kill me by throwing a hatchet at my face. He broke every finger on my hands and my nose. I was so angry because of these things I decided to continue the cycle but on kids in school. The only thing we can do is let go of that anger user. It is much easier said then done tho.

So you took your anger out ON THOSE WHO CAN'T FUCKING DEFEND THEMSELVES? DO YOU KNOW WHY THE KIDS YOU BULLIED JUST TOOK THE FUCKING DEGREDATION? IT'S BECAUSE THEY WERE ABUSED AT HOME AND OUT OF HOME, TOO. THEY WERE TAUGHT THROUGH SOCIETAL REINFORCEMENT THAT THEY MEAN NOTHING AND WILL ALWAYS MEAN NOTHING TO EVERYONE. AND YOU TARGETTED THEM AND TORTURED THEM FURTHER. they live with it.. in their 30s, 40s, 50s, they live with it. their lives forever destroyed. hkhv to death. You have no fucking idea the hell you've put them through. The fact that some of them forgave you is an act of kindness not even that cocksucker god could provide.

-mid 30s hkhv neet hiki.