>just realized that the sound in my head might not be God
>there's a chance that the sound that I shaped my life around was a fake God
So, am I a schizo now?
Just realized that the sound in my head might not be God
demons. that was your chance to make some kind of pact, might've been a powerful spirit too. you missed out
No. Talked with the God about that pact stuff.
>"What if I made a pact but demons made me forget it"
>Lift my hands into the air
>"strike with me if I did"
>the moment I stroked my hands down the strongest lightning I saw in my life hit the mountains in front of me and 3 mountains had a blackout
Have you tried asking who is he?
How do you know it wasn't god? what if you're the nobody? What if the nobody is god and speaks to you
Yeah. Imagine being in a room with 50+ people and asking that question. Imagine that they have different answers but they talk at the same time with the same sound.
I can kinda recognize the patterns of "you, god, myself, universe, everyone, demon, nothing"
>How do you know it wasn't god?
How do I know it's god? I always got acceptable irl answers but I'm starting to doubt it
>what if you're the nobody?
I'm an actual nobody that wasted his change of becoming someone by not listening to it
>What if the nobody is god and speaks to you?
Why would he?
What did he talk to you about? Salvation? Is there an answer? Please tell me he said something about
He talked about EVERTHING
walking around the town? Talks about what's gonna happen next. You gonna see Anonx soon, anony will trip and bleed his ankle after you pass the road etc
Reading books? Sometimes comments about actions and motives of characters
You get the idea. Also tells me the answers sometimes so I don't have to study.
Yes. Do good, don't do bad. That's simple.
fascinating, perhaps even if it is some sort of schizo problem it doesn't seem to fuck you over, have you checked this with someone?
why don't u prove this is legit by telling me something u shouldn't know, like what i'm wearing right now
ask the voice and report back
It just slightly clouds my mind while I'm trying to focus on something.
That's how I realized it was weird
>be me, in shower
>"you don't need to fap"
>I know, but I will
>"Why am I even in your head if you're not gonna listen to me"
>"what are you, a schizo?"
Then I realized that it's actually weird that I have a voice in my head and we're here
No. You guys are the first person to know about this.
No answer.
>No answer.
how convenient
You are currently high on datura, no shirt, you pissed yourself due to extreme hallucinations that can't be described in words because you yourself do not remember them.
Ikr. Also refused to give me lottery numbers.
what kind of stuff does he say
Nonsense and the truth. Lot's of blabbering. Simulations of chitchat. Really depends on the day.
Also sometimes I sense that he's the one sensing souls, not me.
What are some things the voice says? Most people hear a "voice" in their head, but it's usually some kind of internal monologue. Have you always felt that the voice was an external entity?
and I thought about internal monologue but doesn't feels like it. It tells me stuff I don't know, sometimes I even learn minor future happenings thanks to it.
>It tells me stuff I don't know, sometimes I even learn minor future happenings thanks to it.
this sounds alot like a demon's capabilities and obviously not "god"
you are demonically possessed user
>demonically possessed
Please elobrate
Based on the way you write, I highly suspect you have paranoid schizophrenia, bipolar type 1, schizotypal personality disorder, or a similar psychotic condition. Although you surely won't agree, demons, God, and predictions of the future don't actually exist except within your own mind.
>Please elobrate
a demon is residing in your body
demons aren't omniscient like God, hence why it couldn't know how I'm dressed or where I am even BUT they can cover great distances almost instantaneously, are much more smarter than humans, can interpret events and predict reasonably outcomes, have superhuman sight and hearing
hence why it was able to tell u what was about to happen, but never some far int he future, or very far away, revelation
I'm not knowledged about the terms so I'm just googling them.
>paranoid schizophrenia
No. I know what's real and what's not.
>Persistent, unusual thoughts or beliefs.
>Difficulty thinking clearly
These apply tho
>bipolar type 1m
>Flying suddenly from one idea to the next
This is the only one applying to me... (Almost genius tier IQ, notice too many details)
>schizotypal personality
I have problems due to getting bullied because of my height (170) but I don't think that counts... Other stuff is just "be a normie bro"
Thanks tho. There's some interesting stuff there. I guess I should getting tested
How and when did it start? Is it always the same voice? Did you ever got contacted by it through anything else that sound? Does it annoy you? Would you like for it to shut up?
>I should getting tested
but how would schizophrenia reveal imminent events to you?
unless, you were imagining those too..
>How and when did it start?
Around 4th grade
>Is it always the same voice
>Did you ever got contacted by it through anything else that sound?
>Does it annoy you?
>Would you like for it to shut up?
It would be nice if it had a switch. Getting only the good information then closing it down would be perfect.
No idea user... I asked people about happenings. Checked news etc
They are either true or we're going full Truman show here
Yeah, you probably don't have schizophrenia. Yours seems more mild, so you're more likely one of the other ones. Most psychiatric conditions are kind of just words made up to describe fairly similar symptoms anyway, so you probably don't exactly have one specific syndrome. You just have something which is causing some level of psychosis.
If you go to a doctor, you'll likely be diagnosed with something and probably given antipsychotic medication. The medication will quiet the voice in your head, but will also quiet pretty much everything else and heavily blunt your ability to be creative or experience pleasure. So it's kind of a trade-off between being 100% in sync with reality and actually feeling things.
Although it's almost never possible to convince a psychotic person that what they're experiencing isn't real (or isn't what they think it is), it probably can't hurt to try. The voice in your head may be "real", but the way you're rationalizing what it is or where it's coming from is not correct. Basically it's runaway brain processes tricking you into thinking parts of your internal monologue are actually sourced from outside of you, and this is usually so shocking that it's combined with delusions that the voice must be coming from God, or demons, or government mind control programs or something. But no, it's just your thoughts misinterpreting some of your other thoughts. The medication will stop that from happening, but the side effects suck.
I don't have great advice other than to consider that reality is a hallucination projected by the brain, for all people, and some people's brains project differently than others', so you should learn to not trust your brain. I personally don't think demons or gods or psychic ability exist, and I think anything telling you that they do are a symptom of the psychosis. Your stories about predicting people tripping etc. are your brain falsely attaching significance to things, even if it may not feel like it.
You probably also shouldn't trust anything says, as this appears to be another psychotic individual, or perhaps someone trying to troll and torment you by attempting to make you more delusional and convinced of your specialness.
>The medication will quiet the voice in your head
for the record, anti psychosis, schizo,etc meds "works" even in the case of demon possession bc they diminish the ability of the entity to "interface" with the body's mind and senses
>as this appears to be another psychotic individual, or perhaps someone trying to troll and torment you by attempting to make you more delusional and convinced of your specialness.
you're not being rational, you're being a dullwitted npc
he says the "voices" reveal to him events about to happen
either he's imagining them, or they are real
excluding the possiblity out of comformism just makes you dumb
I don't believe demons or supernatural things exist, user. Even if you think they do, there's never been any documented case of someone communicating with such a mystical entity within the past thousands of years, so I see no reason to believe such a thing. Antipsychotic medication works for "demonic possession" because demonic possession is a psychotic brain tricking you into thinking you're possessed by a demon, and the medication temporarily abates the psychosis, mostly by downregulating dopamine receptors.
>there's never been any documented case of someone communicating with such a mystical entity within the past thousands of years,
there are thousands of demonic possession sanctioned by state psychiatrists every year worldwide
>mostly by downregulating dopamine receptors.
Sorry, antagonizing, not downregulating.
There are millions of cases of people with psychosis claiming to hear voices which tell the future, and zero cases of people ever actually predicting the future. The former is much more likely.
Occam's razor fallacy
Please elaborate. What are you considering a demonic possession? How does one become possessed? Where, sptially, do the demons come from? Where did they originate? Why would they not just kill every human, or manipulate humans into killing each other, for their own amusement?
Occam's razor isn't even needed for this. There's never been a documented instance of someone predicting the future. That's all you need.
>What are you considering a demonic possession? How does one become possessed? Where, sptially, do the demons come from? Where did they originate? Why would they not just kill every human, or manipulate humans into killing each other, for their own amusement?
why don't u read up on it, start with basic theology, then witchcraf manuals, then demonology manuals, then read up on modern religious organizations' policy on exorcism
>There's never been a documented instance of someone predicting the future. That's all you need.
what does it even mean? there's been plenty of cases of people knowing things they couldn't possibly know
but no paper gets published on them, and it's repeatable in a lab, so ur redditor mind goes derp
>it's repeatable in a lab
I bet you post on meguca /fringe/, don't you?
>what does it even mean? there's been plenty of cases of people knowing things they couldn't possibly know
but no paper gets published on them, and it's repeatable in a lab, so ur redditor mind goes derp
If it's repeatable in a lab, why is there no paper published? How does that work, exactly?
Testing if someone can predict the future or know things they shouldn't is just about the easiest scientific study you could ever run. Put the person in a closed room, have someone in another closed room draw a picture, have them predict what the picture is. Have them predict 3 cards, then draw 3 cards, etc.
It's painfully easy. The experiments have been done many, many times. No one has ever done better than random chance. There's also no proposed hypothesis for how any human could ever possess psychic, mind-reading, or future-telling abilities. Your brain is a gooey sludge that runs on electricity and does stuff when it receives a signal. It has no special magic to see other people's thoughts, or to break through the spacetime continuum.
Ok, but even if it isn't repeatable, has it ever been *observed* in a lab? Or observed outside of a lab? If yes, why is there no evidence of it (audio, video, etc.)?
You do have to take repetition into account to some degree, because obviously if you test 1000 people 50 times, by sheer probability someone will randomly predict something correctly some number of times. But there's never been any kind of evidence, period.
There's also never been any evidence that we live in anything but a physical, material world. I don't really see why people believe supernatural things like angels and demons and ghosts exist.
Ugh just when I'm really sleepy...
Just saved the thread and I'll be reading long stuff tomorrow
I actually predicted some stuff before it happened tho
>death of my aunt's friend
>neighbors agressive K9 getting shovel dog'd
>camera design of xiaomi mi 3 and A80
>"wo" part of my tripcode (it's what I called a certain girl, and her name is my trip)
there's plenty of examples, you are just literally unaware of the subject you're speaking of
>I don't really see why people believe supernatural things like angels and demons and ghosts exist.
among other things direct witness like OP has had, and myself and countless other people
but even if you hadn't, you should go
>lamo not sience bruh xD ur dum xDDD
the scientistic approach is flawed since it a priori excludes some possibilities
look at this example:
>OP sees things that are about to happen
>(you, a moron reditor) that's impossible!! u are crazy xD
>(me, an intellectual open minded 148IQ erudite) mmm OP, are your claims factual, do you have proof, is there some way to test your claim
Unironically does it ever intrude on sex or masturbation? I'm not making fun of you per say, I've actually wondered this when thinking about crazy people before.
Also get psychiatric help don't hurt anyone.
>intrude on sex or masturbation
That would be extremely weird
Why do you think that is?
Like, does it know if you're getting some pussy and do you think it's like "nah man, user's getting laid right now give him half an hour or something". How do you work that out?
>among other things direct witness like OP has had, and myself and countless other people
Oh, okay, I see the error of my ways.
>death of my aunt's friend
Did you predict the time and cause of death? Or did you just predict she would die soon?
>neighbors agressive K9 getting shovel dog'd
That's a little vague. What exactly happened?
>camera design of xiaomi mi 3 and A80
Why are you not suing for millions, then? You'd legitimately be ultra-wealthy if you can prove you had the design first.
>>"wo" part of my tripcode (it's what I called a certain girl, and her name is my trip)
Did you write something down like "I predict the string 'wo' will be in my tripcode", and then write ## girl's name, and the string was in the tripcode? How certain are you that the tripcode would contain that? Why would you pick such a short, arbitrary 2-letter string as a prediction? Did you also predict it would start at the second position of the tripcode?
I'm sorry if I seem dismissive, but lots of people say stuff like this, but when researchers analyze it, they learn the people are actually falling victim to biases that made them think they predicted things after the fact, when in reality their before-the-fact thoughts or predictions weren't as consistent as they said after the fact.
One way to test this is sit around and wait until you predict something. Then take out your phone and use a voice recorder app to quickly note your prediction (or write it on a pad of paper or in a text file or whatever). After a month, look at all of the predictions you made and see what % were correct or incorrect.
This only works if you document the predictions before the event actually occurs.
Most psychotic people don't hurt people or have a desire to hurt people. OP doesn't seem remotely violent or dangerous. He should probably see a doctor since I think he probably is psychotic, but psychosis is a spectrum, and he's not in any impending danger right now.
First of all, I apologise for being sleepy.
>death of my aunt's friend
"past midnight, before sun is seen"
>Cause of death
Yeah. They were returning from a wedding. Real fast. Then crash to the barrier.
>>neighbors agressive K9 getting shovel dog'd
Basically that dog was agressive as fuck. One day another dog from our neighborhood chased me and I was thinking about it.
>"Don't worry, Ares (that k9) will be gone soon"
Few days later, their owners put the dogs pic on their garden (a3 paper, with infinity printed down) and I heard that Ares was "beaten to death" from the gossip ladies
Not like I had the files. Just I knew about sliding screen and rotating camera.
Also I don't care about money unless I really need it.
I was looking at the "default post name" setting in the app
Then realized that I'd get wo using her name. And it worked
It's actually 3 digits. However 6 lost his meaning later so I'll ignore it
>How certain
Totally. Like how you know that sun is up in the air during the day.
>I'm sorry if I seem dismissive
Nah man. I actually learn to your side compared to NOMADs