Why did Christopher Columbus have a different name for each country he was in? It seems a little manipulative...

Why did Christopher Columbus have a different name for each country he was in? It seems a little manipulative. If I was user Anonson in America, but then went by Anonito Anondez when I was in Mexico and Anois Anoneaux in Canada, and I was begging all 3 governments for gibs, wouldn't it seem a bit odd? Like I was trying to manipulate them?

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It's kill or be killed out there, user. Sounds ol' ChrisCo knew how to get shit done.

>an obese nigger making fun of someones appearance

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I'd rather look like him than her in a heartbeat. She's an abomination, he has bad habits.

it was normal back then to adjust the names to the language spoken idjit
in fact Christopher Columbus is his LATIN name not name of birth..

>a normal guy who's comfortable in his own skin btfo a dumb plastic roastie

what's with this dumb fucking facebook thread

that's definitely a tranny

Are you retarded? That's classic old school plastic surgery. There are tons of women that look like that they typically live in hiding these days because they're so disgusted by their botched jobs from over the years.

I'd rather be kinda fat and normal looking that a complete monstrosity.


Not whiteknighting for the plastic roast but lmao.

women's necks don't protrude like that, the chin and jaw are also very manly

Yeah because her face has been butchered by sadist with a knife.

That dog always makes me smile thanks for posting

that would give her an Adam's apple?

I agree, that looks like a wretched tranny.

Attached: 1490583914785.jpg (409x409, 45K)

racist here, I'd rather be a fat nigger than a plastic botox faced whore any day

OP, you have made the rookie mistake of posting a picture that is more interesting than the post, accidentally derailing your own thread. Better luck next time.

that is literally Bruce Jenner, you're all retards

>implying the picture wasn't the point of the thread
the words were a diversion, enjoy your ruse cruise

Rather an unattractive nigger than some fucking stygian horror.

The thing next to him kinda stands out user. Too much to be honest.