Would you eat a girl out while she is on her period?

Would you eat a girl out while she is on her period?

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I'd sooner eat a chicks unclean shit speckled asshole than put my mouth on a bloody vagina.

Not like I'd eat a girl normally

I have. Wasn't even that messy. Just tasted like a little bit of blood and very slight pee taste.

If I was drunk enough sure but then again I'm crippled by my porn addiction and can only ejaculate when eating out a girl's asshole so I'm not really one to ask.

go for it scatanon

I would marry a man who would do that for me


honestly though nobody wants a femcel who posts on Jow Forums about her periods.

That might be true but if I ever find a guy who would do that, it would probably be here.

Short answer: no
Longer answer: absolutely not


Then maybe stop replying to me and go eat some bloody pussy


Would a girl suck my dick if I hadn't cleaned my dick cheese for a week?

a-are you on your period RIGHT NOW?

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Fun fact: The very first time I went down on a girl she was 16 and on her period and her mother was asleep in the next hotel room, and this was Disneyland.

when i was with my only real gf, I would.
she said she didnt want to have sex or anything while she was on her period despite being horny and one night while we were stoned I was like "I don't mind" and then I dove in.
My goofy ass started using her blood as war paint tho while yelling "FREEDOM" and we ended up just laughing about it then showering, then going to bed.

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Why yes, I am, user

That's actually kind of cute and wholesome

>Why yes, I am, user
hot desu

No, but i did fuck her while she was on her period, multiple times

It's actually a fetish of mine to do so, so yeah.

Yes. I have done
It's the best