Babysitting a 13 year old girl

14 now actually.

This is a very long story and I have no doubt you faggots wont believe me, but on the latest months I have been acting as the babysitter (well, caretaker I guess, I just cook her meals, watch out for her and tell her when to bathe, study and sleep) for a 13 year old girl as a part time job of sorts.

Thing is, I was developing mixed feelings of lust and actual love as if she was a sister, but besides all that it was the belief that it was all some kind of scam of her mother to make me do something to her and blackmail me. That fear seemed completely unreasonable, except on the latest days she actually jokingly asked to me to go into the bathroom with her.

1) I dont think thats normal on a girl her age, im being set up. Nor any of her interest in me. Nor her sexual interest. Not that im ugly or anything but I dont think it works that way.
2) Should I just drop this job? Even if its a blackmail attempt, I like her. I wanted to ask her if it was something like it but she hates her mom so she would be offended.

Im feeling lost.

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Just decline offers like that and continue doing your duties as a babysitter?

>it was the belief that it was all some kind of scam of her mother to make me do something to her and blackmail me

thats your mind trying to make up an excuse for diddling the girl

what kind of trailer trash hellhole is that?
no normal person would let a man "babysit" their 13yo daughter

In the unlikely event that this is not bait,what is your relation to her and her mother? Like, was the job an indeed post, family friend, how do you know her, how did you end up in this position? More information is needed about the situation before proper advice can be given.

First of all, this . Second of all, don't put yourself in that position. Just because the girls' parents are idiots doesn't mean you have to be.

i have done no diddling whatsoever

thats what im considering too. If I get fired after rejecting her advances too much Ill know it was a scam attempt of sorts.

Id feel really bad for her though.

I wanna argue but that was exactly what made me so alert all this time. It seemed out of reason that they would hire me. But I got reccomended by other person they trust. I guess is like asking your cousin to look for you daughter, you dont expect him to fuck her.

This. Don't try anything with a 13 year old, full stop. Just do the job, and if you have to cultivate any kind of feelings, make em paternal.

>I dont think thats normal on a girl her age
A lot of girls lose their virginity around 12-13. Not the majority, but a good number of them. It's completely normal for a girl her age to be interested in sex, although it's less normal to be interested in sex with an autist, but they can get over it easily if the age gap is big enough. Girls her age have an obsession with maturity and really tend to prefer dating someone older.

That said, don't do anything until she's legal, when she's legal you can do whatever you find appropriate. I wouldn't recommend missing out on your one chance with a girl out of moralfaggotry.

OP is a furry LMAO hey faggot just leave the house and cut your appendages off, then that poor "child" will be a lot better off. Totally serious. DO NOT overanalyze this. Stupid npc.

Its pretty normal for girls that age to develop crushes on older guys.

No actual relationship before this job. She is busy with her work and needed someone to watch her daughter and the house. For what I can tell she has no friends and her family and daughter hates her too. I got reccomended after doing several part time jobs watching houses while their owners where on holydays. Got paid to do nothing, here I get paid to take care of the girl.

>she actually jokingly asked to me to go into the bathroom with her.

She's just noticing that you're a bit awkward teasing you

>It's completely normal for a girl her age to be interested in sex
no it's not Jeff, kill yourself again

>Babysitting a 13 year old girl

Seems like a good way to get framed for something. Women are notorious liars, when they feel the need to lie.

Then I think you are overthinking things. She's probably just teasing you. Just keep working diligently. Offer a listening ear to the girl if you really want to, but absolutely nothing more than some emotional support. If it's a long term deal maybe try to talk to her some, because keeping the job may depend on how much she likes you, but do not allow yourself to think that your relationship to the girl is any more than that. Don't fall into fantasizing or anything like that, dwelling on such thoughts and feelings only fuels them.

>jokingly asked to me to go into the bathroom with her
it was just that, a joke. thats how younger teenage girls are. they make a lot of weird sexual jokes and comments but dont really understand how weird it makes the guy feel, especially if hes older.

I figure so, she has been coming hard with the odd sexual questions. I dont think she believes im too weird honestly, we get along fine.

Yeah. This is solid advice. I just need to clear up my mind.

You're babysitting and you let her go to the bathroom? That's a baby you are watching, not keeping her diapered would be the reason you get fired, next you'll tell us you let her have solid foods ignoring the choking risk. Just make sure you test the formula temperature on your wrist.

I think you should start exposing yourself to the girl to see how she reacts. "Accidently" show her your rock hard erection after coming out of the bathroom one day. See how she reacts.

>trying to get user raped in prison

op you should ask her if she has a boyfriend or a crush and see how she responds

what the fuck kind of 14 year old needs a babysitter?

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was gonna save that but the face ruined it

Listen my dude, you have the perfect opportunity to groom her.

I know it sounds degenerate but if you wish to have any chance of getting a loyal wife this is the time, be close to her and earn her trust. Be like a big brother to her, and light up her life by Being kind without making any sexual moves. Make HER attracted to you, as she ages she will eventually admit her love if you do it right
When she's underage just play along dumb adult "we cannot you're underage and it's illegal" she'll be your friend until reaching AoC and then hopefully if you did it right you'll have a qt wife.

Holy shit.

Yup. I'm about done with the men on here. You are all creepy, predatory, abusive, spiteful, bitter assholes who would do anything just for the chance at sex.

Women. Are. Not. Objects. We dont want to be taken advantage of. We dont want to be a fantasy trophy wife for you to masturbate into. We are, surprise surprise, real people with dreams, ambitions, aspirations, and relationships of all sorts.

saying you're going to groom us? Like. Are you fucking serious, dude? We just have to go straight from our parents house to yours and never get to experience life in any capacity?

Yeah, no. Fuck that.

Hey, I think you accidentally opened the wrong board, sorry, this isnt /lgbt/, tranny.

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asking the real questions
what kid with a double digit age at all for that matter?

Reddit spacing and all. I r8 this b8 an 8.

probably not a trap OP but still dont do it. most girls are curious to learn about sex/masurbation at that age if they haven't already started experimenting. like said most girls in the age range of 11-13 seem to have a massive obsession with being seen as mature so much so they don't understand the gravity of dating or making advances on an older person. just keep it professional and if she tries something risky on you tell her parents IMMEDIATELY they may stop letting you watch her but it will clear you of any suspicion.

except he's right retard, I know you autists haven't interacted with women outside your mothers but girls mature faster than boys FYI. on average girls start puberty at 12 and end at 16 while boys start at 14 and end at 18.

a lot of men kill themselves because they are lonely
so by your logic that makes it normal

>comparing suicide to natural sexual maturation
why not join them and kill yourself. here's your (you) retard go troll somewhere else

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Hey fag. It seems you got lost in your way to Tumblr.
Before you go, make me a sandwich, fat cunt

>We just have to go straight from our parents house to yours and never get to ride the dick carousel before settling with some beta?

>implying suicide isn't a natural life maturation

>We just have to go straight from our parents house to yours and never get to experience life in any capacity?
If fucking around to be a worn out whore is your "aspiration, ambition" no one from this board would want you so you don't have to worry about us at all

Are you the same user that posted a thread about babysitting a 13yo girl that acted like a bitch for a while a couple months ago?

This except she knows exactly what she is doing and that this is just normal female development experimenting with how much power she has just because she's a young sexually maturing female

Now I REALLY want OP to groom this bitch.

DO IT, OP! Just to piss this chick off. Totally worth it.

*she's a young sexually prime female*


Oh no. She is a kid. A kid is prone to overreact if hurt. A kid WILL do stupid shit for attention.
Ask her if she has a boyfriend and there is no telling if she tell this to her parents either because retarded. proud that she got herself a "boyfriend" or angry at you.

This is a pipe dream. OP doesn't sound like oneitis, so there is almost no chance of him having enough motivation to raise a girl. Not mentioning the "loyal wife" part. Which is itself unrealistic.

Just forget it, OP. Fap to some loli hentai and move on with your life.

Uh, mine never acted like a bitch. I was warned however that she was going to be a total bitch, but she has been really nice with me so far.

A woman is like a paper bag floating in the wind, a worthless object until a man takes it and makes use of it, giving it purpose.
Don't do anything stupid, user. You might not be getting set up, maybe it was just an innocent joke she didn't think through. Do you job and don't let others put you in difficult situations.

i hope this is just copypasta. but really? thats what made you decide to opt out?
do you know what ive seen posted on here? i remember the time some underage user here posted pics of his 12(?) y/o sis here and said that he was selling said pics to buy a car

What the fuck, of course its normal to babysit 13 year olds, they are literally children and at that age you can have the most retarted ideas you could potentially have.

>blackmail me
Unless youre from a very wealthy family I doubt its blackmail. If you are concerned or sense an issue, stop babysitting her. The girl hitting on you is probably because she is horny teen. Ignore and do your job. When she 18+ she will fuck you even if youre ugly and she is a 10/10, youll be her fantasy guy for years.

not falling for that one

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You are on fucking Jow Forums what did you expect?

You deserve castration

Please, honestly you're so fucking cringe. Why are you even here?

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you have to surprise her by taking the initiative worked for me

am i fucked up if i think this is actually a good idea? i mean its horribly explained and worded out but i think the concept itself is honest

>she hates her mom
>I dont think thats normal on a girl her age, im being set up.
I doubt she would work with her mother that she hates in order to blackmail someone unless they were absolutely destitute, and considering they have the money to pay you, they are not poor enough. It's probably just a regular job, and the family trusts you to follow through on it.
>on the latest days she actually jokingly asked to me to go into the bathroom with her.
>I dont think she believes im too weird honestly, we get along fine.
If she's spending every day with you, it's not unreasonable for her to develop some fondness or casuality with you. That's how regular relationships with people are supposed to work, right? I can't comment on the kind of relationship it is, though. I'm not present to observe in detail, nor have I been provided much data.

well technically he wouldnt be fucking her, least not to anyone elses knowledge (realistically).

Death camps for roasties!

if you don't fuck her you're a huge faggot

Don't do anything illegal, you tard.

She'll have blackmail material that could legit ruin your life that she could use against you the moment she decides she doesn't like you anymore.

This white cumskin is going to get raped in jail repeatedly cuz he diddled a thirteen-year-old wow I can see exactly where the story is going.

Listen dude you're either a pedophile or you're not but you're never going to get away with it if that's what you thinking

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Enjoy your time with her, young girls are sweet and beautiful.


>b-but i could go to jail!






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>I was developing mixed feelings of lust and actual love as if she was a sister

i see the problem here

maybe hes hiding the fact that the girl is actually his sister or some close relative, and he wanna do lewd things, im calling the police

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im sure thatd be the last resort of most robots here right before they become an hero t b h

Show me your fucking paperwork, motherfucker

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how is asking if she has a boyfriend or crush going to hurt her?

This, with her age I was taking care of my brother when my parents where at work

>i know ur not going to believe me but...
thats the first sign of a lie, virgin. also pedo

lmao sure teens have sex with other teens, but with adults? nah senpai ik its fun fantasizing about fucking a girl and all since ur an incel but cool off on it.

i dont
incest, even pseudo-incest, only improves matters.

Look, OP- shouldn't her first time be special? This way you can guarantee she'll be with someone loving, protective, and trustworthy. If you don't she'll just seek out affection from whoever she can get it from, and likely get used and abused by a stranger.

If you truly love her, satisfy her burgeoning urges. Biologically (and realistically) speaking a 14-year old girl is completely sexually mature. If you deny her she'll resent you for it. Maybe even become so angry that she creates lies that you propositioned her. Or that you straight-up raped her, not just "technically" but bound and gagged with death threats. Who do you think her parents/the police will believe?

1) It's what's best for her sexually and intimately
2) It's what's best for you sexually and intimately
3) If you don't you're MORE likely to face social/legal reprecussions

You can either make sweet, passionate, intimate, consentual love to this young beautiful woman that you love and who loves you, possibly creating a long-term relationship to save you from your crushing loneliness, which you can easily go public with the day she turns 18.


You can live with fear and regret and probably go to prison.

This isn't a difficult decision.

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you'd better act normally. If the young girl admires you or likes you, she'd better grow up 3-4 years and be mentally mature with more agency. Unless you're attracted to childish characteristics (in which case you need to see a professional yourself), you should proceed to act professionally.

Even if I gave in to her advances I wouldnt be actually fucking her, she is too young.

Actually this thread is making me reconsider my lust, but its difficult to keep it in check when I interact with her despite my feelings. Is just that I wonder how will she react if I keep rejecting her advances and playing dumb.

Im tired of "hurr durr larp" posts so I wanted to avoid those, im on a bad mental state currently because of this whole shit.

Sounds "reasonable" written like that, but if we were to do something and her mom who trusted me and paid me found out, chaos would ensue in my life. Im just surprised at the ammount of horniness a girl that young can even have.

Dude it wasn't a blackmail. She was joking. Even if she wasn't joking, females go through a real (allbeit weaker) phase of juvenile lust due to hormones, and she's just delusional due to hormones. Either way, if you fuck her you are raping her and are a pedo.

>muh incel
another one huh, look its fine if you've never interacted with a women outside you mom but dont project your delusions onto others here's your (you) now join the last retard who liked using buzzwords and false equivalencies and kill yourself

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Im the biggest degen pedo on both 4 and 8 chan and not even Id fuck her under these circumstances. It screams trap. Best move is to ignore her. Even grooming her for 4 years wont work bc she is going to grow up and move on and its wasted time. Find an immature 16 or 17 yo to molest.

Plot twist, fuck her mom. Bonus points if you get the girl to crush on you before you cuck her with her mom, loudly, in the adjacent room

aye wes watson waddup foo. are we gonna have to fire on this motherfucker?

Based chaotic evil poster

Just fuck her dude, you got ptp ready and willing and you're not gonna do it? It's worth the jail time.

If you don't get at least hj or bj from her you're an idiot

this guy's a fucking chomo, i saw his paperwork. time to mark that fucking face up

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Ever read Lolita? Just do exactly that. Marry her mom, mom dies in horrible accident, become daughters legal guardian, and sweet little loli is all yours. Happy ending for everyone

>be kind to her
>no sexual moves
>she will ask you out
Virgin alert! Girls like to be pressured into sex and they never ever make the first move. How do you think Muslims groom white girls in England? I assure you, they don't do it by acting asexual and "lighting up her life."
>she'll be your friend until reaching AoC
no, she'll find a real man who will fuck her while she's underage, because that's how girls work.
this roastie is absolutely SEETHING! Haha, I love it.

You deserve the noose

>Girls like to be pressured into sex and they never ever make the first move
have you never spoken with a 13 year old girl? they will definitely make the first move

>i have done no diddling whatsoever

Jails are full of innocent men who thought that the truth was a good defense

You are in a very precarious situation user, one allegation and you have a 50/50 shot of joining them. And that's if you haven't done anything. People get very on edge when there's a young girl involved, regardless of the facts.

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Well whenever this gets screencaps I wanna be here and user whatever you end up doing remember you're in no rush bide your time and enjoy life if you do end up fucking the 14 year old atleast let it be consensual

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>most retarted ideas you could potentially have
I dont see any 13 year olds shooting up their middle school

Okay lets rephrase; most retarted self harming or financial damage causing ideas.