White anons

Why are you racist? You could easily get a gf if you went for black girls

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Is it true most black girls like race play?

Thats not going to happen as i live 99% white country.

I'm not. Some black girl 14 years younger than me [I'm 40] tried to pick me up in a bar a few weeks ago and I had to refuse her because I'm married. One of the biggest regrets of my life. She was gorgeous.

Some do and some don't, she'll tell you if she does

>tfw no white abusive bf

Not even black girls want me...

Go for poor white guys with alcoholism

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My ancestors are smiling at me Incel, can you say the same?

They don't like black girl, only rich faggot like.

>White guys with alcoholism
Pretty redundant

Hnnng shes so exotic I just want to grab her everywhere

Shame, im a neet so i don't think black girls will like me

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Who makes these threads? who is pushing for white men to chase black women and what do they gain from it?

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I'm currently dating one, it's great.

Dont worry about it

Based user

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I'm kinda racist but when I was in college (16-18 in Britain) I had a massive crush on this hijab Pakistani girl

the namefag cuck gook from r/asianmasculity called "lucifer" here

I would love a qt black wife to have 10 children with

im one of these posters, ama

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>why are you racist?
The majority of my experiences with black people have been unpleasant. I associate unpleasantness with them and I attempt to avoid them for that reason.
>you could easily get a black gf
I could, but see above

LOL. rent free bros

Tbh I just tend not to be attracted to black women as often.

I'm not racist, I just really despise niggers and everything that has to do with them

Because I want a girl to like me for who I am and not because I embody a racial stereotype or fetish.

A shame, being racist would help you a lot with black girls.

Imagine a black sugar mama that would be glorious

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A red sun would also be great, but fantasy is not real.

Abusive? Wtf is your problem

Why aren't you filled with a visceral disgust by pictures like that? What could possibly drive you to be attracted to something so repulsive?

Maybe so, but i am simply not interested in courting women at the moment.

It's just the colour? If she were white she'd be OK? She looks beautiful to me.

Pleb, you believe anything tv tells you, on't you?

blackbot here. I dont know what you people find attractive in these girls. Most of them smell bad and have shitty personalities.

>have shitty personalities.
Three holes to fuck, no brain to annoy, this' what's good with black girls.

Black is wack

black women prefer black men

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Good job being faithful to your wife, I guess.

But it sucks because you'll probably never get an opportunity like that again dude.

Goddam id hate to be black

I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post?

some incel retard with no life, hes been at this for the better part of a year or more

Do you really think the vast global Jewish conspiracy involves making race fetish posts on the virgin containment board of a mongolian horse-gelding forum?

>disliking women of your own race
>no brain to annoy
pffffft OH NO NO NO NO NO

it seems really common for the men who inhabit this board. lucifer hates asian women and actively encourages WMAF

I couldn't, you asshole. No girl that isn't fat or ugly wants me.

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>absolute fucking degenerate tier
wh*Te """"women""""
>shit tier
East Asian girls
>low tier
Arab girls
>mid tier
Latina girls
>high tier
Native American girls
>top tier
Black girls
>God tier
South Asian girls

It's kind of creepy that you keep the bodies of your ancestors all around your computer. I imagine you had to steal some of them from graveyards and burial mounds. And you say blacks are criminal - at least they're not corpsejacking their ancestors.

who could it possibly be, user?

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the entirety of this board would disagree with this post

Agreed, based and redpilled.

I actually think black girls can be really cute and I would have no opposition to marrying one as I would a woman of any other race but it just feels like this is some kind of psych operation to bait guys into liking black girls. Can't people just have their natural preferences and be happy?

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Why are Indian girls top tier?

Same reason why south asian and black are top tier.

these threads are made by racists who only want one for raceplay

because my dick says so

This is not the case, none of them talk about raceplay for longer than one post.

>you could easily
If your own is hard to get then someone from a different culture (even if only slightly different) will be even harder.

indians girls are fucking hot

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Don't be naive, it's far easier.

black women are awful

That's the point, they are awful and easy.

I touched a black woman once and her skin was oily, i had oil on my hand

i'm talking to a qt east african girl right now but i'm socially inept so it probably wont go anywhere

used to unironically be a black girl idk now

It's another black girl.

hmm that so

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Not a good black girl, probably she has autism.

why dont black fembots just date blackbots?

Arab girls are top tier you inbred mongoloid

Bot in general are strange people, they don't follow normal rules.

Sometimes when I am getting a bout of jungle fever, I am convinced my purpose in life is to service black pussy.
Chocolate pussy is delicious.

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Nice body, but I want to have white kids one day.

>and easy
For alpha men not fags who cant even bed a fat Becky.

>your little pink sausage belongs to me, user

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No, really easy, you just have to fool them.

Just got aroused to the thought

>small tits
>slender figure
>cute cunt
Muh di-
>nipple piercing

Why must perfect girls ruin themselves,time and time again?

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(((Organizations))) who want to push race-mixing realized that it's a far safer option to shuffle all the women around to different men rather than having all the women fuck niggers.

ohhh so its jews then. ok

>TFW I like slim black women and fat Asian women.

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>Who makes these threads?
They have a nose that makes a distinct silhouette in profile

White bone and facial structures but with exotic dark skin.

Indians are caucasoid. Most just have a darker skin tone than whites.
Skin tone is not what determines race, however.

Only northern Indians. Avoid Dravidians at all costs

It's a very cute body, but this certainly some random image and while i find piercings to be hot, it's highly indicative of sleeping around to me.

Statistics did. Before r9k became a place for trannies it used to be the birthplace of incel culture. An user used an okcupid study to show that black women and asian men were the least preferred races on dating apps. So an user had an idea that to get out of this place we needed to chase black women and condition ourselves to like their bodies. Hence the black girl threads were born. theblog.okcupid.com/race-and-attraction-2009-2014-107dcbb4f060
my first kiss was with a black girl, it is no meme. If you start listening to more r&b, stop being a square, learn to dance, you basically are guaranteed a black gf. Even the hot ones don't get black bfs cuz all the brothas chase snow bunnies. And black women are a lot leader than white girls, all that sexy music turned them into nymphos so you'll be pounding black girl pussy all night every night. It would be hard to keep up but their bodies are so lewd that it keeps you coming back for more!

I know phoneposting

I don't find the majority of black women attractive physically, and the ones that I do find attractive physically, are more than likely ghetto trash hoodrats that act like thug niggers. Black women, as a whole, are exactly like black men. Why would I want to date a black guy? I only really find Hispanic and Asian women attractive, besides white women. But I'd only want kids with white women because I want my children to look like me and be apart of my European culture. I don't HATE non-whites, I just want and love my own and think mixing is bad.

it's easy and you can do pretty much what you want.

I don't think I was "conditioned" to find black girls attractive, it's just that there's an honest level of uniqueness in a black girl that likes to play video games and browses dumb imageboards. I'm not looking for some ratchet cockmongler, I just wanna make friends with a black girl and see where it goes.

>ywn have a girl like this
why even continue living

>when you tell a boldfaced lie in order to avoid saying anything good about white men

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No it aint, Im a blackbot I know what Im saying you horny ass cracker. Black women got that hypergamy shit on steroids.

I need to suckle on Nicki Minaj's asshole and lick her thighs. It's not fucking fair bros, I need to be her slave

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I didn't avoid saying good things about white men, they are the most preferred race on okcupid. It even says it in the statistic. Notice how they even mentioned all other races were avoidant of black women and all of them almost unanimously liked Asian women more. Black women might "prefer" staying within their race but statistically all other men prefer every other race asides black women. So the market for black girls is slim. Look at the Male statistic on your pic. And you think you can get a K-pop gf? Nigger look at what board you are browsing, you can't get any pussy at all. What makes you think you can go into the Asian girl big leagues and get a hapa? They're all getting fucked by Chad and becoming spoiled westerners. Your animes are a lie. You have to adjust. Either you anhero and post it on Jow Forums, or choose the route of good and taste delicious black girl pussy

I would not mind it if she sat on my face, desu

I'm not, but I can't really go for black girls if I don't know any. At one point I knew a bunch of them, but I was too socially retarded to even think about getting into any sort of relationship with anyone at all.

Abusive how, user? Like master and slave or like random drunk?


A good mix of both, like 30/70.