Why havent you taken the paganpill anons?
All abrahamic religions are secondhand judiasm and only exist to put people in fear of a ruling body so they can instill a theocracy and hold total power
The gods dont command subservience, you dont have to kneel. The gods are to be treated as you would a close friend or family member. There is no church to tell you how to worship, you just do. Instead of living in fear of sin, you live your life only seeking glory. There is no fearing mistakes, as the gods themselves are imperfect and know mistakes and imperfections are in everyone.
And before kristjans come in and say "b-b-but paganism is dead bro!" I would point out some things
Paganism is far from dead, just hidden. More than you would imagine is pagan.
All days of the week save for saturday are named after norse gods.
Easter's eggs and feasts are pagan, named after Eostre (or Ostara depending)
The feasts of thanksgiving are pagan, they are Freyfaxi
The gatherings, feasts, and presents of christmas is yule. Remember the song that goes "on the 12th day of christmas my true love gave to me"? Christmas doesnt have 12 days, but yule does.
Even in technology.
The name and symbol for bluetooth is pagan. It consists of the younger futhark symbols for H and B, the initials of the danish king Harald Bluetooth.
These are everywhere. Just because they are not obviously norse does not mean they are not norse at all, this is the doing of kristjanity.
It is your choice anons. Live in fear of any sin whatsoever lest you face punishment for eternity, constantly kneeling and asking for forgiveness, or live with nothing but honor, in any form it can take, and kneel not for any men, as the gods are not to be kneeled for, they are as imperfect as us.
There are no rules, no commandments, no papacy. Honor has no true form, it has no proper way of being gained, it is what you think to be honorable, no one else can say.
The choice is yours anons.
Kneeling in fear, or standing with honor.
Why havent you taken the paganpill anons?
Other urls found in this thread:
>The feasts of thanksgiving are pagan
also, taking aesthetics from something isn't the same as active worship. People that wear Nike clothing don't worship the Greek gods.
I don't believe i just learn.
because it's a gay braindead cringy larp, see:
>Christmas doesnt have 12 days, but yule does.
They didnt take the aesthetics. Kristjanity conpletely grafted paganism onto theirself and said it was there forever. Expert theologians have said the odds are that jesus (if real) was born in the spring, not winter. Yet somehow his birth lines up with yule perfectly. Its also very telling how the only major scholar of norse religion until the 20th century was a christian who even tried to add in christian elements to norse religion.
They stole the holidays. They didnt even bother changing the name of easter. This all happened very conveniently after Harald Bluetooth and Olaf tryggvason let the papacy kill and proselytize in denmark and norway, sweden coming soon after.
Even from an objective standpoint, it seems very sketchy that 2 kristjan holidays have traditions and names that are the exact same as norse ones, and these happened to become known and popularized only after kristjans invaded scandinavia.
Im not trying to say using similar names is stealing, i wouldnt say that anyone who watched marvel believed in norse gods, but its more than names, they took the near entirity of holidays and claimed them to be their own.
And yes the thanksgiving feasts are pagan. The date has been moved back but that might be attributed to it taking centuries for one calender and universal time and date measurements to be implemented, but the idea is the same. Share a feast with those close to us, and to be thankful. It used to be a thank to frey, god of the harvests and rains, but as the god was taken out of it, it was changed to what it is today. A feast in which thanks are given, happening during the time of the year when harvests are made.
>believing centuries old lies made up by the papacy and hammered in as hard as possible to make their legitimacy as unquestionable as possible
Kristjanity took centuries to figure out when their prophet was even born, and even thats a lie. Im sorry about the bluepills you've been spoonfed.
>you live your life only seeking glory
That's not a good thing for a society or yourself. It will not satisfy you, and will not help those around you.
>the name for bluetooth is pagan
It's based of Harold Bluetooth, the first christian king of denmark
Seek the Lord, friend. You don't need to go to church or subscribe to a denomination to accetp Jesus Christ in your heart.
What are the benefits of paganism compared to say, thelema, chaos magick, or pantheism? I'm a pantheist and I have to say I'm much happier with worshipping the universe and sensory experience rather than some human-like entity.
I'm not dissing paganism. In fact, I think it's better than abrahamic religions and the dharmic religions. I think it's comparable to animism in the amount of benefits it has for you.
What's in it for me, as a pantheist? Is there any introductory material that you would suggest to get into it?
>hey mom look i called the pagans cringy again!!!1 idek what "cringy" means anymore but I'm gonna keep spewing it anyway because it makes me feel less insecure
>be me
>believe in an abrahamic religion
>be enslaved to an entity that some dude in a ceremonial dress says exists
>Live in fear of entity, rather than in awe of it.
>don't have cool magic powers like pagans or cool meditative states like the buddhists
>prayers only get answered to the whims of this entity I believe in
Are the abrahamic religion followers the ultimate cucks?
>The name and symbol for bluetooth is pagan.
are you actually falseflagging to make pagans look even dumber?
>not good for society
Let me ask you a question
All major historical figures had spent their lives kneeling in church, where would we be?
Not making cures for AIDS
Not having been on the moon
Not building planes that fly faster than sound
We would be in a perpetual cycle of church and death.
Kristjanity lost their control over all of europe and now are hidden in one city where half of the priests rape kids
Vikings scared the piss out of europe so much they were handed Normandy on a silver platter.
Keep kneeling, you dont deserve to stand with greater men
>harald bluetooth muh kristkan king
I know. The point i was making is the symbol itself is made of the very runes discovered by odin. Harald is also the worst card you can play. The most he ever did was take papacy bribes and put up stones congratulating himself. He got rejected by the queen of sweden when he asked to marry her because she said shed never marry a bastard whos traitorous to the gods. He was his own biggest fan, and an immense loser.
>seek the lord
Rather a wolf of the gods than a sheep of jesus.
I mean no offense here, but the names you just gave are unfamiliar to me and sound like something id find on tumblr. As i have no knowledge of those things, i cant give an answer. I do hope you are able to find one yourself though.
Yes. Why do you think all abrahamic religions want a theocracy and all share the same god? Its a conspiracy to get the weak-willed to put theocratic leaders into power.
Read above. The symbols are younger futhark. They weren't christian at all. If you care to see how, read Runatal out of the Havamal.
I do not fear the Lord, I fear my stumblings into sin. But I know that Jesus died on the cross, so that I do not have to bear the wounds of my sin, only the scars.
Neither do I have to be bribed with "magic powers", it does not strengthen the spirit, only exalts man higher then he truly is.
Hey, I'm the guy that posted about animism and stuff. Thanks for the response dude, hopefully I can research my own stuff about paganism. I'm sorry that the stuff I said is too obscure, it's just that I've been exploring my beliefs for a long time. It's not everyday I find people open-minded enough to share about belief systems other than abrahamic cucks and scientistic autists.
I hope you have a nice day and get some converts along the way.
Well, it doesn't matter anyway. As long as your own beliefs make you happy, I respect that. But what do you get from proselytizing on Jow Forums of all places? Is there a requirement for you to convert other people? Wouldn't you be happier just following the rules of your religion and ending up in heaven than trying to get people into it? It's not like your God has a convert quota for you to follow.
>Not making cures for AIDS
>Not having been on the moon
>Not building planes that fly faster than sound
Because pagans did all those things of course.
>runes discovered by odin
You mean the germanic alphabet based on the etruscan writing system ultimately based on phoenician, a semetic people, writing?
>Vikings scared the piss out of europe
They raided, raped and pillaged. They attacked unguarded monastries. Look, were pretty badass, but what they did still was kind of messed up.
>Rather a wolf of the gods than a sheep of jesus.
Don't let undeserved pride blind your judgement.
>explicitly claim that "The name for bluetooth is pagan." as evidence that paganism lives on
>backpedal to "yeah it's actually mamed after a christian but nobody actually cares about him"
It's not like I despise pagans or anything, I really like the aesthetics and stuff. I just don't want people to think christianity is all bad. I don't really think people should follow christianity if they don't want to, but I think it has a lot to offer. Especially to people lost in despair like so many in this place.
The day I see a pagan larper that's not a loser, I'll read this bullshit.
I thank you for your kind words and hope you do find an answer. All i can say is do not apologize for obscure beliefs, as it shows you have spent time searching for one that means something to you, and that you are truly thinking, that is not something to apologize for. I hope you have a nice day too.
Have you ever
>eaten anything with fat
>let your hair become unkempt
>tear your clothes
>eat pork at all
>perverted justice, i.e. showing anythong but pure objectivity
>slandered anyone
>mixed fabrics in clothing i.e. wearing denim and cotton like 99% of the population
>cut your hair at the sides
>trimmed your beard
Congratulations, you have sinned. Chances are repeatedly, If not daily.
>because pagans did those things
That wasnt my claim, do not stray from the argument.
>ackhyually the alphabet was...
Read runatal before making an argument. Younger futhark was germanic, but ir was derived from elder futhark which was not germanic.
>what they did was messed up
A fair claim, but everythinf was messed up in the 1300s, atleast pagans didnt kill all cats due to fear of witches, starting the bubonic plague which killed a third of the world population, then blamed it on the jews.
>undeserved pride
This may come as a shock, but no one tells me whether my pride is deserved or not. My better judgement tells me its deserved. I dont need an all powerful being to tell me to behave and be good, i do that because i want to
As ive stated twice, the point being made was the runes used, and as stated twice also, read runatal. I was giving context as to why the symbs used were H and B, thats all it was.
Your idea of a loser seems quite biased, i suggest growing a remote semblance of unbiasedness and objecticeness in your thinking before typing out the flagrant atrocity that is whatever claim you're trying to make.
Sounds reasonable, but my own personal experiences have made me cynical about Christianity. I don't have anything against Christianity itself in question, but holy shit some followers are crap. The deep south in the US is more religious than the other parts, yet, it's also the most racist. What gives? And there have been Christians using the bible to shackle the rights of women and minorities. And don't get me started about the pseudo-christian, money-worshipping Republicans. I used to like Republicans when they weren't so cutthroat businessmen claiming to be Christians.
If all Christians were like Mr. Rogers, then maybe I wouldn't have my complaints about it.
I know that what I said is a counterpoint to you wanting to highlight the positives of Christianity, but that's mostly my own experience. I hope you spread the goods of christianity rather embody the bads of it.
>what I said is a counterpoint to you wanting to highlight the positives of Christianity
racism, misoginy, homophobia, prudism, anti modernism ARE the positive of Christianity faggot
maybe convert to paganism? it's very globohomo-friendly
>Have you ever
A lot of the sins you listed are based of the old testament, which was a covenant between God and the ancient israelites, not the new testament made with all peoples.
The other sins are still sins, but not unforgivable sins, They are still bad and we should try to avoid them, but we can't alway. That's okay, because Jesus died so that our stumblings won't follow us forever.
>That wasnt my claim
So if neither christians nor pagans did it, then what is your point?
>kill all cats
Cats were occasionally killed, but not in such huge numbers as you seem to imply.
>whether my pride is deserved
I think you should base your pride on your accomplishments.
>I dont need an all powerful being to tell me to behave and be good, i do that because i want to
I know, but what about those who don't want to do good?
>the point being made
The point being made is that you're wrong. It was't named after paganism. The choice of logo doesn't make it any more evidence of paganism being alive than the Nike symbol being evidence of the Greek pantheon being alive.
>but holy shit some followers are crap
Defenitly, but that is the case with most religions to be honest.
Still I understand your concern, but christianity has been used to justify many politcal positions, which makes me think that politicians, left right and center, are missing the point.
>old testament
If gods word is so absolute why does he have different rules for all different peoples if all humans are the same as they were shaped in gods image?
>the claim thing
I didnt care to elaborate but i guess i have to
My claim was not at how paganism is good, its how kristjanity is bad.
You made it seem as if i was making a case for my beliefs when i never did, my case was one against kristjanity, nothing more, nothing less.
>they didnt kill many cats
The murder of cats is the very reason the bubonic plague happened. I never said they killed every cat in existence, i just said their actions of killing cats led to the death of A third of the world.
>base your pride on accomplishments
I do.
>people who arent good
If they arent good why would they suddenly be good if a book told them?
>"gee golly gosh i have an inchoate desire to rape my grandma, and have almost done it 10 times! But this book said no, so i magically wont have tendencies towards rape anymore"
Bad people are bad. No book will change that.
>you're wrong because you're wrong
You cant beg the claim. I never said that paganism had never died, my point was one of saying that it is not ad dead as people believe it to be, just that the religion has been removed from many aspects which have survived to this day. Not everyone who uses the normal days of the week is norse, but the days of the week (save for saturday) very much are norse, even if the religious correlation has been removed.
Because being an white american mutt, I have no real connection to any particular mythology. Also, I don't know how to practice.
>kristjanity is bad
The last 1500~ of western civilization were bad?
>if all humans are the same as they were shaped in gods image
No humans are the same, but still humans are a reflection of the perfection of God. However we did not trust God and chose to decide for ourselves what is good and evil.
>if gods word is so absolute why does he have different rules for all different peoples
All people should now follow the new testament.
>Bad people are bad. No book will change that.
They can find motivation and reason beyond basic empathy to do good.
>I do
Right. How are you a wolf and not a sheep?
>The murder of cats is the very reason the bubonic plague happened
No. Rats are and always will be around. Besides, the plague spread from asia.
There is no proper way to practice for the most part. Holidays (mostly Blots) have a general way of doing them, but there is no right or wrong way to worship, the gods are not to be seen as supreme entities with no weakness, they are treated as friends, family, people we can laugh alongside. The most lucrative worship might get is that many people generally choose 1 god to use as a lesson to live. I personally have chosen Tyr as a god to take after in living, and i use his actions as lessons, but thats as complicated as it would get. There is no proper way. If you feel something is truly right and honorable in your heart, thats correct. If you choose to practice by helping your community and being honorable, that is entirelt okay. If you choose to practice by strengthening your mind and body to the maximum, that is also entirely okay. Its what you think is honorable, proper, and true within your heart.
That just sounds like living normally.
Also like I said, I have no connection to any particular set of pagan Gods.
The fact that there are no routine rituals is a problem for me, because I think that kind of structure can be very useful, but I don't know how to design one myself.
Based af
Fellow Saturn worshipper? The Demiurge? Odin? Shiva? The great and terrible IALBADAOTH? Hmm? Gnosticism, neo-pythagorean? I'm all these things, underneath they all paint the same picture. Let the xtians remain xtians, let the abrahamic ones remain abrahamic. If they had the truth then they'd have power, and we can't have that. It's so much more fun this way, where all they have are lies. Amusing too.
It does seem close to living normally because you dont change how you live much. Chances are you already do what you think is right, and thats all there is to it. Other than a few rememberance days around the year and a small handful of Blots (basically offering food and drink to a god as thanks) your life does not change much.
>my point was one of saying that it is not ad dead as people believe it to be
Yeah and then you mentioned something completely unrelated to paganism as an example.
Well i guess sidestepping is your end goal
It was a mediocre conversation while it lasted
kike, fuck saturn/demiurge/yaldaboath