What do you think about opposite sex friendships, Jow Forums...

What do you think about opposite sex friendships, Jow Forums? One way ticket to the friendzone and an exclusive domain of creepy Nice Guy orbiters, or can anything good ever come of it?

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I've been friends with a woman for like 3 years now, exclusively online, we play vidya together and I act like an autistic Jow Forums faggot. We get along well. In the time I have known her she has gotten married. She is fairly conservative overall. I used to play vidya online in a mixed group of men and women. Some of them liked each other but I just never saw this woman that way. Maybe cause she is a few years older than me. I dunno.

On the other hand when I was younger (I'm 26 now) I was friends with a girl from my high school and pined after her for 3 years hoping maybe she'd fuck me and she never did. This board actually talked me out of buying her a birthday present like a huge cuck and I finally realized we would NEVER have sex and that harsh truth led me to cut off the friendship that wasn't even really friendship at that point. Well, also, she got drunk and told me I'd find someone one day then we never spoke to each other again.

So it CAN work out but it usually does not.

>In the time I have known her she has gotten married.
Why not to you though, are you ugly?


Look at this creep Jow Forums, thinking that women can form deeper connections to people over time, what a pathetic loser.

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Oh my god I read the convo in the OP image.
I am not sure if it is more cringy or more creepy.
The girl acted completely nice and normal and the guy went full psycho on her. Sick fuck.

Anyhow, yes. Friendship between men&women is possible. The old nerd group from highschool was mixed and we're still friends. All depends on the guys being able to friendzone the women properly.
Can good come of it? Yes. I wouldn't want to miss ANY of my friends, they are amazing people that enrich my life. They are family. And especially the incels here would extremely benefit from friendzoning a woman and socializing with her. Makes you more comfortable around women in general and they can teach you a thing or two about how to behave, dress or talk. Also you can ask them for dating advice.

I've only ever had friendships with females. I don't really get along with guys because I'm too passive and boring, but some girls are ok with me - they probably see me as inoffensive and figure I won't mind listening to them babble about their lives. It's fine if you don't mind the fact that you will never get to fuck them, and there was never a risk of them wanting to fuck me. It was ok honestly, I suspect they didn't like me all that much but they made me feel like I was accepted for a while.

But then there was my oneitis, who I was friends with and was basically my dream girl. On one hand I have some great memories with her, but it also gave me a taste of what I can't have. Sometimes I wish I didn't know, because I haven't been able to enjoy my miserable life since.

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>What do you think about opposite sex friendships
If you truly just want friendship and it's a mutually beneficial friendship, it's fine.

But most guys typically see friendship with girls as a way to build up 'niceness tokens' to eventually cash in at the girl's pussy bank. And it doesn't work like that.

It leads to a relationship sooner or later. At least in my case. Every women I've had contact with for a longer time, ended up being my gf

>. And especially the incels here would extremely benefit from friendzoning a woman and socializing with her.
How is giving free favors to someone going to benefit someone who's already in a shitty place, socially? Women are very good at recognizing guys like that and milking them for all they're worth.
>Also you can ask them for dating advice.
Just go back in time and be born a Chad isn't much of an advice.

Why don't women fall in love with guys who are being nice to them, when men fall in love with girls who are being nice to them all the time?

Is it because everyone's nice to girls by default so they turn into spoiled brats?

>female friends
HAHAHAHAHAHA oh fuck I wish I was a teenager again lol.

I mean I'm not a girl, but I assume it's looks based just like it's looks based for most guys.

I wouldn't fuck a girl who is a fat slob despite how nice she is to me.

Why are you so crass? I'd marry and love a fat slob if she wasn't a bitch to me.

Sorry to hear that you have no standards

It can happen, but probably at least 50% of the time there is one-sided or mutual romantic attraction.

Physically not really, but it seems like "not being a bitch" is an unreasonably high standard nowadays.

>tfw ghosted a girl who fell in love with me and started turning psycho when I already had a gf and other girls were talking to me

why is it always when you're in a relationship that girls suddenly want to talk to you? I don't even message first half the time.

>I don't even message first half the time.
If she's messaging you first half of the time that's really good, she wants to be your gf. Normally they never message first at all, unless they want something out of you.

One friend always ends up liking the other. Women use it for attention, Men for fapping material

The best thing I got from a friendship with a girl was that she lend me the movie of Nausicca, the best thing I got from a friend was a 70$ pair of headphones. I''m not a materialist but...

numbers speak

women feel the same way about men who shower them with time and money and then ask to start dating, as drivers feel about homeless people who wash car window without asking and then demand money

Robots can't handle being friends with women. They mistake human decency or friendliness as romantic interest, and will believe if you stay friends for long enough that you owe them, or it's expected, to turn it into a relationship.
Tldr, if you're interested in having a gf don't befriend women, won't work; you'll just want to fuck them

ive had girl friends before. they're just a crappy version of a guy friend.

>opposite sex friendships
Here, swallow this pill

Why? If a girl showered me with time and money I'd marry her.

in this scenario you are the one with a dirty windscreen, and women are the ones who washed their windscreen literally ten minutes ago while refueling their car

Are you trying to sell me some "societal injustice" incel theory?

nah, i'm trying to explain why women don't reward effort that they didn't ask you to put in. same reason you don't want to pay the hobo for washing your windscreen.

Sometimes I feel sorry for robots and there lot in life but images like that are really rough. The bloke has a complete lack of social skills and self awareness. It ends up being incredibly cringey. When I read stuff like that it feels like when I was a teenager.

A lot of robots I know still behave like teenagers to women when their peers have grown out of this stuff:
>Think attention = like.
>Won't stop messaging.
>Says really dumb things.
>Is never clear and obvious.
>Doesn't take a hint.
>Comes across as pathetic.

About all I message girls is, time/place/meet up. Talk to them in person where I can have better conversations and see their reactions more. This kind of snivelling, "I really need you but I'll blow up at you in a moments notice" is why women don't like robots. Normal people can honestly sense this kind of stuff from people.

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>Normal people can honestly sense this kind of stuff from people.
How come they can never sense that you'll beat them up while roid raging, rape and pimp out their kids to your drug dealer buddies, outright kill them when you get paranoid they're cheating on you, and that kind of stuff? Always seemed weird to me that there's this sixth sense that detects a guy who will send you lengthy text messages, but nothing for everything else.

>I just never saw this woman that way
why though? is it just the age thing? or was she not attractive enough or something? what causes men to orbit some women while genuinely friendzoning others in a polite and amicable way?

like the whole notion of having orbiters is absolutely foreign to me - dudes constantly talk to me while also friendzoning me entirely. like they obviously think im interesting enough to willingly hang out with me and invite me to thinks and chat with me and so on, but they also show utterly no interest in a romantic capacity. is it just an uglyness thing? also I'm brown - is that alone enough to relegate me to like some kind of female friendzone (which evidently no other women have to deal with)

>How come they can never sense that you'll beat them up while roid raging, rape and pimp out their kids to your drug dealer buddies, outright kill them when you get paranoid they're cheating on you, and that kind of stuff?
The vast majority of people aren't dating that kind of person. A normal person's radar will detect both kinds. Messed up people on different ends of the spectrum won't guess it.

>this sixth sense that detects a guy who will send you lengthy text messages
It isn't that. It is the feeling of walking on eggshells with someone. This undercurrent of them saying they really like you but also exploding at you at a moments notice.

I guarantee you have at least one or two guys interested in you that you've friendzoned. How many of these 'dudes who constantly talk to you' are there? Sounds like orbiters to me.

>It is the feeling of walking on eggshells with someone.
Yeah that's how I feel like when talking to women, they'll immediately put you on your shit list as soon as things aren't going 100% as they planned.

>on your shit list
*on their shit list

>How come they can never sense that you'll beat them up while roid raging, rape and pimp out their kids to your drug dealer buddies, outright kill them when you get paranoid they're cheating on you, and that kind of stuff?
Those things are evolutionarily advantageous in men because they indicate high status and high aggression, why would women be able to sense them?

Whereas social retardation means low status, high mutation load, and weaker offspring who can't work together.

Then you know how it feels to walk on eggshells. It isn't a good feeling at all.

This, if you want to appeal to women it's actually a good thing to be an aggressive psychopath, especially if you're a domineering bully.

they aren't orbiters because they tell me about their love interests (i.e. other people) and lament about how much it sucks to be friendzoned by some other hotter stacey they know.

It's hard for me because I always catch feelings for any woman who shows interest in me. I still want some friends though, male or female... but they don't even want to be friends with me because my social skills are awful and I'm autistic. apparently I have to improve my social skills before I get friends, while having no friends to practice them with. It's like the people who need experience to get a job, but can't get experience because nobody will hire them. I'm glad I don't have that problem, at least.

Then you're really ugly, you'll have to lower yourself to dating a robot.

k but i literally only talk to robots. surely you could acknowledge, at the very least, that hideous women are probably more robotic than you

i don't know op
i just wanna play video games
i don't understand socialization or friendships

I don't believe it when a woman says this anymore. I've had experiences where they said they had no friends and no romantic prospects and it always turned out like this pic.

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Maybe they don't want someone who talks to a bunch of other guys? I wouldn't.

>lament about how much it sucks to be friendzoned by some other hotter stacey they know.
They only talk about other women in a vain attempt to make you jealous acting as if they have an active life when really they are pining over you.

hideous women probably have some sort of social support network at least, so I won't acknowledge that. also try dating apps, there have been plenty of experiments showing the most hideous women imaginable getting more messages than 99% of guys.

That guy is a total sperg, I'm friends with girls all the time. I'm not interested in dating every girl I come across, only if we're compatible
Though it is exceptionally normal for them to just not respond to an invitation, I've found the same results with guys

I used to do that but it had no effect, so I gave up. I wouldn't be surprised if that's what they're doing.

For me I friendzone a girl if I know we aren't compatible in a relationship, like if we have different goals and stuff. It happens a lot sadly since I dont want kids but a lot of women do
Granted, the women do the same with me, so we just stay friends and dont go anywhere from there. It's not an ugly thing, at least for me, its judt a compatibility thing

man you are a retard if you think that women and men cant be friends, me and my mom are perfectly good friends and we dont fuck

orbiting is my fetish so its awesome

>Well, also, she got drunk and told me I'd find someone one day then we never spoke to each other again.

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>be friend with girl for quite sometime
>she struck me down repeatedly at first
>finally accept the fact that she's only a friend
>start seeing another girl
>friend starts seething over the fact that i have a girlfriend
>keeps trying to goad me into breaking up with her by insisting she's talking to other guys
>literally follows the girl I'm seeing around to see if she's up to no good
>tfw I caught her and she tried to play it off like it was an accident
sure, in some instances it can work but never if there was a prior romantic connection.

>be pretty conservative guy
>completely turned off by tattoos
>start talking to tattoo'd girl at work
>she's really cool, same mental mindset
>zero attraction because above reasons
>hang out a few times, have a blast
>become real friends, be straight up with her about how I feel and don't feel
>she's thankful that she finally has a guy friend that's not trying to fuck her
>she gets a job somewhere else
>we're still good friends, hanging out again very soon
To answer OP, as long as you're not autistic, yeah guys and girls can be friends.

>be friends with girl for three years and some change
>first two years she's a really good friend
>she gets hungrier and hungrier for attention at all times
>decides to try to become a e-famous
>can't hold a face to face conversation without several Snapchat breaks to send to online orbiters
>she starts treating me like I'm online orbiter
>stop talking to her
I hope it was all worth it.

>can't hold a face to face conversation without several Snapchat breaks to send to online orbiters
What a bitch, I hope she'll hit the wall hard

How come women don't feel any attachment to people they've been talking to for months or even years?

because they have better options

We're talking about people here, not consumer products, if you're not fucked in the head, you don't view people like that.

Now that you know the problem you can blame
>The jews
>The rich
>The gov
Pick one or more

I think women view romantic prospects on a curve/pareto distribution, where they'll consider dating maybe the top 20% of the men they think they have a chance with. For guys, they typically have a far lower amount of romantic prospects. If anyone shows interest, sometimes it's enough. Or if not, it's because she's below a 4/10 or 7/10 or whatever the guy's bar is, not because they don't fall into the top group of prospects. If a guy had a large group of 7/10 prospects, he would consider all of them, while a woman would consider only the most attractive of those. For example, in online dating, women will consider the top 1-20% of profiles acceptable, while guys will typically consider 40-100% of women to be acceptable.

no fuck you

I'm fairly certain her boyfriend recently broke up with her. I'd like to think it's because of shit like this.

People do feel attachment but people drift apart for many reasons. One of the problems with robots is they are all or nothing. Either they are messaging you everyday or they are not talking to you at all.

Normal people have friends of various closeness. Close friends you talk to a lot. Friends you see every so often. Acquaintances you hang out with.

Robots constantly try and "force" a closeness. Instead of understanding that you don't automatically grow into close friends.

Robots see it as a process of aquaintance, friend, close friend. Unfortunately that is not how it works. People come and go in your life. People are friends based on interests or they don't share any interests.

I have best friends I barely see because of distance but when I do I make it count. And people I see regularly but I don't chat with them about personal things.

Every robot I have talked to has overshared instead of trying to work out if you are compatible being closer.

Hideous women get messages from even more hideous men who are social cripples on top of that.

Yeah but I'm not just talking about romantic attachment, I'm just talking about caring about people you used to talk to every day, they are extremely prone to ghosting and treating people like they don't even exist anymore, and I just don't get it.

>People do feel attachment but people drift apart for many reasons.
If they care about each other no they don't.

Fuck off with that shit, you're online 24/7, if you can't talk to someone every few days, you have a personality problem.

She has to be buttfuck ugly for the friendship to have a chance, or you both need to be taken and incompatible characters (in other words, you need to despise each other to a certain degree).

Whenever a girl tells me that I'm unfair about saying there can't easily be a friendship, I ask this: As a girl, do you HONESTLY think that if you went and spread your legs to ANY of your guy friends they wouldn't fuck you? THIS is the measure of friendship or something more. Mostly, unless the chick is seriously ugly or we're taken and in a serious relationship, we wouldn't say no. So, there. No friendship.

maybe so. but are you saying that having a large quantity of other losers to choose from is worse than having no choice at all as a below average guy? Or that it's equally bad?

I guess they have a large support network and they don't need us for anything really, in fact they could spend their time better with other people. I find that with women I have to initiate everything, and they never seem to care if we drift apart.

I'm guilty of oversharing. I often find I don't have much to say, so sometimes I share my troubles, but I've learned not to do that. People react very poorly to a man with troubles, they think he needs to fix them on his own and not bother anyone else. women are not held to this standard, they can be emotional and open about how they feel.


I would have said no, just blatantly try to fuck women and only be friends with guys, but Ive recently had an interesting experience. There is a girl at work who is an absolute knockout, but her personality is so offputting and I have so little respect for her as a person that I have zero sexual interest. We mutually use each other for career advantage, so thats kind of like a friendship. But maybe that isnt any different. Just use women as objects, for sexual or other purposes.

I am ugly. To be quite honest I met her in a game where the character she was playing as was my waifu so I died protecting her and later she added me on steam cause she thought my autism was funny but I was in love with the waifu girl for a long time.

Yeah it sucked and I tried to kill myself but I eventually got over it. Don't care about her at all anymore. I barely even jack off to her pics.

She's not ugly at all. It's hard to explain. She also lives hours and hours away from me.

Life takes over. People are busy. The problem with a lot of robots is they go to that "Please respond!" Having messages be "seen" doesn't help. I knew robots who got really mad over that shit. But sometimes I would see a message and forget about it. Everyone does it.

Contrary to popular belief people aren't talking 24/7. And a lot or robots that do talk like that run out of things to say.

Demanding people's attention all the time is why so many women get turned off from robots. Quality over quantity. Make conversations matter more than wanting to constantly talk.

>you have a personality problem
Friendship is about two individuals choosing to spend time together. Not about two dependent personalities trying to fix each other. People have lives..

If your friend is tired from work, do you demand their attention that very second? People who talk all the time don't have full lives.

>If they care about each other no they don't.
You sound young because life does happen. Caring is really overused by robots. Dependence and familiarity is not the same as genuine affection.

Sharing troubles is a complicated business. It isn't that people don't care it is complicated. Sharing issues all the time becomes a dependence. A lot of robots want an outside influence to suddenly fix their problems and this can shame and guilt others. Also, you need to understand that your problems are seen through the lens of your own mindset and often our mindsets aren't always straightforwardly understood.

Also you must understand helping people is really hard and a skill most people don't learn. You have to listen and try. Most people either share similar experiences or give vague platitudes as advice. It is really hard for people to help others. People can be catalysts to change but ultimately people have to try and fix their issues themselves.

If you need share troubles, try and tell your friend you just need to vent and would appreciate someone listening.

I feel like thats happening to me atm op... I started college recently and met a girl the first day. At first I thought she had a boyfriend so I treated her as a good friend. Then one night she started being really flirty and leading me on. I catch feelings for her hard after that. A few days later I found out that she does have a boyfriend. Why did she have to do that? It fuckin hurt man. I plan on not talking to her for a while, hopefully its for the better.

>Demanding people's attention all the time is why so many women get turned off from robots
This is not my particular problem. I'm more the opposite, in that I don't contact people enough and then we drift apart completely. but they don't contact me either.

>Quality over quantity.
this is more my problem, other people are higher quality interaction than me.

>Sharing troubles is a complicated business.
interesting thoughts, I don't share my troubles often, but when I do I notice that people avoid me after, so I stopped.

>I met her in a game where the character she was playing as was my waifu so I died protecting her and later she added me on steam cause she thought my autism was funny but I was in love with the waifu girl for a long time.
That's so sweet, if women weren't scum you'd be telling that story to your grandkids.
>Life takes over. People are busy.
Yeah I bet that NEET bitch who just sits around in her room every day who's always online on Discord/Steam is curing cancer and saving the whales, she just forgets to log out every morning.

>Dependence and familiarity is not the same as genuine affection.
Let's rephrase the original question then, why don't woman have a normal human reaction to people they're dependent and familiar with and develop affection towards them? Men do.

they probably do that, just not with us because we're too weird/unattractive.

Incels are scum but we all knew this.

Only worth doing if you knew them as a kid.

>What do you think about opposite sex friendships, Jow Forums? One way ticket to the friendzone and an exclusive domain of creepy Nice Guy orbiters, or can anything good ever come of it?

sure you can be friends with a girl, but there will always be some sort of sexual tension there, and sooner or later you will end up fucking. Unless ofc she has you friend zoned.

People don't automatically develop affection to others. You like people for a variety of reasons. Just regular attention is not enough to magically create a lasting friendship. Sometimes people share interests or experiences like shared adversity.

Men and women aren't vastly different in this regard. The situation you're describing mostly happens because one party likes the other more than they like them back.

Unrequited affection. It is a quagmire to deal with. Be friends with someone, are you leading them on? Don't be friends, they might get upset. Be firm with someone or don't be firm. They might overanalyse everything you say regardless of intent. People don't always take 'no' for an answer. Some people like leading others on for pure attention and to use others.

Friends can fuck you're just incredibly creepy.

Just don't be a creep like this guy.


>He met me when I worked at a Hooters in my hometown when I was a senior in high school. He became obsessed with me ever since.. but I mean he was pretty sweet at first (in my naive eyes) and admittedly back then I was insecure and liked male attention. So I became his friend even though he was older, I guess the thrill of that was fun or something for me.

>Ok fast forward to one hear like 3 years ago when I broke up with my college long term boyfriend and was going through a roughhhh patch. I made the mistake of having phone sex with this dude. I was feeling self destructive and lonely and shit. And yeah that was my fault but he took that to mean way more than it did. He became downright obsessed after that. I had moved back to Chicago to work and do post-graduate school after college and so I visited him to hang as FRIENDS and play video games a few times and he became really clingy.

>People don't
Women don't, men do.

In your anecdotal experience.

I have seen plenty of guys be shitty friends.

i have girl friends, i have guy friends. i have a girl friend and i have girl friends that want to fuck. it's all about your personality and their personality.

i never asked the "friend" if she wanted to fuck or anything. she told me about her r/gonewild posts and everything went from there. i literally got to that point by sending image macros to her.

don't expect much from things and you'll have a good time. expect a lot and you'll consistently be let down.

>when I worked at a Hooters

Attached: laughing_furries.png (600x600, 19K)

>trip shit poster
>options disregard
if you were such an unloveable queer you wouldnt be trip shit posting for attention cuz moomy and duhdy dont love you. mocked, filtered, queer poster ignored

>she told me about her r/gonewild posts
Why didn't you just cut contact?

Cutting contact is for babies and emotionally stunted beta males

>providing any justification for ghosting people that treat you poorly
lmao nope

Ghosting is for women

I have many female friends
I would fuck most of them if they came on to me, with the exception of my queer obese eng student friend with two-tone pink and purple hair
I probably wouldn't put in the effort of coming on to any of them, since there's always a chance of failure and you risk destroying the friendship, it's easier to just meet new girls
many of them I was interested in pursuing when we first met but it became not worth it (they were not interested, or taken, or logistics were too hard)
some of them I've fucked or been in a relationship with before (although these are usually less close friendships desu)
male-female friendships are only bad if one of them has a case of unrequited love or is just real thirsty. it's totally possible to be friends with someone you want to fuck without either orbiting or being weird and uncomfortable, just enjoy their company and direct your sexual energy elsewhere

lol sure. i bet you write a book when they stop responding too.

What are you saying that they stop responding? I'm beginning to see the problem here.

My mom forces me to go out with her friend's daughter all the time, and I have to pay for her food and movie tickets. I fucking hate it, she's got a boyfriend too, I'm being used for free food and movies. I fucking hate doing it, fucking hate it. She's not even interesting, she's fucking boring and basic, whenever we get drunk she blasts Drake or Lil Pump on my car, it's fucking horrible.

Attached: 7171C605-A049-420B-A8D2-8032702F549A.png (332x332, 148K)

Nothing wrong with hanging out with people. you should have gone it might have been fun.

Sounds like she's trying to set you two up, does she know she's got a boyfriend?