Fuck this heatwave.
Where are you located? Is it hot? Are you surviving? I hate it when it goes over 30C.
Fuck this heatwave.
Where are you located? Is it hot? Are you surviving? I hate it when it goes over 30C.
surviving with just windows open but i'm not happy about it
Humidity at 37 percent
It is quite comfortable here in ohio.
That girl seems to really be enjoying that black popsicle.
We've been averaging between 85 and 98 for the last 2 months. Only had I think 2 days at or above 100 this year so this is a pretty average summer really. We've had ones much hotter, but these 98 degree days are still fucking miserable
Dublin. Weather is shit here
Also londonistan here
just been having a long cold shower about an hour before bed every night and sleeping without a duvet
just stlitting at home all day. have almost no idea what's going on outside, weather etc.
nice try shills but global warming isn't real, go peddle your snake water somewhere else
Haha what heatwave? It's 15C here in Finland.
>denver, CO
>101 degrees Fahrenheit here
fucking kill me
Good idea, user. I'm in London too. I might try this.
Fuck you.
FUCK Denver.
Sorry... it's involuntary
Mexico, we are fucking dying help.
Thank god I am part of the mafia and I have a good status, which means I can bring my family shit like acs and comfort
It's like the upper 60s. Hate this wishy washy weather. Either be hot or cold dammit!
minimum 95 with average 55%+ humidity everyday
Ft Benning, GA. Here for training. It is literally 100 degrees and 90% humidity almost every day. Been a cold weekend though! Excited!
>their home is Ft Benning
>a land that god forgot
>the mud is 18 inches deep
>the sun is blazing hot
Heat is the nigger of climates
Greetings my fellow military bro.
just got out of basic? Not sure how the army works but I know bootcamp is in benning
Rotterdam, Holland
Sweat is dripping from all angles, can't sleep for shit lads
I hate when it goes over 20 C
central california
white people are not meant to live here, I need to go north
30C is a heat wave? It is like 46C (115F) here.
Where is 'here' exactly? You in Phoenix or somewhere?
I-I was finishing airborne training and I'm moving to another duty station soon. The army has 4 basic training stations in Ft Benning, Jackson, Leonard Wood, and Sill. Depending on your MOS you go to different basics. I-I am infantry so I went to Ft Benning then stayed for OSUT (more IN training). Are you planning on joining?