You will never have multiple girlfriends
You will never have multiple girlfriends
I wouldn't want to. Monogamy is important user!
Me to the right
Yeah it's a trash feel desu. Not sure how to get a gf to be open to it, guess I'm too ugly?
pls be in canada originally of course
fucking ugly bastard tag.
Just self-insert yourself, user. I don't see the problem.
Why is that fat asian faceless man stealing all the waifus, every time?
>huge penis
>excellent kisser
>master of foreplay
>god tier stamina
>knows millions of lewd positions
>cums gallons
>doesnt give a fuck about being ugly / fat
I don't know if I'd ever be able to love more than one girl equally so I think it's for the best.
Although it would be amazing to cuddle with two girls I don't think I could be a good enough bf/husband to two different women so one girl is enough for me
Now I just need to get that one
guess again mate
it's a huge amount of work and you have to be good with a schedule but having 2 bi gfs is kino
please originally teach me your ways senpai
post more of these where 2 find?
This. Guide us sensei chad
I'll never have one, so I'm not too broken up about this
>year of our lord 2019
>having multiple gfs like a degenerate
>not sharing a monogamous relationship with a single woman and building your family through traditional values
I have had multiple girlfriends and it sucks. Stick to one, or none. Women expect too much.
I don't though, I want intamacy.
I want to feel like I'm the only person in existence to someone, and be able to share that feeling.
I want pure spiritual and physical connection to someone beautiful. And I want the product of that to result in beautiful healthy children.
Polygamy is on the same page as homosexuality to me. Both are harmful and destructive to culture, and have long term negative impacts on society, and it's back bone, the family unit.
i'm no chad I was just in the right place at the right time, but
1. be open and honest about what you want, poly isn't for everyone and if your relationship goals are incompatible with a potential partners better to know sooner and let her go
2. be sexually open and nonjudgmental, talk about fantasies and desires, a lot of 'straight' girls secretly fantasise about ff and ffm. as well, in my experience if a relationship is highly sexual it's easier to make it take an unusual shape - if the sex is more in the background it's more likely to end up as a stereotypical couple who move in together, do brunch with their couple friends, and watch tv on the couch
3. if you're into bdsm and being dominant in bed, having that dom/sub dynamic present in your relationship makes it easier to manage and deal with things that are outside of her comfort zone, including other partners - she might want to be with another girl but feel weird and insecure about it, if she's in subspace you can 'take responsibility' for those feelings and let her enjoy it - dom/sub in general is my secret for healthy relationships
4. if you have two partners and you want them to date each other, you can't MAKE it happen, they have to make that choice. this is probably the hardest part of forming a triad. you can try to facilitate their relationship as best you can, but as soon as it feels like you're interfering it's over
5. I don't do this personally, but you can try to get involved with poly communities in your city (look on fetlife or at your university). I find there's a lot of crossover between poly, lgbt, and sjw groups - and those people are usually kinda gross and annoying. but you'll have more luck finding people who already know about and want the same thing there
I unironically think it would be really hot to have two girlfriends, one I have sex with and one that's just like my mental/emotional girlfriend. Not in a cheating kind of way either, like openly doing it with us all living in the same place.
I don't know who the second girl would fuck, the first girl? Other people? Nobody? Maybe it would work for one of those asexual girls. I don't know who she would fuck, but that's not really the important part of the appeal. I'd like one girl to be my regular partner and one girl I'm allowed to openly look at and talk about and want and fantasize about but I don't get to touch for whatever reason.
Oh I will.
At least in my mind I will.
And I will enjoy every single moment.
It is called having a mistress and it has been a common dynamic throughout time.
Isn't having a mistress when you cheat on your wife and just have some other bitch you fuck on the side, and then the side fuck is the mistress?
How is "mistress" in any way an accurate descriptor of what I was trying to convey to you
I did read the entire thing, desu. lel
Why would you not want to touch the other partner?
I don't know, I don't question sexual thoughts or desires anymore. I just think it would be hot to have another girl that's forever out of reach. I'd like to be able to fuck the normal wife while the other one is literally in the room and I can look at her and it wouldn't piss anyone off. Of course I'd still love and be attracted to both of them, I'm not saying the girlfriend I do touch is less important or anything.
Shit I don't know, maybe she could watch and masturbate, but not participate. I'm flexible about this. They could fuck each other too.
denial can be pretty erotic desu. not my jam but a lot of people are really into it
sounds kind of like having an adult daughter
Not really a daughter, if anything I feel like it puts her in something of a dominant position, above the two of us (As in me and the one I actually fuck).
I want just one girl to have a special and close relationship with.
My ultimate sexual fantasy is to have 2 girlfriends and get them both pregnant.
who would want that you retard?
I do actually. Open relationships are great.
If you think having multiple girlfriends is good then you've either never had one or have never been in love. Being with another girl except yours is the worst feeling ever