Give me legitimate reasons that I shouldn't just be a slut

Give me legitimate reasons that I shouldn't just be a slut.

>walk into a room and get hit on type looks
>friends enjoy night life and clubbing
>sexually open and pretty damn kinky
>have enough experience that not much is intimidating anymore

Give me a reason other than your shitty post-modern conservative values.

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uh lol you aren't a slut already?

Idk, aside from not being sexually open and "pretty damn kinky", I've always had people look at me like they'd like to whatever, and yet I didn't become a slut because I didn't want to and had other more interesting things to do.

You can be a slut if you want to, or you can be some other thing you want to be. It takes a lot of time and effort to be a slut and getting laid all the time.

don't put labels like "slut" on yourself to live up to. just do what makes you feel good. as long as everyone consents!

if you wanna be a slut thats your choice my dude

If you don't care about reputation, go on.

It greatly tarnishes the true intimacy and bonding which makes sex with someone you truly love so great. I know I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I had dirtied myself with 20 sexual partners before my true love. I suppose it's a spiritual thing for a large part, if being a slut is what honestly seems like a desirable way to live for you, then go ahead. I assume you don't have a long-term partner at the moment? Your sexual history might be hard on them when you do.

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If you want to be a slut then do it. It is of no concern to me or anyone here. If you are fine with being used as a sexual object and fucking as many people as you like then you go do that. Personally, that is not the kind of life I would want to live because of a few reasons.
>I feel like sex outside of love lessens the ability of sex to be an expression of love. I want losing my virginity to be a moment I share with a woman I want to marry. An example of the value being lowered is like saying sorry too much or going out to eat every day. Sorry becomes casual and does not really work as an apology or going out to eat is not as much of a celebration as it used to be.
>secondly, I think it just feels dirty. Lots of random sex increases risk of stis and accidental pregnancy. Also getting involved with the wrong people
>And finally, it hurts self image. At least it would hurt mine

if you're considering being a slut you're a slut already

You might go to hell when you die. I know i am going there, but thats for an entirely different reason

>you will statistically get 2 or more STDs
>you will statistically never have a successful marriage
>The wall will hit sooner than you expect, and you will have nothing to show for it

Not that I'll tell you not be a whore, it has its perks. But it has a price, a price women pay much much sooner and longer than men

Because at 40 you'll wake up either

>with someone who is not with you and doesn't love you's child

and good willing he will become a NEET that will browse this board for the rest of your life

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Because it will lead you down a unhappy path. Its like doing drugs.

You do you. So long as everyone's consenting who gives a shit.

>guys your age who search for real relationships will be happy with a girl
>guys who pump and dump girls will just leave you to get younger girls
>you'll get old and can be no longer a slut
>your best chances is to find a miserable enough beta to settle down with or become a cat lady

All of this, once you'll be past 40 no one will fuck you other than 65+ miserable fucks

I want a slut gf to ride my dick after coming home from a date with someone else.

After a certain amount of partners, you lose the ability to pair bond altogether. Your ability to form intimate and deep relationships already diminishes drastically with each hookup. Not to mention you're diminishing the image of society.

It takes courage to be a slut. It takes courage to not be a slut. Don't ask these retards how you should live your life. Ask yourself. Who do you want to be? Then go be it. Don't ask for permission or forgiveness, only what you think about your own actions matters. If you feel you made a mistake accept and acknowledge it, then move on. You can always re--evaluate and change your mind later. Who fucking cares what you do with your life? Not any of us, just you.

>get hit on type looks
what constitutes a hit on type look?

Okay, what's with this faggotry? If you have a label, it's for a reason. Work on it or accept it.

It will legitmately destroy your future.
"live in the moment" is a lie. The pain of a life in ruins is far more than you can imagine.

>It takes courage to be a slut. It takes courage to not be a slut.
what exactly doesn't take courage then? evidently just existing takes courage.

if you're sexually inexperienced then sex takes on an entirely different (and IMO better) character than if you aren't. it's a lot more novel and minor things are like super enthralling and exhilarating. getting seasoned with sex makes it more boring/routine and less intimate over time.

Pic related OP, make sure to ask for his consent

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cover those skeletal sticks you sickly whore

The half-assed thing most women do where they act semi-slutty but judge other women for doing things they arbitrarily judge as more slutty does not take courage

I mean could you not just say that a modicum of sluttyness is tolerable? Like realistically whatever's considered 'slutty' at the time is relative and as certain behaviours or fashion styles or whatever get normalized then they no longer become slutty (ex. leggings now). Given that there's a kind of grey area with respect to what is or isn't slutty, couldn't you do exactly what these half-assing women do and just pick and choose which things qualify as slutty and which things don't and in this sense technically fit into the "courageously embracing non-sluttyness" category?

The label belongs to you, not me. I am not a slut because my own promiscuity does not negatively affect me. It is a label you use to gauge whether I am an acceptable potential partner for you, but this is irrelevant to me because anyone who thinks that way is already undesirable to me.

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a woman who has many casual sexual partners.

Being a slut is the classic hedonistic exchange, short term gain/pleasure for long term suffering. Modern woman think they can just "stop being a slut", but the devil is in what you didn't do moreso than what you did. Yeah you sucked dick for free meals and came on Chad's cock, but then you hit the wall and you didn't develop any skills, aren't pretty anymore, have no real friends, people view you as a hole, you don't know how to get thimgs for yourself and you're addicted to cock, attention amd probably drugs. So you spend 25+ being angry, hating men, becoming a heroin whore, dating to subsist, emotionally entraping men because you're a dog now, etc. It's not so much what you did but what you didn't do, which is the basis for moral thought.

What are you fucking gay? Fucking gay retard? Kys nigger.

I do not acknowledge that sexist derogatory language as legitimate in any capacity, probably in the same way a black person would not refer to himself as a nigger or accept that term as a label, simply because it is used by racists. Your attempts to legitimize your bigotry only reveal you.

>a black person would not refer to himself as a nigger

A true Chad wont even look at you
i have some true allround 10/10 Guy Friends, and they could pick any girl they like, what they do insead is pick a good Girl.
they dont see any worth in slutty girls that want to have "fun while thier young"

they are at the top and only pick people from the top

i want to be like them one day.

STDs are more prevalent than ever but hit me up im tryinna fuc ayo ya heard ha haaaaaa also you could get raped

I love sluts. My dream is one day marry a slut and watch her bang all kinds of dudes.

Niggers call themselves niggers and other niggers their niggers all the time.

Because the secret is that just because the dick comes from someone else doesn't mean it's better. No matter how many different flavors you think you're tasting it's all the same. You can have sex but at a certain point you need to focus yourself to having long-term relationships because if you train yourself all your life to have meaningless hookups when you hit the wall at 30 as all women hit the wall at 30 you won't be able to mentally flick your switch and maintain a legitimate solo relationship. That's why you should have sex with more than one person because you should prove to yourself that it's really not that great just because it's with other men but you don't have to be a complete slut because that's not mentally healthy

It's like junk food you can eat some junk food but if all you do is eat junk food then by the time you hit 30 your consumption will kill you.

Everything in moderation.

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You've already made the decision to be slut. You're not going to listen to anything anyone says here, so you're really just looking for attention

I don't care if you suck 10000 cocks that's on you

> tfw no matronly gf

Unironically be yourself. If being yourself is being a slut, that's up to you to decide.

Do what ever the fuck you want. Just be prepared to face the consequences of those actions. Because it turns out, men, at least the ones worth any interest at all, don't want to have a long term relationships with busted out 30+ whores. So the guy you'll have to settle down with will be... less than optimal.
>muh I don't want to settle down
You do. You are biologically hardwired to. If you really stay adamant and don't do it (or can't, depending on your milage) enjoy constant clinical depression as soon as you hit menopause.

To answer you question in one statement tho:
>Whoring around is a shit idea because you can't do it forever, and if you do it, you will be marked and avoided like the plague for the rest of your likely long as hell life. So choose between 10, maybe 15 years of cheap fun or a fulfilled life

Do it you fucking degenerate. No one wants you because you have no fucking value. Go fuck yourself you dumb whore.

Sluts are less likely to be happy when they are in
their 30's and forward, they won't be able to have a stable marriage and also won't be able to form a family because they became vinculated to so many men that they just become crazy of how much cock penetrates it's pussy liberating large amounts of oxytocin so that she becomes in love with a man for the rest of her life, while men don't have this type of mechanism because they're more independent than women.

niggers call each other niggers all the time you dump slut, of course a stacy like you got the iq of a tyrone ape

how do I slutmaxx as a straight male?
(hard mode, answer if you dare:) as a straight sub male

It's the path to dissatisfying life. It's the fast food of relationships. It tastes incredible and you could eat it for days. But you end up fat and unmotivated by the end of it.

Same with whoring around. I've known many who are into the sort of slut culture and no one of them are happy or fulfilled by any of it. They're always sad and angry. Because all it is filling your very base desires. Whereas having a long standing relationship with true meaningful sex, the couple are almost always far more happy.

I'm not of the mind you can't have flings, or you must wait until marriage to have sex, I think that's too far in the other direction. But people who just mindlessly chase sex for the sole purpose of having sex are never happy people. It's a quick way to a miserable and depressing existence, all for a cheap feel good high that'll be over come morning.

it ruins your ability to pair bond. the slutty women are the ones who end up in their 40s, fat, single and depressed. if you have zero interest in long term relationships and are sure you never will, then go ahead and slut it up I guess

>a black person would not refer to himself as a nigger or accept that term as a label
top tier bait

>still believing the pair bonding meme

call it whatever you want user.

It's something brainlet incels tell themselves exist to make themselves feel better.

then what do you call a person's ability at establishing relationships? long term relationships aren't effortless, they take skill to create.

Why are conservative values bad?

Whatever it is has nothing to do with "ability to pair bond" which is just incel pseudoscience.

> of course a stacy like you got the iq of a tyrone ape