Rest in Peace Bobbin 2003 - 2003
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Watch it, nonces. I'm onto you.
last gen consoles had 4xMSAA, so I think the res. would be negligible.
that poor ca i... i just can understand how that MONSTER would do that
>British women
*doesn't understand the tech talk so smiles and nods politely*
cmon lad, just indulged me, im interested.
girl on the left is cute
This is Robert Thompson, the murderer of James Bulger. Now free from prison with a new identity and could even be posting on Jow Forums for all we know
Did nonce the dog? I bet he was like 7 when Shippy made him howl.
Hello lad, how's the panda?
mpg is going well so far, 150 miles and only just gone to 5/8 bars remaining
*grabs you by the shoulders*
They're the same woman. THE SAME WOMAN JUST A DECADE APART.
This is shippy, obsessed with serial killers, convicted animal abuser
>nice white on white ad
>its right next to cuck shite ad
>Tiger bread,
olden days this. 2016 i think
>shampoo, lndia.
cant remember these arguments
Wtf, when was there a girl in Malfoy's gang
>Shippy is a paedophile
oh god OH GOD NO!
gonna watch more grand tour
it's OK. it's basically comfort food at this point. skip all the studio segments, though.
>sees small defenceless animal
*trips up Moni outside the kebabby*
*smirks at my laddies*
You lads want in?
Feeling like ruminating on bad times todight haha
oi lad you got a license to talk about robert thompson? people have been arrested for posting about him on twitter
he has the wrongun look
>I post
>five /britfeel/ threads in the day
>I don't post
>/britfeel/ is lucky if it doesn't 404 by lunchtime
The cold listless stare of a boy who was abused by primary school teacher.
Surprised he's not worried, being an animal abused, having been doxxed, and being on a board full of people with nothing to lose anyway. If I were him i'd be really worried, haha.
So you're telling us you're responsible for filling the thread up with inane shite?
we all think that its what keeps us coming back
Virgin eco driver VS Chad fuel guzzler haha
Still on the eco game then?
Panda's alright, took it on a drive the other day, was going insane because people were doing 35-40 on country lanes the whole way. Shan't be driving over a bank holiday weekend ever again I reckon.
This is the face of someone who would go on to make almost 2000 posts about the same serial killer over the course of 18 months.
Who could have foreseen it
If you ever want to race me. Any time, Morrisons car park, Seamer next to the car wash. Say the word and i'll be there. You choose the final destination, feel free to practice
>a boy who was abused by primary school teacher.
only to go on to be an abuser himself
>smoks da wed
>joins in landan riots
Look at that serial killer stare
This is what I want to see.
More of this please garcon.
Can't agree with this more. The face of a kid who has been nonced up bad style by one of the worst nonces the british isles has ever seen.
Ever go on Jim'll Fix It shipanonce?
>his blankie is imaginary
>he isnt snuggling his blankie right now
I'm in a world of comfy
Haha which movie did you fancy Hermione the most in haha
the one where she was legal you fucking pedo
Sorry not posting her anymore don't want to be banned again
how long is it until he starts killing people himself, need locking up THE WRONGUN
>circular frame tries but fails to hide the jumper over the chair
That's like several of them tho
It's widely agreed that Azkaban is her peak performance.
Where the hell are you lad? It's hell on earth down here right now. Probably like 25 degrees outside still, room is 35 I reckon.
>flys past you both in an S500
Although I could probably beat the panda in an eVito
>The Smiths? Don't you mean The Chads?
Does she have a name? She's a fine specimen. She would do very nicely.
Reckon Moaning Myrtle shag and sucked off all the lads in the toliet?
I told you, a world of comfy. My blankie feels great warm or cold!
Based but noncepilled
Yeah but what do I get in return? make me a offer worth getting banned over
>Girlfriend in a coma, I know
>I know - it's serious
>There were times when I could
>Have 'strangled' her
Why does she look 40? Did she really die or is she just some old nonce who dresses as a schoolgirl and sucks kids off in the bathroom?
nice cat you have there
wouldnt it be a shame if someone
murdered it!
went and clogged the loo again but mummy knows her Big boy has BIG poos!
It's her name so I can look it up and jerk off to more photos. COME ON
cat liver with some fine heniz tonight
Slytherin was basically the young tory party desu.
just want to see if i can get close to what the manual says the maximum range is supposed to be
gone from like 30 mpg to 50 mpg just by changing gear at about 2000 or a bit higher if need to accelerate a bit quicker
round here it's mainly 30s and 40 dual carriageways, i don't go very far tbf
> She was 36 when she first played Moaning Myrtle (the ghost of 14-year-old Myrtle Warren), in "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" in 2002, and 39 when she reprised the role in 2005's "...Goblet of Fire".
Had eight pints in spoons. Whilst standing at the bar alone drinking a lot of "unattractive" girls were also waiting to be served. It was quite busy so they were waiting a while playing with their phones.
I am genuinely shocked at how so many of them were getting 10-20 people messaging them on instagram/snapchat/facebook/whatsapp.
They were continuously swapping between pages chatting to people. Non stop all different people.
Multiple invites to here and there. Them saying to multiple people in different places they were on their way or going their eventually.
I am literally gobsmacked. No wonder the younger generation find it so difficult.
I knew dating apps and social media made it more extreme but I didn't really realise how bad it was.
Fuck I am so shocked. How the fuck are shy awkward people meant to get any where in modern society?
fuckin cracked me up lad
It's a good picture tbqh lads. This is the actress that plays moaning myrtle.
nah m8 if you have something of worth don't give it for free, I have you by the balls.
Now lets discuss a trade
He has the lidless, evil eyes of a chinaman.
my anal virginity for your adult performer's birth name. deal or no
Up from the ashes
Up from the ashes
Grow the roses of success
that could have been you if you won the coin toss in the womb.
shame, now your a inferior male like the rest of us
moni just get topped by a fat bastard and stop complaining about your slag competition
wait, you just stood their reading their phones?
don't accept the mark of the beast lads or you're going to have a bad fuckin time
So glad i'm in my 30s, I couldn't do it now I don't think.
7 cats total in chronological order
Lots of lads have the same experience as the lasses in that pub, it's only the spergs that go friendless with nobody contacting them.
Also in my 30s and it's the same for people our age.
bargain but I need to see your wares before we can finalize the deal
Don't post your auntie's school pictures here damn wrongun
Here you go laddo
Hahaha fuck you!
>people have been arrested for posting about him on twitter
Wasn't it some cunt who made fun of the mother of one of the victims?
phwoar imaging sticking your willy inside her and doing her from behind doggy style WAHEY
I have done pretty well with women over the course of my life. They hit on me. But the past years it doesn't really happen.
They have so much choice it's insane. The redpill/blackpill shit have some genuine arguments.
I was standing at the bar and they were next to me waiting non stop using their phones. Because I am a bit taller I could see. But yes I was reading it as a third party.
males are still inferior
worse orgasms, lower social status, inferior aesthetics and beauty, shit existence all around
Working out to this
Thank god i have a gf and can avoid this bull shit.. at least for now
i take t blockers so i dont have to suffer from sexuality or virgin sadness
I never actually knew her name but thanks for doing the hard graft for me and confrimng what a whore user is.
They probably made friends instead of being sat alone spying on peoples phones at a bar while posting on britfeel.
have a read mate
i'd say being a good looking tranny is the best existence you could have, you get all the pros of being a lass but with none of the cons
am a little bit jealous to be honest, can see why less fortunate lads go down the tranner path when they see how well the successful ones get on
Hypergamy lad.
Probably 95% of the lads she's speaking to just want her for short term sex. They too probably speak to 5-10 different girls at once. Maybe 1 or 2 actually get his cock in them in the end.
Women are MASSIVE MASSIVE MASSIVE slags these days. No doubt about it.
Some of the girls in my old college class were shocking. One said she had slep with over 100 or 200 men, not sure which one. But she'd catch you looking, flirt with everyone, fucked a few different people from the college and dropped out to basically work in a bar, get chatted up and fucked most nights.
Other lass fuck like 4 kids from the college class alone. Then others from the college. Flirted with me once which was puzzling; was skinny no confidence beta back then.
It's truly insane, apps are literally created for that purpose. Saw an 'upper class' app so did some research and there is literally an option to say you're looking for fun(carefree sex basically) and then other options for an affair too. Sexual liberation has destroyed women and society. Tbqh most men watch porn but it's probably because roastie isn't engaging in relationships like the old days, just sleeping round with chad's and deano's.
>because life is hard enough when you belong here...
fuck off you low iq norfern cunt. you're dad's a paedophile you little reject.
>worse orgasms
for sure
>lower social status
In bizarro reverso-world maybe. That's literally the opposite of how it is.
>inferior aesthetics and beauty
I think that could go either way and is totally subjective.
>shit existence all around
Not really. I've had periods of shitness, even in one right now (hence posting here), but overall it's been a reasonably decent existence on par with an average of my female friends.
he should have put up profiles pics enlarged next to their names
Ladies, lock up your kittens!
you're acting as if it's a choice. genuine trannies have crippling gender dysphoria, they're a bit fucked in the head. not exactly the best existence you could have
Wasn't she also in that ITV show where she pretended to be her own daughter? Does she have the same disease as Andy Milonakis?
This is some good material for my fictional incel character. Keep it coming lads !
haha said i werent gonna drink but here I am