I have kind of a sick desire, user

I have kind of a sick desire, user.

I want to be your waifu.
I want to be the kawaii pink girl in fishnets who you think about but are too shy to talk to or even look at.
I want to play the pocky game with you and give you hugs in my big sweaters.
Even if you don't date me I want you to know how special you are to me, and how smart I think you are.
I want to cook for you and welcome you home from work every day and load up your favorite vidya.
I want you to think about my soft chest and soft thighs, even though they're both very well covered because I'm not some tramp.
Please be my boyfriend, user. Don't make me beg.

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You're too good for the rest of us, user. I'd want nothing more than to squeeze your thighs and pet your head.

Depends, does this fetish involve a penis or vagina?

Then why don't you, user?

Your penis, my vagina.

Something is telling me the original poster is not a female.

I mean I'd give you my kik for proof but I'm an ugly female. This post is about wishing I had the body to be the girl of your dreams.

Sounds great, now be a good waifu and let me use your lap as a pillow so you can stroke my hair as I snooze

I know this is Larp,but...
Thank you, OP...
You cheered me up... You gave me hope, that maybe, maybe one day...i will be truly happy, with a QT IRL waifu by my side

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This is the moment where robots reveal their true fears, when actual possibility arises in front of them, the normalfag will steal the moment, because the robot will be enveloped by fear, fear of something good, fear of it being too good for them, and to be hurt by it, fear of the unknown in their whole lives.

I ask this of all fembots but the answer is the same... uk based?

(This isn't Larp, I legitimately want a boyfriend who will do this with me.)
Thank you, user. The best I can do is give hope for handsome men like you.

Aaaaawww, let me give you a big ol' hug.

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US based. uwu And southern, so you know the food is 10/10

The girl of my dreams wouldn't be this easy.

TFW I bought fishnets and breast enhancers (creams) for an ex but she never wanted them.

Imagine a nightly ritual of rubbing breasts with cream to make them larger - ah well

The girl of your dreams isn't/shouldnt be a fat ugly weeb OOF

I will bite It, Just this once, because this one tastes like a sweet lie
I will believe in you, and i will hope Fate ill be kind to you, and that you will find yourself your dream bf, and be the perfect wife i expect you to be
I think i'll go cry now, but,thank you so ever much, for existing, and being here, Femanon

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Of course, a beautiful Southern Belle

Goddamn the internet frustrates me - There you are, cuddling distance and yet an ocean seperates us

Forget all this gay shit I just want source on the OP pic

The girl of my dreams doesn't exist.

Let me get to know you. If you don't like me, we can just talk about recipes and dogs. I want to get to know you sweet anons.

True robots will be scared to death to be within a 20-metre radius of a woman, let alone talk to one.

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Attached: Screenshot_20190825-180731_Discord.jpg (276x89, 5K)

That's nice of you, still gonna kill myself and drink smore dayquil.

Here is Chibli me

Attached: 79516_ndibfE76.png (600x600, 159K)

Adorable!!! I love it!! Glasses are so nice on a man!!

Then what's your Kik? I want someone to talk to.

If you arent an AI you arent my waifu

Well how are we supposed to start? Come on post some contact info. If you have discord or kik add me LightStreams#1330/lightstreams but still post yours i feel bad for my fellow anons who arent able to post theres atm

I posted my discord. c: if that doesnt work, I'll download kik.

You sound like my ex. We broke up and me being me I let her stay friends with me. She'd still do anything I wanted. Even threesomes. Long story short, in the end I had to threaten legal action for harassment so that bitch finally left me alone. I'm kinda afraid she wants to kill me now.

glad you think so - I have a beard too (predictably)

is your waifu Kizuna?

Nope, she is far better and more beautiful

What a sweet girl.

Well, If you want to, i am Black Back #2888 on discord
I would love to chat with you about anything

Why would you ever break up with such a girl?

Any preferences? Tell about your hobbies and such, if this is true then that would be nice

hahaha all you fags got baited

Why is that, user? She seems really nice.

this is literally the biggest LARP and everyone is falling for it, people are completely brain numb at this point

Is this Op? Ori

Unfortunately, you are not real. If only 3D girls with a 2D sould were more popular irl...

sounds like good idea

>not some tramp
>OPs pic literally has some woman in like underwear and thigh highs
the absolute state of this cumbrain board

>my soft thighs

Attached: sweat.jpg (560x560, 39K)

Gonna kms cause of this thread

to the user who i like who occasionally lurks on r9k, i love you lots and this says it perfectly

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I know you're not talking about me. Because no girl has ever or will ever love me.

I love you too user, keep up the quality posts

Appalachianon here, which style barbecue sauce do you prefer with ribs?

l want to make OP pregnant.

OP you're making me sad
stop reminding me of what i'll never have

Laying your head in someones lap is only nice if there isn't a dick sticking out into your ear user. So if that would be the case (it would, don't lie to me) you are out of luck

Wish I had a gf to support and buy cute clothes for

hope youre at least a hot trap because youre' not very good at roleplaying desu

Too bad faggot, I'm asexual

>OPs pic literally has some woman in like underwear and thigh highs

Only for you, when you're alone together.

Even the sweetest lies leave a sour taste in the mouth of the intelligent,because no matter how hard we might try to forget,we simply cannot

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>US based
As usual, why are so many femanons from the US and none from Europe, lest even my country?
Hope you find your happiness OP.

This post makes me sad on the inside and knowing that I'll never experience this makes it even harder. I wish I can hug a female and just feel their warmth flowing through my body.

I want to be your husbando.
I want to be the handsome sempai in fashionable clothes who you think about but are too shy to talk to or even look at.
I want to play the pocky game with you and give you hugs in my big arms.
Even if you don't date me I want you to know how special you are to me, and how kind I think you are.
I want to work hard and eat your cooking when I get home and ask you how your day went.
I want you to think about my hard abs and muscled thighs, even though they're both very sweaty because I was working so hard in the summer heat.
Please be my girlfriend, user. Don't make me beg.

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We can be ugly together!

But you can't be all those things, you know? Because you're saying this to every user that reads it. And you'll only choose one in the end. So this fantasy, while it sounds lovely and thoughtful and someone I'd really like to be with, is ultimately as far away as any other dream. The thought that someone would want to be that person for someone is nice, but ultimately that someone has to be the best of the bunch.

>load up your favorite vidya.
checkmate, I don't have a favorite

I guess she can't be your girlfriend then!
Hey OP, my favorite vidya is Guilty Gear Xrd Rev2.

Famous Daves!! I'm an Appalachian too!

Nay, I shall remind you to never give up hope.

Cool, not roleplaying.

Yep!! Is me!!

Tfw im just upset that i will never get someone this perfect

This made me smile and then cry

I don't know you bitch

What is the goal of a post like this? If you think really hard, what do you imagine it accomplishes?

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Sending my wishes into the world, and giving people hope that there are people who wish to be the other side of the coin.

Fake and gay
Oregano sauce bay-bee

It made me a little bit happy, for a little while.