Why do Indian women not like Indian guys. Ffs this is bullshit
Why do Indian women not like Indian guys. Ffs this is bullshit
you tired of show bobs and vagene at some point
Heres the truth user
White guys have it the best
she didnt specify white
there's 600 million indian women in india AND you can get an arranged marriage usually from your family
stop complainign
She explains it in one sentence retard. Stop posting show bob and maybe women will stop blocking you
why are Indian males always weird as fuck i'm being 100% serious every Indian male i have come across even the "chad" ones are awkward fucking weirdos wtf is wrong with them ? is it a culture thing ?
They literally shit in public. They as a culture have no shame. Why would the concept of being ashamed of your actions enter your life when you literally go and poo in the local river along with 20,000 other people every day?
How would you feel if you had thousands of bobs vegana DMs daily?
I'm a pajeet and I get your feel, Indian girls are so dismissive and negative towards Indian guys. Literally have met like two who are friendly to me desu.
literally every indian guy I've ever met as told me (unsolicited, by the way) that they don't really like brown girls and have "a thing" for white women (p.s. that "thing" is just racism but whatever). brown dudes are race traitors
statistically chinese people shit in the streets more than pajeets (I don't remember where I learned this but it tickled me). also indian people are obsessed with bidets - it's actually pretty ironic. still doesn't explain why indian social media messages are so fucking odd though
Okay honestly I was prepared to come to your defense OP but Indian guys are absolutely notorious for treating girls badly in DMs.
Stop asking for Bobs and Vagene.
Literally the only IMIF couples I've seen have been wannabe black/semi-chad with Indian female. I barely even register to Indian girls at all, so why should I pay heed to you?
Get them in lines. I speak for whites when i say that we do not want them.
Sexual repression is a major cause of this, most Indian guys have no concept of how to approach a women, really. As an Indian I can confirm this.
>tfw white guy who has a thing for black women
Same, expect I have the self-awareness most Indians lack.
First imagine a culture that forbids men from talking with women. Then when these men are grown up, you release them into the wild where they release their pent-up horniness on every single social media site.
>why do indian women ignore me?
>why should I pay heed them? but also they're the ones ignoring me, apparently
get bent, dating within your own race is obviously easier since your SO would understand your parents' racial idiosyncrasies plus indian aunties wouldn't think you're scum plus you don't have to deal with your boyfriend's racist relatives. regardless of whether you're semi-chad or not, you have a leg up solely because of this. yet, ultimately, this never happens because indian dudes not only devote all their time to chasing white women but also are openly way nicer to them.
you'd think this should be true of asian guys too then (presumably both cultures have super sexually conservative matriarchal families) - yet they at least act semi normal online. it's kind of odd because I swear if I read pajeetposts in an indian accent it almost sounds normal
wait I might just be sleep deprived but what's the relevance here (what do black women have to do with indian people)?
Arranged Marriage has really made us into unapproachable people desu.
indians are black not white, pretty self-explanatory
Indian guys in general are gigantic assholes, even to other guys.
except not really. stereotypes that apply to black people (positive and negative) don't really apply to indians, so it doesn't make sense to refer to them as black. like nobody thinks of indians as like kinky or athletic or violent and indians most definitely don't have like good bodies in the way people typically stereotype black people as having. also indian women are way hairier than black women
Indian aunties I could care less about ngl, and I didn't specify I was exclusively attracted to white women either. I have gotten attention from Asians and Hispanics and am open to dating them. Also Asians are more westernized and open to dating, sure you have Asian Parent autism but they are somewhat tolerant of the idea.
though, also, if you generally just meant you like darker women in general then that's honestly intensely refreshing. like asian women constantly complain about getting fetishized but the alternative of being generally reviled by most men is way way worse.
western media brainwashes them to believe every Indian dude is a creepy fob nerd loser
I've noticed that women from the asian continent absolutely hate their men in the west.
North Indians are fair and have Aryan blood brainlet.
k well the point is that indian dudes would rather date anyone outside of their race, except for black women (who are essentially screwed over by all men of all races). given this, obviously indian women are going to attempt dating out of their race (going back to OPs question) - it's not like they had a chance to begin with. also the point of the indian aunty thing wasn't to say "you should date indian people" the point was to say that even if you weren't a chad, solely by virtue of being indian, indian women would probably be into dating you - too bad you're still a race traitor though.
also pajeets are not black
i'm black we suck but at least we are not Indians. pajeets are disgusting and smell like shit
If I'm going to be honest with you, I just haven't met many who share the same hobbies/interests I do.
Holy superior trips Batman!
north indians are also often muslim and lower caste. you're choosing race over education and class here.
>pajeets are black
smoothbrain hours in here desu.
I never really noticed much of a difference between black girls and Indian girls they can both be pretty sweet and cute
ye i just meant dark women in general. It isn't a sexual thing though and honestly I'd feel dirty if thats the only reason I started pursuing a woman. It stems from a crush I had on a bestfriend when I was a teen so I just kind of feel "drawn" to them if that makes any sense.
I automatically exclude mudslimes my dude. And I was talking about the upper and middle classes.
well what fucking color are they
Logically, yes. But that's not really what's playing into real life, at least from my point of view. I've seen that Indian girls do tend to prefer marrying outside of their race ngl, but I don't know about your experience.
It varies based on region. 1 billion people are not the same ethnically.
okay satan, well I like the dark skinned ones
be black is pretty sweet
at least i get pussy
and have a big ol dick
u mad?
being black must be nice tbqh but you don't have yourselves to thank. you can thank all the white cucks who enabled it
Have fun getting your cheeks clapped in jail Tyrone.
>be black is pretty sweet
statistically speaking, you have 50% of ending up in jail in your lifetime
>Why do Indian women not like Indian guys
become no one likes Indian guys.
>Arranged Marriage has really made us into unapproachable people desu.
It's also the fact that you guys have literally no idea how to interact with women.
And also, you guys generally smell like shit.
Creed Aventus is not fucking substitute for a shower, you stinky motherfucker.
Bangladesh is not India you fucking retard.
Oh I'm sorry, I don't have Ph.D in identifying swarms of smelly brown people.
I really hate poo people , you retards breed like insects
Don't try to weasel your way out, pajeet. You're all the same.
Bangladesh used to be part of india , y'all are the same race but nice try poo nigger
still tastes better than LaCroix
Indian girls fuck white and black guys like there is no tomorrow once they are in college. Half Indian/white girl I fucked had the tightest pussy out of all the grills I've tricked into having sex with me.
average day for a street shitter
>Indian girls fuck white and black guys like there is no tomorrow once they are in college.
This. They cut their hair, they drink like fish, they basically go completely crazy because they know as soon as they graduate they're going to have to go back to India and marry some guy her parents sold her too and she will have to become a breeding sow, taking a big shit every nine months.
im 25 and never even been inside a police car or been in trouble in my life
my life is pretty good it may suck for others.. but my life is sweet i have my own house and car and a decent job and a mixed gf with a nice ass
you guys sound jelly
damn, mirin that physique. Is cow piss the key to getting good gains?
>im 25 and never even been inside a police car or been in trouble in my life
>in your lifetime
can you tell the difference?
odds are you're gonna murder that whore bc chimping out moment and end up in jail
the sheer number of times you've insisted that your life is good to anons on Jow Forums seems to suggest that it isn't. this feels like a "lady doth protest too much" situation
Was it really worth it giving those (You)s to subhuman poos, though? As bad as you are, I'd sooner have you living in my neighborhood than fucking pajeets.
yeah go drink some and report back
>Indian guys
>looks like Steve Urkel Patel
>smells like hot curried shit
>demands women to stay in the kitchen
>wants to cheat on kitchen imprisoned woman with white women
>believes in abuse
This is just what I know from working with them. I don't blame the women really.
Most immigrants have a "grass is greener on the other side" fantasy about white women. Usually that's because they can never bag them.
kek this, really
These guys get to civilized countries where women don't have to be covered in garbage bags and just about cream themselves seeing a bare forearm.
yeah , the west is very civilized
You have to admit they sure are confident, white guys could learn a thing or two from them.
I find this incredibly unlikely due what type of person I am were I live and the company I keep
you must of been bullied by the local nigs at school
I feel you user and understand why you hate nigs. I hate them too.
They literally flee to the west because their countries are poor and dangerous. Cry moar.
>>demands women to stay in the kitchen
>>believes in abuse
what is wrong with this...this is why your society is degenerate and slutty
No they just want more money and in Poostan nepotism is everything so shit tier bloodlines move to the west.
>I find this incredibly unlikely due what type of person I am were I live and the company I keep
so did OJ
>you must of been bullied by the local nigs at school
there's no nigs here thankfully
>I feel you user and understand why you hate nigs. I hate them too.
right, so you being the same race as them doesn't make you think that maybe you could succumb to your condition in a moment of weakness?
Hopefully you won't, I'm not wishing that upon you friend
we "flee" to make money off your gluttonous asses
my point is more that the whole lighter skin = higher caste heuristic doesn't really apply to indians, since often times lighter skin just = muslim.
we do tend to prefer marrying out of our race but it's mostly because our race is patently uninterested in us, so it's like why would we marry some dude who's gonna spend all his time pining for white stacey?
underrated post
technically untrue, since most indians who study abroad are rich and accordingly spend a bunch of money to stay out of india. in case you haven't noticed india's kind of a shithole, and most indians are aware of this.
yeah, but if that's the case then literally what incentive do indian women have to stay with indian guys? like you might as well just date white or asian guys since you're always going to be some brown guy's second choice.
>wants to cheat on kitchen imprisoned woman with white women
this is probably the most salient reason why indian women keep springing for interracial relationships.
relax raj , india has been everyone's bitch , starting from Britain all the way to the arabs
is right to some extent, given this:
Sheer societal pressure, literally if an Indian woman marries outside of her race she's going to be either rejected from the community or something.
k so indian people always act like this is going to happen but i've seen it time and time again with other diasporic indians, where they date some white dude, then their parents try and keep it a secret, then it gets out and everyone in the indian community gossips about it as if it's the worst thing in the world, and then everyone gets used to it and stops caring.
>india has been everyone's bitch
Historically speaking no, India has been unconquered by outsiders for a very long time, even the Delhi Sultanate was administrated by pajeets who converted to Islam not Pakis who moved into the peninsula.
>Shadman nope
oh yeah? and who made them convert? the arabs who conquered , also you're overlooking britians controlling india for 200 years but nice try
Pakis are not arabs you moron they are more genetically related to Persians than towel heads in that sand hellhole to the west.
Indians are autistic about endogamy, people die from marrying outside of their caste. Some Indians are liberal, some are semi-conservative, some are orthodox.
>Brits controlling India
And what did that do really? India is still a pajeet majority nation while Bongistan is becoming Paki territory ahahahahahahha.
check out this suicide fuel, currycels 2:55 mark
most indians who don't live in india have to come to terms with the fact that you can't really be that choosy when you live in a country that's populated mostly by white people. also the only ones who lose their shit and kill their daughters for marrying outside their caste are like weird light skinned north indian muslim village people, who typically aren't representative of the kind of indians who are rich and educated enough to actually make it out of india
>India has been unconquered
India is a purely geographical term coined by your british masters
>pajeet majority
you're saying that like its a good thing , you shitskins breed like rats
also, to clarify, usually indian people who come to terms with interracial marriage just replace caste concerns with concerns about income (mostly) and education - they'd still lose their shit if you married someone without an undergraduate university degree or someone poor, it's just that it's not exactly a race or caste specific thing. most hesitations about marrying white people in particular just have to do with fears about divorce (to be fair, white people do get divorced all the fucking time, so it's not totally unwarranted)
lmao pajeets on suicide watch
Hm. Just one question, are you Indian?
>Bongistan is becoming Paki territory
but i thought pakis weren'pajeets?
It is a good thing
>breed like rats
and you whites breed like mammoths
Whats wrong with white women why do they like african monkeys more than indian men?
>mfw I literally have had an indian woman propose to me in front of her parents because shed rather get engaged to a white dude whos name she didn't know yet than be married off to another poo
Suck it
indian women seem pretty loyal from what ive seen, even stereotypically
>indian men
you're not men , you're a bunch of horny apes flinging shit at each other , always funny to see a pajeet shitting on a nigger when they are both low iq monkeys
Do adult honestly act like this? I thought most adult men just got horny around girls never nervous.
Can confirm this shit happens.
It's not that they want to marry another streetshitter, it's that they want to lead lives of their own choosing and her arranged husband wants her to be a housewife and sex slave.
It doesn't help that she's arranged to marry an Indian man either.
yup (I'm that one poster from before who kept getting mad about indian dudes betraying indian women for white women)