Sure is awesome living in an age where you'll most likely see the collapse of civilization and probobly burning alive.
Sure is awesome living in an age where you'll most likely see the collapse of civilization and probobly burning alive
It's okay. You'll most likely suffocate first.
>civilization isn't going to collapse
why do Jow Forumstards always think the world is about to imminently collapse or something? I guarantee in 20 years shit will still be the same, but worse.
All the more reason to enjoy it while it lasts
That pic spooks my shit.
"Collapse" in this sense is not where it all comes crashing down in a single moment. Unless something external occurs to spark off widespread violence, things will degenerate down to the base levels before the cracks in the wall really begin to give way.
This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang, but a whimper.
it's a cope. Jow Forumstards want to be vindicated for their beliefs and have some sort of proof that they were right. they may be sort of right, but it's going to take hundreds of years before we get to rock bottom. Rome didn't fall in a day, it was quite a slow decline that took multiple centuries to happen. Same will happen to the West unless there's a nuclear war or some shit.
OP here.
I don't even go to Jow Forums. Nice assumptions though :)
The romans didn't burn the rainforest, user.
>Hey guys, the uprising is surely coming any day now, it's practically around the corner!
>muh Jow Forums bogeyman
God, can you guys stop talking about Jow Forums, please?
2030 is just around the corner, anons. God fuck I cannot wait.
cia niggers glow in the dark. rip based terry davis
>civilization is collapsing soon guise
Said by idiots every year for thousands of years already.
thousands of civilizations have collapsed in that time.
Guess the guys in Roman times were wrong
Well it already is collapsing. Maybe won't turn to Mad Max levels yet, give it a decade
Sure rome was "declining" for centuries (more like stagnating with a very small trend downwards), but it failcascaded near the end. What we are seeing right now is the events at the start of our cascade. Will the world as we know it end soon? Probably not. Will the state it exists in continue to deteriorate? Absolutely. Either people get upset enough to do something before we hit rock bottom and we see violent uprisings, or they don't and humanity finds itself in the midst of another dark age.
Why is Harvey Weinstein in this picture?
>thinking this age is worse than the cuban missile crisis