Whats happening to him? Is he going senile? Is the pressure of his policies not working, the economy failing, and the 2020 election breaking him?
Whats happening to him? Is he going senile? Is the pressure of his policies not working, the economy failing...
he'll be alright, Kushner is the real president anyway
This is the kind of annoying shilling that makes everyone hate you lefty fags.
He's always been a low IQ hack.
Voted into power by low IQ citizens.
In that context one does well to remember that roughly half of the population has below average IQ.
None of that. They're using the fed to him over big time is what's happening. He's not getting out of this one. He might win the election but in 2024, we're definitely getting a literal socialist president. Mark my words.
is something actually happening or is this just bait
Are you only just now realizing this OP?
>Average IQ
>Half the people are below average IQ
Excuse me sir, you have to go back to STA 20.
most democrat voters have IQs below 98. Blacks, hispanics, women with college degrees especially those who majored in low IQ degrees such as the liberal arts and humanities constitute the democrat voter base.
The very shit that you just wrote is indicative that you yourself have a pretty low IQ.
what has he done besides passing tax cuts for rich people and terrorizing like 20 mexicans?
He is getting pretty hilarious. He now seems to think he's a monarch or something. A couple days ago, he "hereby ordered all American business to stop dealing with China". He's a riot.
I often ask the normies at work what he has done so bad and they can never articulate it.
The first time he's ever had to work in his life (sitting in a chair signing papers to make himself richer) is getting to him.
The way I see it is this. Trump is in power, but if you really think about how much power does he really have? There's all these guys behind him to truly pulling the strings, like the Emperor (to use a Star Wars reference). Trump is Vader he's the face out there for everyone to see, but it's really the Emperor doing all the real stuff behind the scenes. In a way you've kinda gotta feel for the guy, he made all these big outrageous statements and promises and I'm sure at the time he thought he could keep them, but just like George Lucas (to use another Star Wars reference) he promised big but underdelivered. Just like George did with the prequels. He gave us big spectacle, but without a lot of substance in the end. Now Trump is a hateful figure yes, a Jar Jar Binks if you will (to use yet another Star Wars reference) but whilst Jar Jar was a bumbling buffoon of sorts, Trump is a much more imposing character. Much more of a Darth Maul. Yes he looks the part, but in reality he's just a fall guy, not the main antagonist, just a face for the posters. Could we eventually see him redeem himself like a Darth Vader (to continue The Star Wars analogy)? Possibly. Who's to say? But right now he's treading water it seems. Gun control, climate change, what can he really do? He knows that he's in the pocket of gun lobbyists and big businesses, so he can't make any substantial changes without upsetting someone. In this case he's very much like Bobba Fett to Jabba The Hutt. He's out there doing the dirty work, but at the end of the day he's only ever working for Jabba and not the good of his people. Senator Amidala was much more of what Trump should aspire to be, but right now he seems more like Emperor Palpatine. Will he become truly evil like Palpatine did, or will he redeem himself like Darth Vader ultimately did? Who knows.
he needs da pussi
t. Dunning-Kruger personified
Hes a fucking loser anyways, i dont think anyone with half a brain would care if he dropped dead. He doesnt belong in power anyways. He did a fuckton of regulationism and put in tariffs that anyone couldve seen would fuck our economy, all the jobs hes "created" has been parable of the broken window at best, and hes passed gun laws, which may i remind you "...Shall not be infringed."
Honestly fuck him. He fucked with the free market, he fucked with the 2nd amendment, dude deserves exile.
hes a good man and a great president. people are just unhappy
>hurr good man
His entire fanbase is full of authority loving bootlickers and thats what he is.
America was founded on the idea that bootlicking and authoritarianism shouldnt be a part of any political system, yet the biggest bootlickers are the ones who claim to be the most american.
Hes a terrible president too. Policies and all else aside, theres no way in hell the president of the best country on this entire planet should make nuclear threats on twitter. He has no idea or what diplomacy even is, and hes a fucking disgrace to this country.
in what way are we bootlicking hmm
Go figure the wine drinking queer likes the kike-puppet. Kill yourself, you are a disgracing a being that you aren't worthy of associating yourself with, subhuman.
he even gave up his salary
so u dont actually have an argument is what im seeing.
>the small government party are the bootlickers
>lefties believe police are nigger-stomping tyrants who should be abolished
>lefties also believe police are the only people who should have guns
>the ravenous clickbait news media stunted Obama's presidency with their constant misinformation
>now that they're doing the same to Trump, suddenly the media are all angels in the eyes of the left
What an absolute shitshow. I look forward to the civil war.
Reminder that Jews overwhelmingly vote democrat, and this incessant gaslighting that "le drump is le jew" is the result of probably around $500 million dollars of research by the DNC to try to come up with a winning shill campaign
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
>inb4 "those are biased sources" -- nice ad hominem
The entire GOP claims to be anti gov but also support trump despite him openlyinfringing on gun rights and meddling in the free market when he shouldnt have. His fanbase defend cops as if they're these beacons of justice ignoring that anybody could defend their own ass neighborhood faster than the cops could. They worship the military and say the spending is good ignoring the fact that most of the budget just goes to contractors and heavily contributes to inflation.
Im not even remotely a lefty you moron. And see above, calling the GOP small gov is a farce. A true small government would in no fucking way infringe on the 2nd amendment yet trump did exactly that and everyone loves him still.
Im not a lefty btw, im a libertarian, you know the ideology that was super prominent for the 150 years after the US was created.
I dont hate trump because hes right leaning, i hate him because hes authoritarian.
But sure, the GOP is small government, they're so small government that they
>want to be able to have control over womens bodies
>infringe on gun rights
>fuck with the self regulating free market and fuck everything up
>treat cops, a symbol of authority in and of itself, as superheros
>think you should be arrested for not standing for the pledge as a protest (1st amendment exists and allows protest)
They arent small government. Libertarians are small government. Libertarians also very unanimously hate trump. Hes authoritarian, no small gov supporter would take away the gun rights of citizens and infringe on the ability of the free market to self regulate through supply and demand. Hes done both without shame.
Im not a lefty, but the GOP is not small gov at all, thats a fat fucking lie, the moment he started passing gun laws is the moment him and anyone who supports him lost the claim to supporting small gov.
Donald is ripping off the gauze from America's economic wounds.
Here's the blunt truth - America is a servile nation, and not an exporter of goods. Donald is fighting to rectify this and leftists are blaming him for revealing old wounds.
Theyre a bunch of cry babies.
>im not left
sure you arent buddy
Nobody is saying police are super heroes, its dangerous leftists that want to paint police as extremists and are anti-authority.
Thats a crooked lefty if I've ever seen one.
"free market" is a fucking meme. America is DEPENDENT on trade and isnt an export nation. "Free market" in this instance means being a servile nation to exporting countries like China.
Go read a book before you open your mouth next time.
What did i say that sounded remotely left buddy? My anger for having my 2nd amendment rights infringed? Or maybe my discontempt at his interference in the free market? I guess 2nd amendment and capitalism support is leftist now huh
But go ahead, prove im a lefty, you're just mad that there are other people on the right that dont support you fucking bootlickers and your shitty president who actively goes against the consitution and free market.
Your post would almost be acceptable if not for the "le Republicans are anti gun" shit. You have to have some subtlety with your bullshit, otherwise the feeble-minded masses will reject it. Trump caved on bump stocks because he was trying to be an actual moderate and actually try to reach some level of compromise; a weak move, but it is what it is. Still a fucking drop in the bucket of 2a infringement over the past 4 decades, which has been 98.5% democrat-caused. Dumb faggit.
What, we got agriculture exports and what else? Nothing. The world doesnt NEED American products, only our market because the dollar is dominant. Thats all that holds the American economy globally, the purchase power of the dollar.
America doesnt export shit except corn
You're a police hating leftist, bud.
The market wasn't free before you dipshit. The market was free on the US side, but heavily regulated on the foreign side to be malicious to the US. Trump is ripping this band-aid off like the other user said. Foreign countries have been sticking their grubby fingers into the free market for years specifically to fuck the US; now we are fighting fire with fire. Commit suicide IMMEDIATELY
Arguing would entail you have an opinion that bothers me to a point that I have to defend the truth against. You're devoid of anything remotely resembling such a thing. You're an npc taking on a cooky role. Fuck Trump and fuck the demokikes, too.
The democrats and the republicans both need to be boiled alive in oil.
>Foreign countries have been sticking their grubby fingers into the free market for years specifically to fuck the US
Could you give some examples?
And this is you in a nutshell - *bleep* authority. If you dislike it so much, go live in South America where cartels own the streets you walk on.
Yeah im not supporting the democrats either retard, but the fact is that he caved. Im not saying republicans are anti gun and i never did, i said trump infringed on the 2nd amendment and almost all of his supporters ate that shit up and said it was 4d chess.
He fucked with gun rights, he fucked with the entire consitution, i refuse to support him. If he had any balls or brain whatsoever he could've used the simplest response to every retard ever
"Shall not be infringed"
He infringed. I dont care if its caving or not, he infringed.
>you're a leftist because youre a leftist
You can beg the claim all you want but you still have no proof bud.
Buddy I just flipped your authority hating rhetoric on its head, you're exposed. Try South America I hear its nice this time of year.
Pedo ring exposed, this false flagger is scared of FOUR MORE YEARS because we will dig up even more skeletons.
You didnt flip anything on its head you literally caveman, you said im a leftist because you said so, but tou gave zero proof ever
But here, heres my thingy, i can do a politiscales one if you want too. I sure am a lefty
>lies upon lies upon lies
>supposed but not unlikely adultery and sexual assault
>hate crimes have risen a lot since he came into power, several people have cited him as an inspiration in attempted/successful terrorist attacks. he hasn't addressed this once.
There's a lot more.
>"im not left stahp it!!"
btfo bud. your chart means nothing. try south america bud its more your style
>racist gaslight
theres no proof these "hate crimes" were done by right wingers. for all we know it could be a false flag. nice try kid
Still havent proven im a leftist
I hear boots taste wonderful this time of year
>"still no proofs!!"
typical leftist. your kind is so played out and out of tricks.
Lmfao. Not taking sides here, but this is an awesome insult.
Biggest one is China; government artificially manipulating its currency to squeeze money out of the US from pre existing fixed price export agreements
A few tariffs here and there, such as European tariffs on american cars and Canadian tariffs on american food products
You literally have no proof. Youre just begging the claim.
Until you answer how a leftist like me supports capitalism and hates 2nd amendment infringements, all you are is a bootlicker who begs the claim because all you are is a textbook example of the result of Oedipus Complex manifested.
>no proofs!
>oedipus complex
bud all leftists do is throw accusations, youre all played out. youre all washed up. and youre all -scared- of these skeletons still waiting to be found.
>Half the people are below average IQ
>Half the people are above average IQ
Do you see why that kind of does make sense? This of course is a bad way of modeling things because IQ isn't a binary distribution and most people will fall around the "average" mark, but the point he's trying to make is that for every smart person, there's someone else who's just as dumb.
Haha, actually 57% of college graduates voted for Clinton as opposed to 36% for Trump (people-press.org
this is what you call a lefty pretending to be conservative. but he cant hide his disdain for authority. amateur hour
The increase in hate crimes since he was elected is substantial. And that does include right wing inspired hate crimes.
It could be a coincidence, I suppose, but it would be a pretty fuckin big one.
ah the old "college educated people voted Hilary!" meme.
well it didnt work last time, and it wont work this time.
Lol get blown the fuck out namefag
so lets vote left to appease these homicidal maniacs! LMAO thats your argument, bud
Imagine getting trolled this hard by a stupid low IQ namefag.
get caught, lefty.
Appeasing them would be keeping trump in power?
lefties love calling me a bootlicker, but they'll succ Soros's wrinkled old dic for their paychecks LMAO
presuming that these incidents are politicial in nature as reported by the MEDIA. youre not that much of a tool, right?
How about you click the link and read something for once in your pathetic life instead of pretending you've figured everything out based on Jow Forums infographics. Holy shit, if you really are representative of the average Trump fanatic, then you're just confirming my belief you're all retarded.
However if you are a troll, you're even smarter than I am
>p-please be troll
hey lefties
how do you reconcile the fact that pedo traffickers like Epstein funded your entire party?
i tell you what. I hope Ivanka runs in 2024 as the Republican nominee ill vote for her after her father.
>implying there's anything wrong with pedophilia
cringe puritanical trumpcuck
BBAAAAHAHAHA exposed asf bud.
You do realize I'm a commie, right? I didn't vote in the last election, but desu I think Trump winning might be the better outcome in the long run since people are starting to talk about leftist ideas again, not just supporting whatever bullshit candidate the corporate Dems shit out on the ballot. I suppose you can call that accelerationism; if Clinton got elected, she'd be doing the same terrible shit (concentration camps, corporate welfare, etc), but the media would never take notice because they're all liberals too. IDK, you can either respond to me with a legitimate point of conversation or you can just meme again and I'll go elsewhere
thanks for this easy match, bud. train harder next time
>Donald winning is the best outcome
welcome aboard bro
>best outcome
I said *better* outcome, as in preferable to Clinton winning. Unfortunately Lord Zizek wasn't on the ballot
bet youre the Yang poster, aintcha bro
Lol why would I support Yang, he's explicitly a capitalist
you are, bud. its not been posted lately but you were postan him, yea? i know
I appreciate the effort you put into this
Is this actual original OC?
what the fuck are you talking about? what in that post was "lefty"? you do kushner is trump's son in law right? you don't need to blindly obey anyone whose political opinions resemble yours