A Match Made in Anime

I want to see Jow Forums get over their silly hangups and date one of the lonely geek girls or there that just wants to find a nice fellow that shares their interests. You may think they are few and far between, but plenty of these women exist and do not have the same high standards you claim.

See pic related.

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This could be yours. But you hold out for the perfect 10...

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Where do I meet these women user

these girls don't exist
and if they do they want chad

That guy is a very famous youtuber in the anime community, we aren't in the same situation also girls inmy city's cons are usually ugly

We live in a world where weebs get more pussy than non-weebs...

I mean that's pretty much a perfect 10 in my eyes... maybe with a more natural lipstick color

Conventions and online.

>Because Geoff is a Chad.

>anime youtuber

He is ugly, Canadian and a cuck.

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>these women exist and do not have the same high standards you claim.
>See pic related.
That guy is easily above 6 feet tall

Narrow it down a little more for me.

imagine wanting a serious relationship with this cum bucket instead of pouding her pussy every weekend and telling her to fuck off after being done with sex

you meet any girl and slowly turn her into that. my gf didn't watch and hated anime until i watched good shit around her and now she's into it and hentai and manga and all that.
we can corrupt the population if we try hard enough.

who is this apex fluid druid???

I settled for my big tiddy glasses wearing asian gf, she cares about me and I appreciate that but I could have gotten better. She has no motivation to better herself, acts too childish and sucks at dealing with my mental illness more than I do. Haven't been happy dating her in a while. Still can't figure out why I haven't broken up with her yet.

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Dude every girl I've ever met at conventions has been in a relationship including the trannies. A weeb gf is a dream come true

I'll take her off of you if you want

They have to be dating Someone. Why not you?

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Read my post bro I said they already are dating someone, lots of them are dating normies, even the literal autistic girl that came up to me and started telling me all about her OCs and stuff

Her face is not only ugly as fuck but she's essentially a prostitute spreading her pussy for everyone on the internet. She leeches off betacuck geoff and uses his money to pay for her plastic surgury. Imagine being that much of a pussy faggot

>Dating a literal cumslut

i'm not a geek and i hate these types of girls. these people are just a walking brand and at best they are interested in useless garbage that i dont care about.

>ywn date a literal slut for your cum
im just about to end it desu

Op is a fag bro

>date one of the lonely geek girls
you mean "give one of those 'geek' girls your money while they fuck Chad and Tyrone daily", right?

>he is... a cuck
well that explains it. he "dates" her (gives her half his earnings MINIMUM) and she sometimes lets him watch her get railed and nailed for a few minutes, provided he's paid at least $1000 that week.

If I had 1/10th a chance of attracting a 1/10 girl(f) or 2/10 girl(m) then I wouldn't even be reading this thread but here we are.

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wouldnt want a literal whore as a wife lol.

Why not be with her, then?