These 5'5 manlet spics are having more sex than you

These 5'5 manlet spics are having more sex than you.
What's your excuse?

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Im scared of girls!
My shirt is gray

They live in Spic land where the women have no standards and will pretty much fuck anything.

I live in white people land where the average woman won't give you the time of the day if you're not a tall, super model doctor.

>Bangs hot prime Latinas everyday
>White women see them for favorability than asians and indians
Fuck off spics are probably the most sexually active race

>why yes I am a 5'5" manlet spic

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Cant unlock spic pussy because i dont speak grassmowing

>These 5'5 manlet spics are having more sex than you

yeah maybe with themselves in prison lmao

I don't want to fuck Latinas of size and die at the age of 23 in a drunken fight.

i refuse to rape women

Thats not true, I do even better in majority white areas than here in California. I think I am considered exotic or something.

This I actually true. Mexican omen have no standards at all meanwhile a bitch from the US will reject you if your height is not enough

These guys swim in pussy

maybe with goblinas

Mog white women at their prime.

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>These 5'5 manlet spics are having more sex than you
I'm a 5'6 manlet spic they're having more sex than me because our women are retarded and they're alpha as fuck

Almost all criminals have no trouble getting pussy.
That's another redpill on women.

Its because theyre low inhibition bad boy thugs and are usually masculine and tough looking. Theyre basically short niggers. Also their women are loyal to them, unlike white roast

unrelated but how does that guy in the front with the face tats even go out in public.
do people see him and instantly run away in terror

white women are pretty shit. I've lost most of my attraction to them and am mainly in to asians these days, some latinas are decent.

Spic men are highly sought after in the U.S., especially in southern states. Blacks and hispanics have always been at the top of the sexual market food chain on the southeast and southwest with whites barely nudging out asians, which seems to be changing drastically.

Why do you think that is, user?
Or. Fucking. Iginally.

what the fuck are you talking about. i've been all over the south and the tier list is whites in first by a large margin, then hispanics, then blacks and asians on the same tier with asians edging out blacks in professional settings with blacks edging out asians in party settings

we're not all mexican retard, that's why the word latino and Hispanic exists

Fuck off, neither of you faggots go outside. Other user is a dirty spic and you're a white incel

im not white user. im black

T. Seething chink
Go cry in another Brad Pitt thread

I dont speak taco

it's the drugs and the booze, it's hip, cool, and not boring, so dumb girls flock to it.

What's funny to me is that these 5'3 manlet brown small dicked losers that can only speak Spanish are coming to America and dating and fucking 18-45 year old white women and getting them pregnant for legal status. Look at all the white women that end up killed by their cartel member illegal boyfriend like that girl in Iowa that was found chopped up in a cornfield. That guy was fucking the chick he killed AND her friend.

good for them.
Im not much into gay jail sex, but if they like it, is cool by me.

No you arent faggot

what do i gain from lying about that

From the thumbnail, I thought someone shooped Obama into the picture. The dude in the middle with the tattoo'd face.

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>What's your excuse?

My tiny American dick can't compete.

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HMWF is the most popular coupling in southern states followed by BMWF. You've never been to the south and if you have, it was 30 years ago grandpa, times have changed.

In addition, white women find Hispanic men the most attractive, followed by black men. When people say white women "prefer" "white men" what they mean is swarthy brown Hispanic men.

I dont know, maybe you are black. I just assumed your a spic since youre trying to say spics slay, and i assumed other user was white because hes saying whites slay.

you're vastly overestimating the number of mixed couples you see on the street. the south is still majority white for a reason

LOL. Nice try you spic mongrel, you rape babies try and act "machismo" despite being 5'4" and dressing like middle schoolers. White men and black men get the hottest latinas leaving the brown Aztec Indios for midgets like yourself. There is ZERO reason be around a spic if you're a woman of any race. You get MasculinityCucked by blacks AND whites, you get IQcucked, HandsomenessCucked, and WealthCucked by whites, and if a girl wants some swarthy greasy dude she get get a 6'0" tall Southern European. Lmaooooo spics are legit dogshit compared to other races it's no wonder latinas are mixing at such high rates and why a literal new race of people was created by a couple hundred Mediterranean men. You people are the most cucked on Earth.

Physically? No, white women are superior.

But considering the average white wahmon is so entitled due to the never ending validation they get from society, they are the worst choice to get into a relationship with. Even the ugly ones think their shit doesn't stink.

Just look at the stormfaggot and his retard incel buzzwords. Kek, go outside for once retard

>t. delusional white incel who watches blacked porn on the regular

Go outside hermano, also at least 25% and growing of my hispanic brothers are 6'0+. Their parents were short because of malnutrition, sorry gu*rro.

have sex, take your anger pills and go outside more.

No hablo gardening

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girls from other races are in their primes longer than white women. white women take every dick possible starting at the age of 16

> the south is still majority white for a reason.

Not for long it isn't gramps and the reason isnt due to white dudes dicking latinas.

Fag, women slobber over latin men all the time, concidering them the romantic race and lovers. You can take your tiny white dick and cry in the corner as real men go ahead and pleasure your women.

This, the indians here In Canada are all pretty tall dudes, I always assumed the mexican indians were short from lack of nutrition

If you're ranking the average woman in each race at her peak just on her looks, white women would win easily. They are the most aesthetically pleasing.

As I said though, their personalities bring them down to being the worst.

>concidering them the romantic race and lovers.
I literally had a girl tell me that straight up to my face.

lmao you small dicked manlets trying to appear as a threat is honestly hilarious.

Gang members almost never have trouble getting women because they have a place within the pack, .ie social status.

should have lifted more than 4 years fag.

I'm not that guy who went on that stormfag rant, but I live in a state where there are a solid amount of minorities. And I can just base it on my own experience, but many of the guys seem shorter than me.

>t. 6'1

>Physically? No

Attached: white women are truly hideous.jpg (2796x1888, 626K)

>the whitoid is acting like whites are threatening slayers
Fuck off, id kill anyone of you skinnyfat goblins any single day of the weej

They most likely are, better nutrition made whites taller and shit nutrition made shitskins shorter.

Is that pic supposed to support your side? Because without the braces, the white would look better than the brown.

You can just look at mexican-americans and see that its a genetic thing, not just bad nutrition. Mexican-americans are still a little shorter than average.

No hablo grass mowing

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it's because most latinas are significantly shorter then 5'5

Well the Native Americans were actually siginificantly taller than the Euro settlers in the beginning, but they swapped as Europeans had a better diet and the indians or now spics were living off flour and corn

i don't understand this latina meme
living on a shitty suburb outside of chicago with a lot of Hispanics, most latinas are frumpy and wear glasses and usually have dude hair. the rare ones that are attractive usually are dating pieces of shit

*dyed hair

Imagine having a brain fried by pol memes that all you think about is c uckoldry

Ah, you're gay. That's okay.

they were racebaiting so i did too

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wtf Mexican actually have bigger dicks?

yeah white women have a thing for betraying their race. But they pay for it in the end I just witnessed a coalburner with bruises living in a van with her nigger husband and 3 mongrels today.

If I lived somewhere poorer I could also get way more pussy than I do nowadays. Poor women are the world's last resort when it comes to finding women that are actually just after pleasure from fucking. They just don't care, if you're richer than her, they will do anything and love each minute of it.

>Go cry in another Brad Pitt thread
kek, what?

That doesn't seem accurate. There's no way little 5'6" Pablo has a dick bigger than me, with statistical anomalies of course.

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I don't mean to be rude user, but that dick doesn't seem all that big...

Go to and find out