What are your dreams, what do you wish to achieve or become in this lifetime?
What are your dreams, what do you wish to achieve or become in this lifetime?
going back in time or recieving a fresh healthy brain I can then redo my education with and that i never get a growth in my brain that would give me uncontrollable shakey hands. so I can study to become a mortician, find someone to marry and raise my children, travel, and then die
Becoming a legitimate European noble with massive military and economic support and basically restoring the Holy Roman Empire
I know it sounds retarded but autism so i will try my hardest to make it come true
Either getting isekai'd to the world and with the powers i wrote in the papers that are under my pillow or getting a specific power i created and detailed in my sketchbook.
I want to become a master painter, or a decently comfortable musician.
>get into my dream dental school
>work my ass off and manage to graduate top of my class so I can specialize in Maxilofacial surgery
>do my residency, and hope to god I can open my own private clinic
>find a wife along the way and have a family
I want to be someone the people respect and admire. I want to be strong, brave, wise, competent, so that people who are lacking in these traits can feel assured to have me with them. I want to have something in life that I feel is worth the effort, something bigger than myself, so I can die with no regrets. I want the people at my funeral to be happy I was born and remember me in their times of weakness.
do it user, don't let your dreams stay some quote on some social media page, I believe in you, you will be famous one day :)
I just want to go somewhere beautiful and fall in love and have things stay that way forever
I dont want to be famous, I meant like my kids and grandkids. And I do feel like I am making good progress to become this person.
I just want a quiet life, a stable job and a nice place to live in.
Having dreams never mattered to me. I never thought I would achieve anything anyway.
And I was right! I'm just trying to enjoy myself now whenever I can. There's really nothing else to look forward to.
I am retarded and I gave up on my dreams years ago.
I meant to say "that people respect" not "the people respect"
I don't have any hopes or dreams. I feel more like a cloud, or something that floats around based on whim. I don't really know how to think or feel about anything in regards to life, and there is a depressed numbness underpinning any type of feeling or experience. I kind of just let experiences happen to me and hope that my own thoughts are sufficient to make some sort of sense of life and all its abstract concepts.
I want to become a famous author, musician, artists. Is literally the only thing that matters the most to me and if I don't have that I have nothing
I want to be someone who can think of something and instead of the idea lingering in my head never going to use I want to have the skill to turn my idea into a reality.
I also would like friends and a girlfriend but I'm confident those things will come as I start to become the person I want to be.
Nothing. And so far I am right on track. Unlike However I know exactly what I'm doing and where my choices are leading me, I just don't care. Because to have hopes or dreams is to intrinsically hold the belief either consciously or unconsciously that life is worth living and there are things worth pursuing, as if in our hubris we think that we matter in any sense on the galactic or cosmological scale. We are all nothing. Humanity will come and go and all of our achievements will be lost to the ages. Entropy cannot be reversed, there is a finite amount of attainable and usable energy within our accessible universe and eventually it will be gone. Absolutely nothing you do or could possibly do matters. The truth will set you free, The truth hurts, and if you let it The truth will drive you mad. Any other outlook is merely an attempt to cope with your own insignificance.
I want to live in a cold country and never have to work again. Cant do either so I'll just die instead.
Well, I've always wanted to ascend and be a super saiyan but that's not gonna happen.
I understand that sentiment, but we might aswell make ourselves happy while we're here. Holding that belief only leads to self-destruction. Now if thay doesn't matter to you fine, but I don't want to make my neurosis any worse.
That sounds so much like heaven desu ^^
I just want to live with her
If you want to achieve your dreams, leave this place. I'm personally going to just limit the time i spend on it to maybe a few times a week and only blueboards.
Jow Forums is at best, an occasionally very fun/funny place, but most of the time it's just negative.
Some of the boards on this site are a cesspool.
The 9 years or so I've spent here has made me.
>more isolated
>more misogynistic
>more racist
>more homosexual (i've actually considered fucking a trap)
>slightly pedophillic
>and ultimately more depressed
This place is a breeding ground for cancerous mindsets, and quite frankly being a bluepilled normie is preferable to being an isolated creep.
This place is no longer fun, its just edgy and pathetic.
You no longer even get the interesting and crazy shit you used to see in the past that you could have fun and laugh at.
the less you come here the better. I'm already improving my life by limiting myself to this place. If you want to achieve your dreams spend less time here, or online in general shitposting hours of your precious life clock away.
There's hope on the end of the tunnel, Jow Forums can make you happy if can understand it.
developing technology that allows the human race to:
-grow edible meat in vats, thus ending animal cruelty while satisfying humanity's craving for authentic animal protein and significantly reducing carbon emissions
-use the previously mentioned technology to grow organs for humans, eliminating the entire concept of organ donation and alleviating human suffering to a degree never seen before
-make nuclear fusion an actual workable source of energy
achieving a fraction of any of those three goals would make me sickeningly wealthy so it would allow me to be the NEET I never could but even if achieving any of those goals means I have to die penniless than so be it
its too easy to get influenced and sucked into dumb shit.
literally the government uses this to brainwash people.
>literally the government uses this to brainwash people.
Good example
But you can understand somethings you'd never understand in other places. Just pass over the shitpost and the damaging propaganda.
I would like to have a loving wife and a couple of healthy children, and be able to provide them a simple but comfortable life.
sometimes its better not to understand shit.
redpills are rarely positive.
If you're a negative person with a negative mindset learning heart-crushing shit, thats no good. after 9 years, first the shit i found out felt empowering, but as i get older and older it just becomes more depressing and disillusioning.
the dumb optimist, tends to live a better life than the wise cynic.
I want to be mom. I want to have a soulmate and I want to be a stay at home wife.
A good economy, finding love and starting a family while still being able to be a freak, have fun and do shit i like.
>sometimes its better not to understand shit.
It's bad, until you have accumulated enough redpills and start to have Understanding.
From this point living become a happy experience.
>the dumb optimist, tends to live a better life than the wise cynic.
The illuminated will always live a better live than the dumb optimist and the wise cynic.
how does understanding how absolutely fucked up the world is give you hope?
make at least one video game competently but my IQ is -100 so it will never happen
I just want to have lots of sex with girls from all corners of the planet. So much ridiculous sex that I get tired of it.
>how does understanding how absolutely fucked up the world is give you hope?
It allows you to see the world as it is and enjoy this view.
It allows you to live in a matter were you'll be happy.
It allows you to understand why things are, and to accept them without suffering.
No matter how fucked up the world becomes, There will always be one grand fuck up that will destroy the previous fuck ups. Empires may fall, but new ones always rise from the rubble.
Jow Forums is just reality. It will help you on your journey through life, especially when times are tough. Jow Forums is a open book into the mind of humans without restraint. Its addicting too which can become an issue. Where else in the world can you openly talk about being a anime watching national socialist pedophile without a hint of irony.
This place allows you to truly be yourself. Once you've experience the true freedom of living without restraint you will never be able to leave. You'll always come back. We don't know your name or what you look like but we know you better than your own parents. You know yourself better than most people as well.
the only true enlightenment in the dark age is self improvement.
The worlds too far gone to fix, but you can help yourself and others and bring light into their life.
>the only true enlightenment in the dark age is self improvement.
Self improvement for it's own sake is illumination, self improvement to be "successful" or "get laid" is worse than doing nothing.
>The worlds too far gone to fix, but you can help yourself and others and bring light into their life.
The world is never too far gone to be understood and enjoyed. Once you realize what you can and cannot do, things become easy.
This user understand Jow Forums, he'll enjoy use it instead of regretting.
It gives you strength. You know exactly what you need to do and how to do it. If you get too caught up in the idea of the oppressive system it will fuck you up. But you have to learn the greater truth. In the end we are all just incompetent monkeys flailing around. You could literally get away with murder. Always remember that. With a little dedication you can literally get away with murder.
They would have you believe that they directly control the actions and lives of everyone. In reality all they can do is push people to behave in a certain way. They can not and never will be able to physically program humans like robots to do their bidding. So long as humans are in charge their is always a way to exploit their weakness.
Its a lot easier to be on the attack than it is to be on the defense.
I am already doing exactly what I would like to be doing: nothing. I am lazing around spending my days doing whatever I want, whether that be taking naps and playing video games or going hiking. I have no goals or dreams beyond being happy here and now.
The only thing that makes me sad is that unless I win the lottery, this will not be a sustainable way of life. I am well aware that happiness now tends to mean misery later but I guess that's just the price I am paying, and willingly so.
>In the end we are all just incompetent monkeys flailing around.
This is based, we are useless monkey but we are smart enough to be free.
I've abandoned my dreams. None of them were realistic and now I have almost nothing to live for. I want to release an album and kms.
Where else in the world can you openly talk about being a anime watching national socialist pedophile without a hint of irony?
see i wasn't like that before i got here, now im more like that.
you guys are bad company. and thats the problem with Jow Forums.
>You could literally get away with murder. Always remember that. With a little dedication you can literally get away with murder.
and this is why i think you dudes are bad company.
I'm glad there are still girls who want this.
I'm not sure what I want to do exactly, but I want to bring about something that'll make the world a slightly better place. I'd like to also become a person that can be a good father and husband.
>you guys are bad company. and thats the problem with Jow Forums.
>and this is why i think you dudes are bad company.
No, we are the best company one can hope, we are honest, we are interesting and we are right. Everything normies pretend to be.
i'd rather be a failed normie, than buy into self destructive attitudes.
and there is a ton of attitudes that can just lead people down the wrong path here.
This' your problem, you still hold yourself.
Just stop caring and embrace all of it, let your ego die and your mind be empty, then you'll be happy.
I don't really see any difference between the self destructive attitudes of robots here and normies, you got you drinking threads, your drug threads, your sex threads, not much different from what the normies are doing, hell both are going nowhere in life in their own way.
it's the same coin just different sides fren
Jow Forums is not reality. Jow Forums is the broken optics of a million bitter manchildren. Jow Forums is an open book into the minds of people that can't even understand themselves, let alone other people. Jow Forums is a tabloid. Jow Forums wants you to believe that the world is black and white, and only the most radical extremes of things matter.
>This place allows you to truly be yourself
I'm an unironic furfag, am I allowed to be myself? No. Persecution on a meme basis aside, most people aren't allowed to be themselves here because frankly no one cares and their pleas to be recognized get drowned in worthless shitposts.
>we know you better than your own parents
Oh? Where do I work then, Mr. Jow Forums? Hint, I'm not a neet.
>I'm an unironic furfag, am I allowed to be myself?
Maybe you're the only kind of person that's not welcome here.
i can't be happy in stagnation. i want to be beyond what i am now.
i've seen people rationalize pedophilia, mass shootings, and a whole bunch of other shit that is far worse than drinking or drugs.
Misogyny is something i cant seperate myself from but i realize it's so destructive hating something you desire at the same time.
basically its more harmful than racism. because at least racists dont want to be near or with the races they dislike.
Along with trannies, polfags, black people, white people, people who don't watch anime, people who watch anime, normalfags, hypersexual roastie women... it's getting to be quite a lot isn't it? Even despite the lack of anonymity, it's unironically easier to be "yourself" on reddit.
>i can't be happy in stagnation. i want to be beyond what i am now.
That's the problem you want to be more, where you should be trying to be less.
>i've seen people rationalize pedophilia, mass shootings, and a whole bunch of other shit that is far worse than drinking or drugs.
And you've enjoyed it?
>Misogyny is something i cant seperate myself from but i realize it's so destructive hating something you desire at the same time.
You can learn to stop desiring woman, but you cannot unlearn to hate them.
Only dream is to have a wife and eventually a family, but haha thats not gonna happen so I question why I havent an heroed every single day
>he cares about what anonymous user#57687634 has to say
Never gonna make it. maybe you should just go join the normies on leddit.
You misunderstand it, people here will hate you for many reasons, but they'll listen and reply to you.
Our "just kill yourself faggot" is far warmer than the lack of response you'd have elsewhere.
He'll not be able to leave, once you've tasted freedom nothing satisfy you.
>i've seen people rationalize pedophilia, mass shootings, and a whole bunch of other shit that is far worse.
what bout the normies that drink and drive and kill people? what about the normies that rape? or the normies that throw fake rape accusations? what about the normie pedo female teachers? that actually carry out pedophilia? what about all the normie drug dealers and enablers that will eventually cost the life of someone?
>Misogyny is something i cant seperate myself from but i realize it's so destructive hating something you desire at the same time.
what I'm saying is robots racists? so are normies, robots are misogynist? so are normies
>That's the problem you want to be more, where you should be trying to be less.
yeah i actually believe i can be better than i am. i guess you gave up years ago.
>And you've enjoyed it?
i've enjoyed some of the negative things, but ultimately they just made me a more fucked up individual and more isolated from society.
it was unironically more enjoyable fitting in and having real life friends.
We're just more honest.
>yeah i actually believe i can be better than i am. i guess you gave up years ago.
You really don't understand, I not longer feel a burning desire to have things, I've learned to be happy with I have, no matter what I have.
Even if I lost my job I know I'll be happy, even if I'm forced to leave my country I know I'll be happy.
If you don't care about anything, what hopes do you have to change the world? What hopes do you have to achieve your dreams? Shutting up and singing with the choir is precisely the kind of thing you claim to be against.
Quite the contrary, in any normal conversation that'd be more rude and dismissive than just shutting up. But of course >Jow Forums >normal conversation. Which is precisely the problem of this place. That to reach actual discussion I have to wade through dozens of low-effort shitposts made by people like you who have the need to voice their opinions about shit they don't really care about, which pull in more weak-willed people's attention (replies, feeding trolls etc) along with them like an avalanche of shit. People think that upboats are just censorship and it's partially true (which is why it's nowhere near an ideal system), but it also weeds out low effort shitposts which are far more numerous and debilitating to discussion.
>Quite the contrary, in any normal conversation that'd be more rude and dismissive than just shutting up.
But you'd understand they are just being polite and you'd not enjoy it.
>People think that upboats are just censorship and it's partially true (which is why it's nowhere near an ideal system), but it also weeds out low effort shitposts which are far more numerous and debilitating to discussion.
You're free to move to a more regulated site if you want, but the lack of regulation Jow Forums has is addictive.
you have a point, but i dont feel like im wasting away as much as a normie as i do isolated on Jow Forums.
i get more happiness out of accomplishing things though.
accept what you can't change, but have the courage to change what you can.
i dont disagree with the idea of accepting things for what they are, but only if it's outside of your control. if you dont want to be fat, if you want to make more money, you can change. I dont want to be a porn addict so i'm trying to change that.
you could be a better you right now.
See while you waste time getting emotionally involved with anonymous strangers, I'm just here learning, growing stronger. I go out into the world now and I see with three eyes, because Ive seen it all before right here on Jow Forums.
Knowing where you work is not knowing yourself. Any descriptors of what you do, what you look like, what you sound like are not indications of knowing you. To know you, we read what you post. You may not specifically post anything personal to the self, but largely anons do because Jow Forums encourages truth to human spirit. You say how are robots different from normalfags,look at all these threads similar. In truth most posters in those threads are normalfags, you see these normals crying about their relationships or friendships and you realize that this place is infested with normalfaggotry. Robots are being invaded and whitewashed but thats another topic altogether. The point is that anons and more specifically robots know who you are because you are real, whether lying in shitposts or telling the deepest truths. Again you as in a whole, not you as in the individual. You post your issues, your regrets, your inner conclusions and philosophy. This is your true self, and its unlikely for anyone here to engage in these types of issues with people in real life where there is responsibility that comes with interaction. Those types of real down and gritty conversations almost never happen, even close friendships mayonly scratch the surface. An example is how an user wants to murder his parents and routinely draws his plans out. You would never see that user say something like that in real life except if forced. Is it true? Maybe. Doesnt matter, its an inward look into that posters mentality, spirituality, philosophy.
We know you because you tell us about you with every post you make and it doesnt matter if we dont know your name, it doesnt matter if we dont know what you look like or where youre from, we know the real you even if you continuously lie in every post you make. Its introspection to the self user, and no matter how much you think were bad influences, we have altered you by our interactions. If you leave, you will always remember us.
>i get more happiness out of accomplishing things though.
You'll never be happy this way.
>i dont disagree with the idea of accepting things for what they are, but only if it's outside of your control. if you dont want to be fat, if you want to make more money, you can change. I dont want to be a porn addict so i'm trying to change that.
You can only truly control how you react and view things, for and example: you can decide to enjoy being poor, but you cannot truly decide to be poor or rich.
>you could be a better you right now.
I've control over everything I can control, trying to improve beyond it would be the worse choice possible.
you're not that wise desu.
>you can only control how you react and view things
you can control how you react, but to control the way you feel or interpret something is far harder.
>but you cannot decide to be rich or poor
Literally investing in a trade school, or lucrative degree is a way of boosting your probability of wealth.or just getting a better job.
you speak like a person who doesn't think they can do more to improve their life. that's saddening and thats part of the reason you're bad company."
you're basically persuading me to stop trying to accomplish what i want to, and telling me success doesn't boost your self-worth or happiness.
>but to control the way you feel or interpret something is far harder.
I never said it's easy, I only said it's the only way to be happy.
>Literally investing in a trade school, or lucrative degree is a way of boosting your probability of wealth.or just getting a better job.
And what I'd if I get the money? It'd make me worried of losing it.
>you speak like a person who doesn't think they can do more to improve their life.
The only way to improve my life is to learn how to control how I react and feel things.
>you're basically persuading me to stop trying to accomplish what i want to
I'm saying you should learn to control what you want, instead of seeking accomplishments that will not bring you happiness.
>, and telling me success doesn't boost your self-worth or happiness.
Indeed, having success is just masturbating... addictive and only cause suffering in the long run.
Learn to enjoy a full belly instead of seeking rare meals.
>instead of seeking accomplishments that will not bring you happiness.
usually doing well and getting the things i want to get done brings me happiness.
success isn't just masturbating. it's developing and improving. Unless you're an olympic wanker masturbation is just a time killer and waste of testosterone.
You learn more, you adapt to situations better, and you improve your self worth and confidence by achieving what you want. it could be as simple as getting in shape, or learning how to do something you've always wanted.
i enjoy both to be honest. depends on my mood.
now im dieting though and it's been more successful than it has before i'm happy about that.
it's a sacrifice of food i enjoy for better health and a better appearance.
If you seek to be better, any success is a temporary boast of happiness, no matter what you do it'll not be enough.
If you learn to enjoy a full belly, any success should be take with caution and will not make you happier.
You're depositing your hope of being happy in your appearance, this will only bring you suffering.
Politeness invites civility, it's a psychological effect most people overlook. Like how you feel more productive in a clean environment rather than a messy room.
>the lack of regulation Jow Forums has is addictive
Jow Forums has plenty of regulation, don't you see people bitch about jannies all the time? And addictiveness is a problem, not a virtue.
>learning, growing stronger
What did you learn here that you wouldn't learn elsewhere, without the shitposts?
No user, you are the normalfags as well. Being cynical and judgmental is a normalfag quality.
>Knowing where you work is not knowing yourself
It's an integral part of my life. I could tell you much deeper truths about myself, that you wouldn't guess in a million years, but you claim to know me better than my relatives, so... You wouldn't have known anything about me if I hadn't told you, and the moment this thread 404s, I disappear back into the white noise of anons without any reference to whatever memory my posting has left in you.
>know who you are
That's the thing, you don't. You can't discern between an average quality bait post from a non-robot and an actual robot. At least in real life you have more time to discuss these issues, you can tell it to friends who will try to find help for you on their own, things you can't do within the span of one thread.
>wants to murder his parents
Yeah as if people don't get v& here over those things already.
>What did you learn here that you wouldn't learn elsewhere, without the shitposts?
About how people suffer and how happiness appearance are illusory.
self worth isn't something that is temporary.
even when the high of happiness is gone.
the more things you accomplish the higher your sense of self worth becomes, and the harder it is for you to break your focus, or quit on something you want to succeed.
You have the knowledge that you've succeeded, so the next thing you want to try you'll be more confident.
btw success usually does boost someones happiness it's a ridiculous argument to pretend it doesnt. it does lose it's high after you get used to it.
i'd rather appear in shape, than fat. i dont care if roasties don't like me, im still more fuckable in shape than i am fat.
plus i got an extra inch under this pelvic fat.
>self worth isn't something that is temporary.
external value is not something to be trusted
>the more things you accomplish the higher your sense of self worth becomes
There's a reason why CEOs and billionaires are, in general, very unhappy
> it does lose it's high after you get used to it.
Success indeed makes one jaded.
You delude yourself, no human will become happy because he looks good, it's quite the opposite.
Well I already lost my virginity to my girlfriend so check it off the list boys. But I'm still an incel loser basement dweller living with parents as an obese anime & vidya fanboy. So I guess a good job would be the next step.
When you seek vanity and full yourself, this brings suffering.
When you seek to have an full belly and empty yourself, this brings balance.
listening to depressing redpills on Jow Forums also makes a person jaded.
success doesn't always pertain to wealth. it could be something you want to achieve or accomplish.
it isn't as shalllow as you make it out to be.
it has many different forms but most importantly you should be trying to achieve what you want.
yeah that really just depends on the individual to be honest. a lot of people fall for the overly pessimisstic, if you have an ugly face they'res no point in improving your body.
I disagree. Improved health, strength, stamina, and your body is less ugly.
i just dont think weird nerdy faced people should become overly muscular. i think there's a limit and people sometimes cross it and end up looking weird. they could simply just pack on a little muscle and look in shape rather than like a body builder.
you can appreciate and be greatful for what you have, while still looking to improve yourself and your place in life.
that's balance.
the full belly thing also sounds a little hedonistic.
>it has many different forms but most importantly you should be trying to achieve what you want.
The problem lies within the very nature of success, the process of completing certain goals is addictive and damaging in (no so) long run.
>I disagree. Improved health, strength, stamina, and your body is less ugly.
Healthy, strength and stamina a good goals, but you should rely on "being good looking" to be happy.
I didn't need Jow Forums to tell me those things. Perhaps for you it's been a boon, for me it was nothing new.
>about how people suffer
What makes it so important to you? Even moreso, why is it more important to you than knowing how do people feel happiness?
Happiness isn't any less illusory than anything else you experience. Suffering/Feeling miserable is illusory. Feeling anything at all is illusory. Existing is illusory. See how that slippery slope goes? The thing is that, if everything is illusory, the very word "illusory" is kind of pointless, isn't it?
Appearance is just another form of communication, of expression. Not more, but also not less. To disregard it completely is just as fallacious as to abide by it.
>you can appreciate and be greatful for what you have, while still looking to improve yourself and your place in life.
One that's happy with their life don't seek to improve it. One that can enjoy eating rice don't battle for meat.
>the full belly thing also sounds a little hedonistic.
Maybe translation is not perfect, but "full belly" mean to be content with the very basic.
I want to contribute to humanity's progress or understanding
>One that's happy with their life don't seek to improve it. One that can enjoy eating rice don't battle for meat.
And this is a fallacy, my fren. Nothing is so good that it can't be better. Happiness is something to tend for. The moment you stop watering a blooming plant, it starts to wither.
The very search for better things is enough to spoil their flavor.
The moment you have ambition and fill yourself, you stop enjoying things.
im trying to learn a second language. care to tell me why it would damage me in the long run?
i feel good and accomplished when i learn new things. rather than learning depressing stats i learn phrases
you can be happy but discontent with certain parts of your life.
happiness isn't a 100% thing. you can live a mostly happy life, not be depressed, feel generally satisfied and still want to do more.
also thisthe guy is almost talking about Buddhist elightenment which requires an incredible mindset to fully embrace. true contentment with life is something most people cannot reach.
nothing I would actually dedicate the time/effort to acheiving
>care to tell me why it would damage me in the long run?
By basing your happiness on it and filling yourself (sorry for the bad English)
>happiness isn't a 100% thing. you can live a mostly happy life, not be depressed, feel generally satisfied and still want to do more.
user, I doubt someone can be happy while having ambition. While it's possible to not be depressed, it's not the best path.
>the guy is almost talking about Buddhist elightenment
What guy? The guy talking about full belly or the guy talking about having ambitions?
>I doubt someone can be happy while having ambition.
you'd be wrong then.
i dont base my happiness on any one thing. Japanese is just a passion and a hobby and i feel fulfillment from doing it. i get happiness in other ways.
Anyways it's been a nice discussion but im going to bed. My post was originally about not wasting too much time on Jow Forums. i've already spend a lot of time here. Goodnight.
the one talking about full belly and that embracing life for what it is and not seeking a greater place in life is true happiness
>Anyways it's been a nice discussion but im going to bed.
Sleep well user.
>the one talking about full belly and that embracing life for what it is and not seeking a greater place in life is true happiness
It's Taoism, and it's quite different from Buddhism. Instead of becoming a monk with no desire, it's about becoming a simpleton with simple/natural desires.