>be me
>redditfag, have good times on reddit
>hear about Jow Forums
>come here, slowly get redpilled
>stop going to reddit
>3 years later
>spend a lot of time on Jow Forums, have become a literal fascist
>decide to go on reddit for old time's sake
>everyone's all like "hurr hurr hurr, your body your choice, believe women, toxic masculinity, you can dress like a slut
>become really thankful I came here instead of staying here
Be me
Other urls found in this thread:
>don't forget, you are here forever
>fascists come here from reddit
Not surprised, tee bee aitch.
>hurr hurr hurr, your body your choice, believe women, toxic masculinity, you can dress like a slut
I have to agree with you on that. It's nice how you don't have to be PC at all here. This site is better suited to exchanging ideas than reddit ever will be because of the anonymity and (relatively) lax moderation. Enjoy your stay, user. We may disagree on a lot, but we have a common dislike for the forced PC culture on other sites, and that shared disgust is good enough for me.
Reddit is better than Jow Forums if you ignore the politics. Jow Forums is mostly low quality shitposting.
>is a reddit retard
>comes to Jow Forums and is still retarded
your genuinely fucking stupid i want to beat the shit out of you and this is coming from someone who had to google how to spell genuinely
literally the only reason i even like reddit is r/okbuddyretard
Have you seen this:
They literally have to have a designated safe space board for unpopular opinions, because otherwise, their system of groupthink enforcement based on karma/downvoting/whatever will censor it.
Why would anyone waste time on a site like that? Even stupid people must realize that groupthink is unhealthy.
and even that sub is flawed because only popular opinions are upvoted
And you still fucked up and used the wrong "your/you're".
>looks like you made a typo
>people will think I'm smart for having an elementary school education if I correct this guy
Go back to r*ddit
Even there they censor opinion often
>be me
Yup, definitely a redd*tfag
Oh piss off you retarded fucking newfag
>boy i am sure i got brainwashed from one direction to the other!
WOOOOW that's so cool buddy, can i appear on the screencap?
>oh fuck he called me out amma call him a newfag thats gonna show him
i dont get it with newfags saying newfag to other anons thinking there part of the ''gang''
stfu fed
The mere use of "newfag" is already cringe by itself, this place has gone to shit over the last years
and it isn't going to get better soon.
the fact that Jow Forums is turning newfags into alt-right puppets never ceases to amuse me, like read a fucking book idiots, don't take everything so srs its just the fucking internet
Most newfags that come to Jow Forums come because they are already the edgy " I say nigger but I'm not racist" type. Talking with the actual racists on this site helps push them over the edge.
So you're sure of this?
I was that newfag, but I made it out of the Jow Forums rabbithole. Most dont, and will repost the shitty infographics they found here and shit up every other board.
So that makes what you are saying unequivocally true?
Brainwashing is to instill ones beliefs firmly into the mind of his/her victim. What he went through was an awakening of HIS OWN which led him away from ideals that did not match up with the way he saw things.
Sure, unequivocally sure
I can't wrap my head around the assumption that Jow Forums is a literal rabbit hole. If anything it's a phase and not one to be taken seriously because it's mostly edgy teenagers seeking to be contrarian. So I disagree with you when you say that it turns people into actual racists and even more so when you say that most people cannot come back from this.
any echo chamber will turn vulnerable idiots into puppets because it's not the ideals that matter but the sense of justice for their personal insecurities that drives them as a community
Stopped reading.
Go back.
Take them with you.
There are boomers on Jow Forums too, and do you know many people who have full 180ed their beliefs? And for the ones that do it takes a lot of work.
As for Jow Forums being a rabbithole, it absolutely is, it probably only takes 1 or 2 retarded infographics ( redpills) to turn the people on the edge of becoming full blown racists into actual racists.
The claims you're making are are bold and completely unsubstantiated. Personal insecurities? Sense of justice? Can you actually verify that this reasoning exists within the psychology of these communities?
Your entire life experience is controlled by the Jews user. It's already too late.
Telling someone to go back has never worked
>stop gatekeeping and let me keep ruining the ruined board in peace!
Go back faggot. Go the fuck back.
So is that why liberals value the welfare of refugees so dearly? Because they too feel like they do not belong in America and so they use their "activism" as a scapegoat for their own guilt? Amerifats aside because amerifat stopped being relevant 50 years ago. What with all those lost wars and israeli puppet, but yeah if you honestly believe that diversification is good then you're fucking retarded.
Except you're here proving your assumption wrong. How many threads are anti/pol/ on Jow Forums? You're full of shit calling this an echochamber lmao
i mean i agree with the reddit faggot, if you rlly want plebbiters to go back post animal gore that should do the trick
It's going to take more than one or two infographics online to indoctrinate someone. Cult indoctrination comes to mind and that takes a lot of psychological manipulation. Sensationalism and fear-mongering are what brings people to believe that radicalization on the internet can occur when, in my opinion, that simply isn't true. As long as someone can displace their online experience from reality then they cannot become radicalized and I'm optimistic that many people on Jow Forums and other communities have that ability.
>be me
>go on website
>let it alter my opinions and the way I speak
>get mad at other website for not sharing my opinions anymore
Imagine being this much of a drone haha
maybe even an "NPC" as they say nowadays
Reddit for serious discussion
Jow Forums for shitposting
>serious discussion
yeah if the discussion is a one sided one,
theres no real discussion there either you circle jerk whatever there talking about or if you oppose them the mod cuck well ban you
But Jow Forums is not any better.
>Reddit for serious discussion
get a load of this smoothbrainer lol
nigger thats why Jow Forums is better i can call you a nigger faggot and Hitler was our savoir without getting banned atleast we got real free speech here
and this
plebbit overall is a huge cesspool of faggots
>OP is redditor
Thats all we need to know
Go back and take your everything with you, we dont want you
Exactly what I said, thanks for proving my point.
No serius discussion here, just personal attacks.
Im out.
i'm feeling personally attacked by how little you have actual discussions on Jow Forums, almost like you're afraid
he's properly a plebbiter himself pay the faggot no mind
go have yours ''serious discussion'' on plebbt you faggot kek
>How many threads are anti/pol/ on Jow Forums?
The very fact that you can say "anti/pol/ threads" and expect other people to know what you mean is conceding the point, faggot. There very clearly is a set of ideas considered acceptable by Jow Forums that they loudly crosspost on every other board. If I can't have a perfectly reasonable opinion about a videogame on /v/ without being accused of being a "good goyim," a meme that only makes sense to post if you not only buy the Jow Forums horseshit but assume I buy it on some level too. Jow Forums may not be the preening, paranoid hell that Reddit is but I've never been convinced that teenagers choosing whatever far-right -ism will piss off libcucks most in this particular thread is any better. The whole point of edgy holocaust denial is to stand out from the crowd. If you're doing it because everyone else is doing it too than you're no less a cuck than anyone on Jow Forumscuck.
You can do that exact same thing on certain echo chamber subreddits without any repercussions, doesn't make a difference. The fucking r/braincels reddit basically feels like Jow Forums without all the gay and tranny threads. Sure, you can actually share controversial opinions much more easily all across Jow Forums but over time you'll just end up seeking out whatever echo chamber suits you most. I mean do you actually wanna go somewhere where everyone disagrees with you?
Try saying that stuff on the more liberalish boards like /co/ and people will just ask you to go back to Jow Forums. Oh wait, they already do that on Jow Forums too
Look at the OP, he came here and got "redpilled" and now he can't even handle reddit as a whole. Now he'll just circlejerk here instead of there. Wow, badass....
So what you said is that a bunch of anons changed your mind.