Is there anyone here who used to be depressed but is happy now?

Is there anyone here who used to be depressed but is happy now?

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I used to be depressed, but it receded when I started thinking about little girls 200 times per day.

I currently dont feel depression because I am obsessed with a girl

I used to be thoroughly depressed. Ive gotten a lot better, but i have some bad days here and there

it's a meme, but it gets better, my man. You just need to find something worth caring about, however inane that thing might be

I was depressed for 8 years. Now I don't care.

I was depressed for most of my life until I went on Welbutrin and Escitalopram for ADHD. I wouldn't say I'm "happy" just by being on it, but it's more like my lows aren't bad anymore. When I forget to refill my prescription and end up being off of it for a week or so is when I notice it the most.

When I'm off of the medication, I realize that it doesn't fix anything, it just makes me more oblivious to the impact of my life. My life hurts people. I leech off of my parents, delaying their retirement. I take out my frustration on my friends and girlfriend. Me having a job takes a position from someone who deserves and needs it. But the medication makes me say "meh" to all of that, rather than wanting to kill myself because of it.

Long story short, depression doesn't get better. Your best hope is using medication and turning a blind eye to reality.

All of these anons are still depressed, but not me OP. Do you have any specific questions? I'll be here all night :)

I don't even know if I'm depressed. I might have an anxiety disorder but there's no way to confirm it since the mental health awareness in my country is shit.

yeah just be yourself man worked for me
not really i went through a very long process of refusing medication and manually fixing myself which resulted in giving up the illusions and being completely honest with myself 100% of the time then learning how to forgive myself for everything i didnt like
highly recommended and doesnt irreparably fuck your brain to shit either

for reals

I'll think I'm happy for a while then it comes back

Idk if in happy, but I've learned to accept my negative emotions
I used to be a mess like allot of people, but instead of turning to pills or alcohol I just came to the conclusion to accept my negative emotions instead of fighting them. It's just all calm now, I don't really mind the bad stuff anymore

I mean I wouldn't use the word happy user. But I used to be depressed and now I'm content. I used to be a virgin neckbeard out of shape computer nerd. Now I'm just a clean shaven obese computer nerd with a girlfriend.

How did you undepress yourself? I mean, seriously - I'm at the point where the concept of not constantly fighting the urge to shoot myself is completely foriegn to me.

I was depressed since i was around 9. My life sucked, but gradually became better and I basically didn't have anything to complain about, but before i realized it, i fucked everything up, which threw me into a depression worse than anything before that.
Thing is, you should try and tell yourself in which ways your life could be worse off instead of just looking up. That could help you become happy with what you currently have.
Also the smiling meme works. Just try to be cheerful and smile moderately and you will trick yourself if you try hard enough.
As in how to fill the yearning for meaning, try accepting there is none, be in the moment.

This thread definitely won't help you and if anything you'll be validated in your negative habits and thought patterns. I'd recommend finding someone to consistently talk to with whom you can forge a plan to come up with better habits. The whole concept of mainstream CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) has roots in practical application but loses sight in the traditional therapist-patient relationship. You need a real friend/relationship with someone so you can talk about what you're doing, why you're doing it, and what you want to do differently. Also, positivity breeds positivity just like negativity breeds negativity so if you're around a positive influence it will be much better for you than, say, an imageboard dedicating to self-loathing. If you unironically want to be happy and live life not wanting to kill yourself all the time you can be; it's the ones who are, as they say, 'okay with being numb,' or, 'come to accept their depression' that are deep in the hole. I do believe everyone can be redeemed and find a path for themselves but what I said above is the crux of the whole thing. If you have a discord I'd be glad to talk more and keep in contact with you.

3 days ago i spent an entire day with these guys who were all friends for years. They were joking and smiling and being happy the whole time. I had forgotten how weird it was to be depressed and mad at myself everyday for months. When you're alone all the time there's no one there to remind you that its wrong to be depressed.

^ almost there I guess

Are you really fit to say it doesn't get better? What effort have you made to change things for the better?
Imagine your life as a bike and if you fall down that means you're dead, medicine basically acts as sidewheels. You don't know how to ride that bike yet, but sidewheels make it manageable. Well, those wheels are going to come off someday so if I were you I'd radically change things for the better while you still can.

hello. You most likely already knew this, but I wanted to make sure anyways. You're using that girl as an object for your obsession because you lack purpose in life and "love" is the only primal instinct (other than fear) a weak faggot like you can feel. It will last for a couple of months, at best 1-2 years and after that you'll realize that you don't have a chance, or even if you do have a chance you wouldn't really like spending time with her because she doesn't really mean anything to you other than something that can fill a hole in you. And you're going to fall into depression again. And you'll fall hard. And it will hurt. A lot.

t. currently at said endpoint.

>started thinking about little girls 200 times per day.
I knew I couldn't be the only one

NTA but vadimt150m#5028 if you want to

I can't say that i'm "happy", but i can say that i'm getting better.
flashback to maybe 10-12 months ago, i was in an abusive relationship, which felt like it drained me to a constant state of autopilot. that gaping feeling in my chest felt permanent. i was diagnosed with MDE when i was 11, and around a year ago i was convinced at that point that combating my mental health was a lost cause. i constantly isolated myself from close friends and wouldn't even go downstairs if i heard family already there.
around 5 months ago, though, i finally was strong enough to leave the toxic relationship that i was still in. soon after i left him, i finally began to feel like my own person. i started making artwork again, i focused on building healthy relationships, and i began to generally surround myself with the people and things that brought me happiness.
now, i have friends who i don't have to make up an excuse for if i don't feel like hanging out. i began my first job at a diner down the street from me last week. i feel excitement when a drawing is turning out well, and i blast the music that i love into my ears whenever i fucking please.

now, i feel like i'm finally going somewhere. whatever you go through, use it as an opportunity to beat the ever loving shit out of what it is that is holding you down. you can grow from this. as long as you're alive, it's not too late.

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