Whats ur excuse

whats ur excuse

this fat motherfucker is with this fucking 8/10 petite teen

Attached: 0B67781E-C578-4707-BA43-486E103D77D1.jpg (1125x1256, 782K)

nigga either has a horse cock or a personality. to get this qt, im fairly sure he has both.

oh my god is this what r9k looks like? jfc that dude is putrid

that fat motherfucker could squish my fucking head with his fist

Are u fucking retarded or something? That hambeast is fat too. Look at that squishy stomach and those arms. She's 30 pounds away from being petite.

look at them piano key teeth, yikes

shes cute and youre either a jealous femanon or a jaded and negative user :)

>she's asian
asian girls dig white chicks, I see no problems here, 2/10 becomes 8/10 in their eyes as long as the guy isn't a social fuckup

Is that Dan "If she's under nine her asshole is mine" Schneider? He has a BPD gf now? good for him, I guess.

>asian chicks dig white chicks
asian girls dig white dudes*
you never know though what they get up to when they're alone

op here, by the way i knew this qt back in high school she was a poltard fembot who moved away after my freshman year

op here, by the way I'm a huge faggot who likes to suck big nigger dicks

>whats ur excuse
I passed up my opportunities like an idiot, and I'm not in a place in my life to go out looking for a gf.

I do hope things change soon.

Humm maybe she a rare Unicorn user

He looks like he's at least 5'10+. Being tall can make up for being fat easy

You're fucked if you short

good luck user never give up
>i belive in u

Attached: 3310B834-49A7-4D23-B95A-1C385D84A968.jpg (1122x2208, 558K)

thank you fren,
I will never forget you, and the support you have given me.

my excuse is that i like cock and balls and am women

Attached: AE3C776E-474F-4201-9783-94127D6BD83C.jpg (1857x1034, 1.72M)

That's the most pitiful lanklet virgin cope I have seen today

I have nothing to offer physically, emotionally or monetarily. I'm boring and lazy, I don't like to try in any facet of my life because I think it's pointless. Not that I could get in a relationship but I just think they're tedious and tiring, maybe it's because my autism prevents me from connecting to anyone on an emotional level.

Not really. Almost every time you see these "wow this fat guy got a girl" pics it's always a tall one

Also I'm not a virgin but I only ever fucked girls I was paying

OP, here. I wish I wasn't left with only the memories of my father's scruff gently digging into the soft, porcelain skin of my dainty shoulders, while he mounted me from behind. Life has been so much harder without him. If only someone had warned him about the sort of damage a horse cock can do to a man's anal cavity.

thats cringe youre forever stained by nasty hooker pussy being your first rodeo

That's because fat fucks are much more likely to be tall.

They weren't hookers. Just girls I convinced to let me fuck them for money

Realistically speaking, just havent found the right girl. All circumstance man. What if that guy has a larger pool with more fish and I have a smaller pool with less fish? You have to consider these things.

She's slightly out of his league but she's a solid 6/10 AT BEST.

ugly bastard

shes a little fat cunt, hes done well for himself but not as well as youre implying