there seems to be a disproportionate amount of girls into this shit. some take it just as an aesthetic thing but there are also girls who could talk nonstop for hours about the properties of different crystals and symbols and shit. what's going on?
Yeah but so do a lot of other things. just being a basic bitch would be enough. and its usually a girl to girl thing rather than a thing to be sexually attractive
Connor Green
Most of them are fucking larping and have no clue what they are talking about never read a damn thing about the occult and have no respect for actual pagan traditions. I hate fake occult whores
Nicholas Nelson
Idk they sound like brainlets
Jaxon Thompson
>rather than a thing to be sexually attractive You're right, it isn't. Attention from other girls can be as much if not more valuable than attention from men.
Grayson Morris
because the mystical is alluring to them? the ones who really believe are usually more lowkey about it and will know the more practical stuff like herbal home remedies etc crystals and astrology is entry tier basic bitch level, stay clear
Blake Stewart
>because the mystical is alluring to them?
why not some actual religion then?
James Allen
where do I find one of these brainlet females?
Evan Hill
Because that requires putting in actual effort and has litmus tests from normies. There's nothing specific you have to do to call yourself a pagan/wiccan in the eyes of a normie. Who the fuck is gonna fact check them?
Joseph Wright
religion in the west isn't mystical at all lmao. Christianity has gone institutional and lost the down-to-earth spiritual experience that a religion should have. I've only met a few christcucks who have a deeper understanding of their religion, the vast majority are brainlets that just go to church
New pagan movements are filling the spiritual gaps that religions like christianity are failing to offer in 2019. There's also much less dogma in these pagan religions, more of a do-what-works-for-you attitude and less of a do-this-cause-we-said-so attitude
Brandon Anderson
Well said, the human being needs that connection to the earth and spirituality. Women intuitively know this and seek out things which foster this connection.
Ayden King
The crystal, herbal, zodiac nonsense is... diet occult. Most aren't practitioners any more then most claim Christianity. Now, some of the "scariest" groups in the world, like Order of the Nine Angles, are disproportionately female because much of the occult frowns upon men for the very thing seen in r9k. The weakest men are dregs compared to the weakest women. Men are so weak they would use sex as the basis for everything. Not as enjoyment, or a tool, but as vice. Men are important in the occult arts, but it has to be real men. Most just don't cut it. Many practices can be done with women alone, but not men alone.
Dylan James
>Women intuitively know this and seek out things which foster this connection. Must be a penis, they all seem to love penises from attractive males.
Luis Nelson
First post most elevated with respect to the ones following it
Aiden Foster
>Christianity has gone institutional
Maybe certain Protestant sects but this isn't true of Catholicism and certainly not true of Orthodoxy which has a literal mystical induction for all its members
>the vast majority are brainlets that just go to church
coudln't this be said of literally any religion/political stance etc?
Mason Lee
Woman typically lacks her own connection to the lowest/most basic energy. Woman has a void between her legs. This is why women spiritualists are often huge sluts, but men spiritualists are often monk-like.
Cock is unironically good for a woman's wellbeing. Submitting and letting a man fill her with his overflowing sexual energy is almost necessary for a woman. Woman 's void is in her loins, man's void is in his chest.
Sebastian Cox
it's a substitute for personality, a lot more people do it than you think. Think of the people who without their real big interest, you wouldn't know how they'd survive socially.
John Perez
I've noticed the same thing actually. Apparently back in the 90s the same sort of thing was happening with girls in Japan, Tarot readings and seances being particularly popular. Other than being "mysterious", I imagine the main draw is just to use it as a talking point to seem knowledgeable/interesting as others have said.
Ryan Hernandez
Men spiritualists aren't monk-like. Most are getting laid on the regular. You're only thinking of RHP. Anyone practicing from the LHP is no monk, and most of what OP is talking about involves LHP practices even if not strictly 'LHP'. >What is 'sapphic' magic?
James Reed
Also, any spirituality which worships a goddess is likely going to involve women. That's if we're talking new age Wicca movements. The triple goddess and all that shit. Those movements, their dichotomies, hold women in high regard. Even Baphomet in the traditional form is partially woman.
Nicholas Torres
It's basically the female equivalent of the male's edgy atheist phase plus a cope when they realize harry potter isn't real and they are not going to be swept off to magic school where they are special. You see it a lot with the borderline or actual autistic females who are into other types of infantile fiction like furry and weeb stuff. Those deviant art alt chicks that draw the same shitty "oc dont steal" characters for years without improving but somehow still have massive egos about their "art".
Grayson Sullivan
>still understanding spirituality in dichotomies Useful, but only to a point. Tell me, did the Buddha follow the LHP or the RHP?
Jose Cox
Regarding seances and dealings with the dead... if you go over to Africa to a country like Benin, you'll see a lot more even playing ground between men and women. Women are still held in high regard, but you'll find plenty of male practitioners.
Liam Thompson
Buddhism & Christianity both, assuming they're actually practiced opposed to 'followed', are RHP. Those who mix elements of either with 'traditional' occultism follow a mixture of RHP and LHP. Mind you, there's very few people out there who truly are strict Buddhists or Christians. To answer 'useful to a point', again, very few people could say they're practitioners of either.
Lincoln Wright
Mind you, OP isn't exactly an expert, and dichotomies exist for the purpose of categorizing and explaining information. Obviously, few follow strict paths of either. >(Some do though, and whether strict LHP or RHP, such people are generally feared or viewed with caution/respect.)
>orthodoxy I said the west. eastern europe hardly counts.
>catholicism is absolutely institutional. Are you retarded? Catholicism is the largest Christian denomination in the world. Unless you're talking about joining the priesthood (which few people do), there's hardly anything mystical about about the induction ceremony that is dunking your baby in a bowl of water and saying a prayer. The child isn't tied to that religion. Fuck I hate Jews but even ritual circumcision has a one up on this one, it physically alters the baby and the religion leaves a permanent mark on the child, tying itself to the baby forever.
>couldn't this be said of literally any religion/political stance etc? I don't know why you're bringing politics into this, cause we're talking about spirituality. But yes, a lot of people are brainlets when it comes to politics too.
The fact of the matter is that Christianity as it is practiced by the majority of people in North America and Europe (excluding South America and the orthodox) is failing to give people spiritual meaning for those who really seek it. They are too watered down and too clean.
Aiden Ross
women are incapable of having hobbies that require a skill beyond their own ability to bullshit. and most of their hobbies exist merely as another way to socialise. they don't actually care about the hobby
Liam Young
well people generally are into this sort of shit because it's easier than actually learning stuff, like, why would you pick up a math or philosophy book when you can just smoke weed and feel "at one with the earth"? also they're not "into" wicca or occult theory so much as they enjoy it on an aesthetic, superficial level. you'll find that people who actually delve into occultism and understand why it exists tend to be fascinated skeptics rather than ardent believers. same reason why the greatest religious minds didn't just blindly believe in god, they all wrote thousands of pages trying to convince themselves this shit was real and not just another intellectual dead end.
also this post is dedicated to kierkegaard (both the man and the tripfag)
Before you ask me about Hinduism, Buddha's parent religion, you know damn well as I do there can be a devotee of Ganesha (RHP) or a fanatical of Kali (LHP). Maybe a little of both. Mostly both. Even Hinduism has people who select one of two distinct paths.
Carter Price
>communion isn't mysticism >jews castrating their baby is
Can't tell if this is bait or if you're some butthurt Hindu or some shit
Jacob Fisher
communion is nothing special... only catholics make it a thing, protestants just give the kids the cracker and wine and move on. There is no test of belief. There is no sacrifice. There is nothing required of the person being inducted and those watching other than verbally affirming their belief. That makes it weak.
Christian Morgan
You perfectly described this bitch I work with who ruins my lunch almost everyday by droning on and on about inane shit because I made the mistake of having a conversation about video games with her once. Despite having a tattoo of the Heartless symbol from Kingdom Hearts, she'd only played the two numbered games. Even as someone uninterested in the occult I can still tell her knowledge of it is puddle deep just like with any other subject she brings up, it's legit kinda maddening how confident she acts despite all this.
Blake Garcia
lol people who get tattoos for validation are the worst, but then again most people do most things for validation and most people are indeed shit
Samuel Garcia
I think all of /x/ just stepped into Jow Forums. Howdy, y'all.
Juan Barnes
i went to /x/ for a few days and my brain fucking melted, had to go back to /sci/ where even though 60% of posters are high schoolers who watched a youtoob video on GR, the culture of not accepting anything without proofs is like mental bleach
Lincoln Bennett
I know a tomboy girl who lives in the countryside by herself. She uses paganism as an excuse to be nudist/naturist. Pretty sure she knows nothing about paganism.
Elijah Rivera
It's the only religion that doesn't preach no-fun.
Mother fucking duh.
Logan Thompson
what.? the fuck are you talking about? you just made men seem like sluts
Brody Morgan
spiritual exploration beyond white bread "GOD AND JESUS IS GOOD" is too much for some people
Jacob Rogers
can a casual observer of paganism glean some sort of deeper spiritual meaning that speaks to their desires of a more mystical or earth and human life centered spirituality through wicca for dummies or do i need to pay for a full conversion to qualify?
Jacob Green
>my people's religion allows for psychedelic use to help on spiritual journeys >also allows me to party hard because I am responsible and doesn't consider hedonism a sin if it doesn't cause problems >live a normal life while also trying to be altruistic >blamed as a godless deviant pagan
Justin Russell
It's simple, bitches be witches
Brandon Ortiz
Maybe they are higher in openness.
Levi Scott
i mean, you probably shouldn't believe in something you don't understand, and if you understand it you probably won't want to believe in it anyway
Brayden James
I work on cutting gemstones and usually get occultists that ask about certain energy's for crystals. If I don't know the answer they get irritated even though its not my specialty since I only know the economic values of stones. These normies act like they know the occult but if you haven't used the Lesser Key of Solomon you're a bitch that hasn't seen all the doors in the house start shaking and whispers from nowhere.
Because they experience a huge gap between their egos/expectations and their capacity to make it real
The female ego is absolutely gigantic because of the way we raise young girls and boys
Grayson Young
i guess you can use it as a general guide for your life like any other religion with its own tenets and commandments but it would be silly to actually believe in all the idols and creation stories that were left over from when people still did stuff like seriously practicing alchemy
Luis Cooper
Be Catholic.
John Phillips
so, christianity?
Bentley Scott
Because they reject traditional religion for being archaic and unbelievable but still have an urge to believe in some kind of other worldly force so they just turn to this shit.
Grayson Martin
Actual religion has guidelines and rules on how to live, while Wicca is so non-practiced they can ignore all rules it has. Same with Western women who are Buddhist: they do it because it gives them attention but also is rare enough that they don't have to actually follow it's teachings
Jaxon Cook
It's femalecentric and woman empowering.
I read a cool book from the 1870s and it had a bit on ancient Saxon culture in what is now Germany. It claimed the word Thing comes from these Saxon tribes. A Thing was a meeting where the elders would gather to discuss shit.
Women had their own Things were men weren't allowed to attend and men became so distrustful and paranoid of what went on at these knitting circles they inspired the whole Witch mythology and the idea of Witches rose out of that.
Nowadays it's just edgy Paganism and a religion they can assign as there's without be held to any standard like claiming to be Christian does.
Brayden Bell
they actually believe in the bullshit because they are women and have literally everything in life handed to them.
Bentley Campbell
>Pay for a conversion There ya go confusing it with Christianity again
Samuel Howard
It's a trend, tumblr is full of it It's a cute aesthetic, fun (for a stupid young girl) and fills them with some sort of spirituality even if it's pretend in this godless world
Basically it's the perfect "religion" for young thots very sex positive, diy, instagrammable, delusion and superstition-encouraging, cute etc
it's just another label to be special The only wicca that really left a mark on me was a gardener she knew all about herbs and shit and how to make a nice tea out of them, she was also in to Homeopathy (Im not so keen on that).
A few lean into as another way that they are victimized, women are opressed, witches were historically oppressed, I am a more oppressed individual than the average woman, add on sexuality etc for bonus oppressions.
other than that it's edgy&cool/accepted to reject and dunk on christians other religions you cant because it's "bigoted"
Parker Allen
They tend to hate christianity because christianity does not like sluttery. That, and they are dumb as rocks.
Henry Richardson
You are not even religious. You are hust a LARPing hedonist
Noah Wright
lol if your religion views all vice as hedonism
Tyler Wilson
Ya know how black people are obsessed with the idea of jesus beinng black? Like, mentioning it all the time and when you tell them that he probably wasnt black, rhey become muslims because they then think mohammed was black (he wasn't)
Thats wicca for women. They talk endlessly about the goddess this and the goddess that because if it doesnt have a vagina, how are they suppose to relate to it?
Caleb Cooper
Organized religions aren't in vogue anymore. Funny that they're pretty much dumping christianity for not-christianity as a fad. Who cares. Very little will compell women to actually think about spiritual concepts outside of pre-drawn boundaries.
David Clark
Vices are vices. They are the opposite of virtues.
Gavin Brown
Women no longer have the capacity to believe in God.
Elijah Perez
what's virtuous?
Mason Jones
They dump christianity not because of some deeper philosophical insight, but because they think its uncool and lame while with atheism you can be a degenerate hedonist having std sex and shooting yourself full of heroim because your "a good person, you're not racist or homophobic".
If I give you a bowl of candy and a bowl of veggies, you'll choose the bowl of candy because it's quick and tasty. Atheism is just a rationalization of taking the bowl of candy instead of the veggies in a contradictive psuedo intellectual formula rather then admitting veggies taste bad and candy is yummy.
Jacob Perez
Women are into many different things. Yoga, Fengshui, Astrology, numerology, crystal healing, "magic", whatever. They're mostly fucking stupid.
Hunter Hall
Chasity, Temperance, Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, Faith, Hope, Charity, to name seven
Jacob Walker
>Ya know how black people are obsessed with the idea of jesus beinng black? Like, mentioning it all the time No? I've never heard anyone say this.
Liam Reed
how does not drinking or having sex make you a better person?
if you can do both while remaining a good person isn't the abstinence arbitrary?
William Thompson
what if I eat candy flavored veggies?
I get high and eat vegetables and fruit all the time
Easton Campbell
occult and wicca is the female equivalent of Leddit, dumb folks pretending to be the intelligentsia
Evan Rogers
Do what you want. Clearly you do not hold all of those concepts in serious regard, and i do not possess the will to argue with you about it
Samuel Butler
>Despite having a tattoo of the Heartless symbol from Kingdom Hearts, she'd only played the two numbered games She didn't anything wrong, those are the good ones, chain of memories is shit, 358/2 days is very limited by the DS, Birth by sleep is to fast for it's shitty controls and KH3 was a big disappointment
William Reyes
Isn't reddit a very general forum?
Hunter Davis
cus they wanna hex bois
Cameron Wilson
Because like their ancestor, Eve, they worship anything Satan related.