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Sonic was never good.

that suicide is the best option. If you have the willpower do it now, it is the quickest path eternal peace.

I don't hate myself, nor do I hate the world, I just accept that it's chaotic and that some people are more well off than others
I'd be perfectly happy spending my life in my room, fomo be damned, the world's not worth the effort when I'm getting by in my bubble
none of us matter and we're all going to die, the magical unspoken truth that you need to make something of yourself is a myth
the true redpill is realizing this and making peace with yourself instead of allowing it to pull you into hopelessness and depression

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That the U.S. government had nothing to do with 9/11.

You don't really matter. That's the ultimate redpill. Because even you believe in an individual purposes (which are imginary to begin with), your role in the context of everything else is negligible even to yourself, since you have to submit with the laws of this world if you want any progress for said goals.

Unironic cope. We're subject to have our consciousness recycled into other beings for eternity; such is the downside of life.

Needed text

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No matter what you do or don't do, you are going to die. The redpill is when that becomes comforting.

nice cope. there is no evidence of anything like that happening.

That, ironically, a website dedicated to posting about anime is the only place you can have a legitimate discussion uncomfortable issues because it's the only place that doesn't ban you for posting about them.

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what sucks is that I dont give into any of the vices average people do so Im guaranteed 60 years at least and Im already sick of it

That no one has all the answers, everyone is being played, and only nigs refuse to participate. Hold your loved ones close, and brace for the coming storm. Your bones will be dust when it finally hits.

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>nigs see the game for what it is
I would be shocked if they were the ones that had it figured out

You will never attain the kind of wordly power that has been set into foundation

Christianity, semen retention, sobriety.
These three things will give you the most peaceful ride through life. Minimal depression, maximum health, minimal mind clutter. Meditation is also extremely useful.

What is with stormfront?

you will die no matter what you do.

Yup, and we don't have much time left either. One more mass shooting and this site will suffer the same fate as 8ch.

Semi related, can some robots help me figure out the severity of the following redpills? Like describe them as common, high tier, ultra, etc

>Niggers aren't human
>Porn rots your mind and turns you into a cumbrain
>Faggots should be encouraged to transition so they can be pushed to suicide more easily
>Jews shapeshift into whites when convenient, and separate from them when necessary
>Pedophilia isn't really an issue at all

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The world has 100 years left max

the creation and obliteration of all things

Jow Forums is wrong

Sounds like you understand them well enough
>Also not all of us blacks are sub human non thinkers

Being invested in politics and being politically opinionated is a sign of emotional immaturity and that philosophy matters way more than politics

The event horizon closes in, and All will become NOTHING. No more anything. Nothing. Nothing at all. We may not even live to see the end of everything, maybe not even an inhabitable world as have it now, only the sorry blips that are our lifetimes.

I hope it all ends one way or another. And I don't want to come back. Dreamless sleep forever, oblivion undisturbed.

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They don't have it figured out. They'd just rather shoot at each other than play. The ones that are in the game are just someone else's mouth piece, be it commies or otherwise.

Pic related

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I genuinely have nothing against black people, like at all. No hate in my heart, and I dont automatically see a black man and assume he's subhuman trash, or some other dumb blanket statement fuckery. However, I've never seen white teens storm a super market and steal, while assaulting employees, and I've never seen white people burn their own neighborhood down because a white kid got shot while committing a crime. It really is nothing personal, and my parents tried to raise me not to "see color," but there were differences I just couldn't unsee, that have shaped how I view the race as a whole. Like most things in life, people are a case by case basis.

philosophical pessimism

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What the fuck, I'd never seen the negative version of this image before.
Or have I?

It's all down to personal experience. The black people in my country don't "cause trouble". The druggie ones are chill if you're chill. I've had worse experiences with white druggies. The worst thing I've seen black people do is when 2 kids dined and dashed.

Damn son, where are you from, and are there muslims?

Australia. We have a lot of methheads. Most of them being white. Yes, there are muslims. Don't know why that would bother you. And a lot of chinese. At least foreigners leave me alone. I always get small talked by whites. It's annoying.

Ah, never mind. Don't take it personally because everyone should have pride in their country, and there's a lot to admire about Australia and her people, but it's not a place I'd want to live. For pretty similar reasons that I'm leaving where I am now.

3D women actually aren't important.

the ultimate redpill is one im unsure of but i think its that we are in an endless confusing sway pouring out of god's delusion, and the only hope we have is to step the toe of our ordained psyche

besides the infinite amount of time our disembodied consciousness has and will have to be grabbed from physical space and be brought back to life?

it's sort of like the one in the matrix, it's that nothing is real

The destruction of Nazi Germany was the greatest sin ever committed, and now we are all getting punished for it. The nations of Europe listen to Jewish finance instead of their fellow European. But its okay, because god has perfect justice, these soulless capitalistic beings will be punished for selling their nation to the jew by seeing their nations descend to 3rd world standards of living as the white race dies out in its own countries, just as the formerly white nations of Persia, Egypt, Brazil, and Northern India have. Its just sad to see that we have failed gods greatest test, perhaps another white race will form tens of thousands of years later from the harsh conditions of Europe, but it is uncertain.

sex is literally the only thing that matters

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Jews are satanic supremists, jesus said so in the bible (Revelation 2:9, John 8:44-45). Mossad did 911 (wikispooks mossad did it), US is Jew controlled. Jews were behind the Russian revolution, they caused the Holodomor which killed 20 million (200 years together (book)). Jews push non white immigration and race mixing in western countries, yet ban it in Israel. Jews did the slave trade. Hitler was innocent, the intentions of "Holocaust" were no worse than Japanese internment in the US (Ernst Zundel Trial). No more than 400,000 died in the "Holocaust" vastly due to typhus (Red Cross Report). Germany tried to make peace multiple time in WW1 and 2 (David Irving Hitler's War). All the nations that fought against Germany were bribed by Jewish finance, both in WW1 and 2. All major ancient civilizations, including the Egyptians, Ancient Mesopotamia, and the Aztecs, were mostly white or at least ruled by white, all succumbed to race mixing (Arthur Kemp History of the White race). And of course all the most prosperous countries on earth today (with the exception of Japan) are white majority, all the technologies that make modern civilization possible is due to white intellect and white effort, and is not possible without it. Blacks are 13% of US population yet commit 50% of murders. Average Black IQ is around 80, white IQ is around 100, genetic IQ tests have proven this. Watch Europa the Last Battle documentary. White countries for white people only, amen.

Your consciousness isn't some magical intangible cloud of metaphysical fuckery, idiot. It's a process going on inside your brain, manifesting as brain activity. When your brain dies, your consciousness goes with it, forever. There is no reincarnation, there is an entirely different level of NOTHING that goes on after you die. You don't even perceive nothingness because you aren't able to perceive at all. It's over and nothing remains.

utopian communism

Literally all of history was shaped by people who literally believe the exact opposite and I'm supposed to listen to your materialistic babble?

this is brainlet level reasoning
we know that existence is all just brain activity and that our brains are just complex computers, but consciousness in the philosophical sense doesn't care how our brains feel, it's about the experience of *being* that brain and witnessing those feelings as a subjective member of the universe
it's true everything we think we know is created by nothing more than a complex physical process, which is why the virgin materialist can't explain why being a person should feel like anything at all

Fucking a trap is the ultimate alpha power move because you are pseudo-cucking another man by turning his "boy" into your bitch

>Pedophilia isn't really an issue at all

how do i know you are one. imagine your sister being preyed upon by a guy from your pic. nevermind you are propably about as disgusting as him

black people always criminal

based and doomerpilled

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suicide AND homicide

this world is utterly random and uncaring. there is nothing after death, just and eternity of nothingness. your conciousness is a series of electrical signals and if you got hit by a truck tomorrow you would be extinguished forever. you only get one shot and you're on fucking Jow Forums

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>le i can't provide anything else to society, but my inferior offsprings xD

they also believed in hundreds of thing that were disproven by modern science
>muh feel
great argument

i dont know,
probably estrogen

Jews are actually the master race.

No one cares about you.
only yourself
