New al/ck/ thread
Autismo American this time decided to ruin our convo. Well that's a first said no one ever edition.
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New al/ck/ thread
Your leaf freind already made a thread there 4-5 of your drunkard threads now
you dont need 4 fucking generals at once
But user, they NEED help with their problems, and its our duty to help them and make sure nobody hurts their feefees.
oh, I just got back from getting a few drinks with the boys
Do I take this one?
4 generals my ass. Why don't you try and ummm tell the truth?
Blame Gaymark, they're innocent.
And rageleaf
Damn I miss /ck/ the amount of faggotry on this board amazes me.
don't kill yourself out of bant
The absolute state of al/ck/
Fuck off, if you are an alcoholic please just off yourself, there's a reason you guys are universally hated by normal people, just like niggers.
The OG rageleaf never spammed, that's a completely distinct individual.
We're a lot more chill most of the time, it's been a rough few months where some autists have taken their RP far too seriously.
Yeah, this board is garbage.
You can discuss any topic you want. Except you can't because a bunch of autists that think they own the place will sperg out.
Where did you all go?
Hello~ Is there anyone home?
YEAH. Jow Forums should EXCLUSIVELY be threads by 8 year olds giggling about eating shit.
it's over dude, i come here solely to see where al/ck/ is headed, it's not staying here with the preteens, even reddit is massively better than this fucking preteens playground.
>universally hated by normal people
you think it's normal to be a spiteful little brat? how many adults do you see posting cartoons and screaming at ill and dying people, or shouting that all individuals are the same person if they share some common trait? it's a big world out there and you know precisely nothing about it, you'd be extremely vulnerable were it not for your parents. you think this is "normal"? fucking grow up, christ
>ill and dying people
Die quicker!
Canadia where are you
I want to see this thread flooded with Yuukas
drinking some molson today
You gonna start spamming again, faggot? Mods will deal with you just like yesterday you obsessive no-friends loser
I've been b& in one out of eight threads. I like my odds.
>I like my odds.
The more you push it the less favorable (to you, not for me) your odds become. Keep it up fgt, you know I'm always going to be here to r**ort your posts when you start breaking the rules. Mods are always more likely to b& someone for a bullshit reason if they have a history of being b& or shitposting/breaking the rules.
Also I wonder why you switched IPs/IDs
hmmmm its almost as if you're b& evading or something
Is al/ck/ the new /Denmark/?
that's exactly what he's doing
hmmmm interesting
Where are all my drunk friends at?
I'm mildly hungover and sleeping it off.
why aren't you spamming anymore?
I'm drunk. I'm vomiting uncontrollably.
Enough of us reported him.
Lmao, ill and dying people, you guys are the worst, absolutely pathetic. Your whole thread is meant to lament on each other and complain how fucked up you are. So much salt, your alcoholic identity really is your weak point, uh? And calling people a kid won't make your attitude any less ridiculous. Please kill drawn in your vomit next time you pass out, your family and friends will all be grateful.
Aren't you frogs all notorious drunks?
It's another scared to check facebook morning. Why do I do this to myself. Whenever I'm drunk I reactivate my Facebook and message people either to hangout which I don't want to when im sober or go on about the Jews.
I am hungry but too lazy to cook
microwaves do not properly cook raw chicken fren
That's why I'm glad I usually only shitpost here when drunk or occasionally yell gibberish when playing Mechwarrior Online.
Get a crockpot. Pulled pork and shredded chicken are awesome when drunk.
This, or boil the chicken like a pleb
I don't drink and not much of a cook but I will look up some recipes I have been trying to get better and learn new things thanks
Let's hope his IP will be range banned eventually.
But he's funny
He's somewhat more entertaining than the Canadian but that isn't saying much.
His butthurt is funny.
Yeah, you guys totally aren't the one butthurt and throwing a hissy fit after your self-pitying thread got brigaded.
Like I've said earlier ITT and in the last thread
>im not an al/ck/oholic
>these aren't "my threads"
>I just don't like weebspammers*
* = I dont care about anime or weebs, but weebs who just flood threads/the catalog with animegirls and textless posts need to be lined up against the wall and shot
just like your Norgaygian boyfriend takes it upon himself to "patrol these threads" so he can "roust the alcoholic menace", I do the same but with taking it upon myself to get the mods/jannys to "notice" his rule-breaking posts (e.g; anytime he floods/spams these threads)
Nice sperging out, am I supposed to care? I'm here for the crossboarders tears.
you guys are a bunch of drunk cunty crossboarders who have settled in out of spite, of course there's going to be lashback
and again with the self pity and victim complex, it's pathetic
good for you
I'm not a drunk/alcoholic, though? I don't even drink, though? can you click my ID and read my posts, or are you illiterate? I do think about volunteering with local adult illiteracy programs because I know there's a lot of adult illiterates like you in the world
No one cares about you, stop acting like some kind of autistic guardian angel. You're doing this for (you)s.
So then why do you keep on replying? I established im only here to keep a look out for rageleaf or Norgay and make sure the mods "notice their posts", I could care less about (You)s
I said 'you guys', not 'you', as in making a blanket statement about the thread, not a targeted one. And nice job ignoring all the other points in my post, you know Jow Forums welcomed you guys right?
Perhaps you should go join a literacy program, for your own sake.
im just gonna dab on you because you're being a hater right now
> I established im only here to keep a look out for rageleaf or Norgay and make sure the mods "notice their posts
If you truly were, you wouldn't comment and claim to act as the alcoholic police
If everyone had just shut the fuck up and left the threads alone they'd probably have died out by now. Thank you, spergs.
This is a random board, as in "everything is allowed except porn dumps and illegal shit".
I really don't get why you feel the need to open up the thread and start bitching and moaning about something that's completely allowed.
Did you even take a look at the catalog? 20-30 pointless "le epic anime threads am i funny yet?" but this one al/ck/ thread sends you into an autistic rage.
Because self-pitying threads are pathetic and everyone hates alcoholic because of that one alcoholic abusive dad, that one alcoholic molester uncle, that one agressive drunk tramp etc etc. Alcoholics are a fucking plague, good thing sandnigger will soon behead you all.
because this thread's posters are crossboarding alcoholic faggots? most of the frog posters and anime spammers are from here and are doing it as bait, yet you guys are actually drunk self pitying cunts
These threads will never get deleted and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.
>Alcoholics are a fucking plague, good thing sandnigger will soon behead you all.
Ah yes the ramadan still isn't over yet, is this thread the place where you vent your frustration?
>These threads will never get deleted and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.
So what? Do you think I want them to be? I much prefer to enjoy your salt.
If that's what's giving your life meaning then go ahead, it's a random board after all.
Btw the sun's down now, shouldn't you have dinner?
You're right, mashalla kind belgian infidel, i'll rape your daughter last.
Morning senpai.
6am here and feeling gud.
Had a great sleep and quite possibly the weirdest dream I've ever had in my entire life.
France don't make us come over there and free your dumb asses again. We'll bang even more bitches than last time and take the Tower as payment.
I love the crazy dreams I get when detoxing. It's almost good enough to be a replacement for getting fucked up.
>me and my al/ck/ bros are no longer accepted anywhere
>insulted and threatened with death everywhere we go
Is this what the beginning of the Holocaust felt like, if it actually happened?
Feels more like the foundation of Israƫl.
They can't kick us out here and they know it.
My man, you know what I'm talking about.
I'm just writing the parts I can remember down, it was that triply.
Jim Beam anyone?
It's better than Jack IMO
jameson is better than both
Just poor me a glass of whatever. Imma kill it with a splash of coke anyways.
>ruining your jameson with coke
So, don't click on the al/ck/ thread and wa la.
>ruining coke with jameson
I already posted most of my good ones in the threads already bud. But here, I'll post a few hoping you'll see them.
Wen drinking pls rember ttimes wen u feeled happy.
Haha of course I'll see them I never leave
So I wanna post some good breakfast food. So cheap so easy.
1) chop up whatever you have in the fridge.
I had zero sheooms so I used egg plant.
Also if you like it motherfucking HOT; this is like$2.50 at dumpy Chinese store near my place and half a teaspoon is guaranteed you need a towel to wipe you down.
Can never have too much pepper.
Chuck all 6 eggs in there after you beat the living shit out of them.
I then it down super low now so cooks slow and no need to flip.