She's watching you!
She's watching you!
i will breed her right in her frog hole
Don't frogs only have one hole?
She has frog-like eyelids for sure
Can't make a frogpost without the furry making a snap!
Good edit my fren!
Love this gif, so cute
It's just Pipi blinking. I made variations of Pipi winking too and am currently working on the Adventurer couple
The Adventurer Couple!
This is such a great edit, I also liked the one with Pepe and the Pepe-faced lion lol
The Arizona Iced Tea is max cozy
Soz user, it's late here and i missed replying to this post directly on my post above
Fanta is also cozy!
I wonder what happened to the based leaf guy? I haven't heard from him since Sunday or Monday. And here is the original Adventurer Pipi edit I made if you want it.
I just realized there was a small color error in her left thumb. Fixed it.
Fixed here too
And here.
Based leaf. Is that you?
could be! Here, I made the logo on his hat a bit more askew
Good edit
Made this edit sometime ago. Any tweaks I could make to it? I originally was going to have them ride a rocket with animated flames.
I like it, maybe thin out the stroke on pepe's head?
She Will Not Divide Us
she is the glue that holds Jow Forums together
Fixes the stroke on Pepe's head
ffs, they cute!
Now that is a good edit! By the way, do you have a .png/ no bg version? That would be highly useful.
for sure. This 2mb limit is pretty low energy....
Hopefully you are up to date on the Pipi collection. Usually a couple are made everyday lol. Thanks to you, we got a few more good edits, and one edit from the other guy.
do you think pipi likes to have sex with pepe
oh ya no worries I check daily, will have to give Pipi some more tlc this weekend
I am going to remake that just so it matches the current artstyle. Oh, and here's the African backdrop I used for my edits if you want. It is custom made.
Pipi with a pony tail is super cute
She loves kissing him, she even told her fren all about it.
who wouldn't?
that's her jam
A no bg version. I plan to make more edits (obviously) visiting different locations on this planet.
do you think apu is jealous?
Nah, he has a good new fren now
ty I try to keep up, love these two they are /wholesome and also very /cute
really appreciate the beautiful vectors - thx so much for the tlc and pro-tips, user
Apu will find his own Pipi, she's out there for all of us
Might need to fix it some so it is not close to the trees
Fixed it. Now they aren't riding into the background trees
fuggen saved, along with the soon-to-be-rare misprint
>soon-to-be-rare misprint
this wins the internet tonite!
Storybro is that u? What if when Azura met Pepe she was just a girl but when they kissed, she became a real frog princess...
Be sure to save the fixed version if you do.
Anyone notice the blinking here?
I gots both the tree ride and the closer to camera ride versions saved nao
seems logical following the rules of known fairy tales
yea the blink is gud
I bet you have a few of my misprints
yeup, but no worries, I always save them as such, so as not to spread them erroneously
Maybe pic related is one of the earliest Pepe and Pipi encounters?
With all my edits and ideas. I kinda want to make a short comic of Pepe and Pipi. The idea is how they met. I could use her original name 'Azura', but explain why she is called 'Pipi'. It would be a cosmic coincidence for her to have a similar name to Pepe. The only thing I would need a little help with is the story of how they met. For some reason I can't think of a good reason.
might need quads for such a hefty decision
lol i was literally waiting for this version to blink XDDD
Also saved both the fixed version and the rare adventure moto gif!
Some day when blockchain and crypto replace FRNs your rare moto gif misprint will be worth a week's vaykay in some tropical resort
Blinking Pipi's or Winking Pipi's will always be a surprise.
No doubt about it, things probably started out pleasantly enough here then after gondola stole the food they went searching for snackage and found something quite unexpected in the dark woods!
Is it Pipi, or is it an Easter Toad version?
Who would have thought... all along Gondola was an antagonist
Best thread ever
Whom is quote?
Hey Rageleaf
How do you like the blinking effect? Creepy, or?
saved the saved
the blinking is great, it's a seekrit surprise you don't expect
Hey, you are using the misprint version, I've been using this version since. She even has a belly button
>agree with user ^ that all blinky winky versions are like a seekrit surprise, they have quickly become my favourites although adventure couple moto is still in the top tier lol
Speaking of the moto meme, I took the liberty of making a smol change to the front fork in this render, this bike is ftw
My favorite is still the snowfall edit.
Making a blinking .gif is very easy. All you do is make the first slide in the .gif 3.5 seconds (since the average human blinks around 15-20 times a minute), then the next two are 0 seconds back-to-back with the middle slide being half-way blinking, and the final slide being eyes closed.
Yup, snowflake edit is wonderful
Just learned to shoop in late 2017, really looking forward to moving into automation next so pro-tip is much appreciated
I see you like to stylize your signs. I recently learned .gifs tbqh. The first .gifs I started making were a month ago to a month and half ago making a tuxedo Pepe dab. Animation itself is really just common sense.
someone post pipi nudes
We got a new Pipi remake (Can be used to create more sign memes)
Final version as this fixes the minor misprint
A blushing version
Blushing sign meme
imagine the shitstorm if this reddit meme stole the GET
Now we have a sign meme for bigger text, or more text. That was the only thing I didn't like about the original. The original sign meme is still good.
there was some rouge left on her face and some smudges on the sign
Oops, not the .gif version
Thanks my fren. Glad you are helping fix some errors.
Meant to say this earlier, but I find it kinda funny how they are wearing adventurer clothes in the city. the fanta bottle being transparent looks pretty cool.
yea that's at the current HWNDU, wilderness landscapes would be better. What are you working on? Whether phone or monitor, have a look at your brightness settings, many times I have made stuff at home, only to view it on a better monitor at work the next day and discover faint grey lines or whatever that I have missed. feelsbadman
Oh, I have a monitor. I have the brightness on lower so it doesn't hurt my eyes. Also you are quick with transparency. You think you could make a transparent Pipi dab?
Which program are you using? It's just a couple clicks in photoshop, I think you get a 30 trial if you download it, might be worth a look
I use Photoshop, but there is always a little bit of leftover white.
doesn't even look like she's dabbing. all you had to do was put her head on pepes body and you didn't
You think that, but she's not cause she ain't real
I did, but I modified the body to be smaller and more feminine and she has a neck. Might have to edit it again though, you are right.
i don't care for pipi
Alright well a couple things you can do. Increase the tolerance of the magic wand (you'll see box to type that in the top bar) also, after you have selected the background with the magic wand go to Select>Modify>Expand and expand it 1 or 2 pixels, or go to Select>Refine Edge and check box the Smart Radius near the top of that window and slide that around.
Lots of time I'll so those things, but still zoom in and magic wand/lasso little pieces of white that get missed
Thanks for the tip. I never really knew about that one before. I am self taught for the most part.
This thread is almost 100 replies and a day old. Feelsgoodman.
Is she watching me masturbate
It's all up to your imagination my fren.