>ex gf cucked me
>lied to my face for years
>swore up and down she was committed even months AFTER we had broken up
>is a bpd lunatic divorced from reality
>had been sleeping with my best friend for at least 6 months before our breakup
>gold dug me like a motherfucker
I was soijack brothers. She bought me a ps4 for christmas while she screwed my friend. But now I am free because I finally know the truth. I always suspected but I took her at her oath.

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This is why you never date BPD girls. They should be made isolated and lonely until they finally do the world a favour and overdose or hang themselves in the closet.

Now you're making me wonder if my gf is really having my kid... the kid is mine though. Even if she doesn't have my blood.

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>Has been sleeping with my best friend

A whore can't help herself. All women are whores deep down.

A friend? should know better.

I always saw threads about BPD girls and ignored them
>mine's not that bad
>she is not severe
>she will at least not lie to my face
we swore on our pets user, and while she was cucking me they died. Is this a coincidence? I think her swears killed my girls.
the friend was a soiboi cuck who would give her anything she wanted, and she loved that. Now she's using him even worse than she used me. Poor fool did it to himself
Fuck I pray for you. Get a paternity test ffs. Why are you wondering? Do you have a reason to be curious?

They are automatons

My ex used to fucking accuse me of cheating. Looking back on it now, she was probably doing that to deflect the fact that she was cheating.


Atta boy.

The world has plenty of judas's, and I wish nothing but bad things for them.

Thank you brother, me too. It is a huge vindication for me because I know I was living honestly and being even better than I should have been. They took advantage of my kindness and trust and they're scum not pals
Probably user, sorry. We should both get ourselves tested but fuck them

Literally all women, never commit. Never spend money, never change yourself.

Anons I am so glad to be free of this succubus. My idiot friend "stole" this vapid evil woman to suck his soul out for him. I am saved. This could have been me. He waits on her hand and foot, they hoard animals, they are like the intro to an episode of my 600 pound life. I walk the world once more as a free man maybe God is real

She was. My ex did the same with absolutely zero evidence or reason to suspect and also lied about people claiming I had my arms around other girls.

Did it from the very start of the relationship. She was the one flirting and cheating the entire time. An absolute garbage piece of shit, shes just lucky I didnt saw her head off her fucking shoulders, but some other guy will some day, no doubt.

I'm OP, I actually got a new gf soon after the breakup and she is far more wholesome, I dont plan to change for her but she doesnt want me to (yet)
Am I a fool to hope? She wants to be my qt wife and not abuse me

Not worth going to jail over some dumb hoe who doesnt want you user, she will live her shitty life and die her shitty death and probably be miserable the whole time, I know mine will at least

Women are people too surely some are wholesome

>sleeping with your best friend

What a complete mindfuck women are. For what reason?

>Probably user, sorry. We should both get ourselves tested but fuck them
Goddamn, you're right. I got tested while we were together, so it'll be obvious if something comes up.
Goddamn, I would constantly catch her flirting and eyeing other guys, but she would never fucking fess up to it. We broke up because I definitively caught her in a lie centered around her checking out other guys. She didn't admit it until we argued for two hours, then she backpedaled and denied it, the next day. It made me realize that she actually was gaslighting me throughout our whole relationship, and I was just willing to be mislead. She then wanted to reestablish the status quo immediately and made empty promises to change, but I finally saw through the cycle of abuse. Fuck her. She was probably still doing coke, too.

>We broke up because I definitively caught her in a lie centered around her checking out other guys. She didn't admit it until we argued for two hours, then she backpedaled and denied it, the next day. It made me realize that she actually was gaslighting me throughout our whole relationship, and I was just willing to be mislead. She then wanted to reestablish the status quo immediately and made empty promises to change, but I finally saw through the cycle of abuse. Fuck her. She was probably still doing coke, too.
holy shit user good on you for getting the fuck out on your own. I'm OP and she DUMPED my stupid simp ass and moved in with him just because he was getting a better job finally and could support her lifestyle and he didnt ever tell her no like I did. She used me up and cast me off and I had to be told later by someone else that she really had cheated and got together with my friend. I was STILL gaslighted, wondering if I was abusive and controlling and if she really was pure and true and honest
>what a mindfuck
ah holy shit

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Pro tip: Any partner who flirts with someone other than you is cheating on you or in the process of cheating on you.

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You incels probably drove them to cheat

>ah yes i defended those women on the internet, hopefully someone noticed my work and fucks me

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>was STILL gaslighted, wondering if I was abusive and controlling and if she really was pure and true and honest
It's been two and a half fucking months and I'm still caught in the fucking dissonance. Was I the abuser? Was she honest? Then I think about all the awful shit she did, and her history of dating, and I know she's a fucking narcassist. I'm not fucking stupid, just naive.
It's been hard to trust even my most basic perceptions. Shit fucking sucks, regardless of how you get out of it. Therapy helps, but I've gained like 20 pounds from drinking every night.

I am right there with you brother you dont know how similar I felt, almost word for word. I drank too. Therapy too. Fuck godspeed it DOES get better user

That's really assuring to hear, user. I've been feeling suicidal for the first time in years, but I'm looking forward to when things pick up. Thank you, user.

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I know but I was suicidal before, during and after we were together so I figured Id stay with this red flag spewing clown show of a girl until I had definitive proof then just take her out with me as I was going, slowly and painfully. And just to spite her Id wipe out her entire family too and even rip apart her little dog in front of her

Sadly we broke up before I got definitive proof. Could still get it one day but who knows, not suicidal anymore anyway.

She got very, very fucking lucky. If Id spent anywhere near as much time and money on her as her previous doormats had I would have fucking offed her immediately for pulling the shit she did.

>think women are promiscuos
>turn yourself gay, the most promiscuous dating group in the world

nice try discord fag

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I was suicidal too and maybe this can give you a little motivation to stick around. If I had killed myself (and I was CLOSE) my ex and ex friend would have gotten away with it all, probably spun my suicide to be my fault. All our friends would think I was an abuser and they were honest and pure and in true love. HAH but no I lived through that bitch and so have you thus far. Gooooood luck

what is your advice to people currently dating a bpd

It's their nature to take semen from Chad and to get a betacuck provider to stick around and raise Chadson.

From the male perspective it's completely immoral and horrible, but for women it's fine.

No need to take up the ass. Just create pleasure with your own body.

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Just stop. Seriously not joking. They are automatons like one user said and cannot love. My entire relationship was a lie. The whole thing. Years of mindfuck and soulsuck. I know its rash and insane to expect you to dip right away all at once, but at least start to harden your heart, I did or I would have killed myself. Start to think about getting out. It is not forever. 100% 10000%

At least I can comfort myself with the fact that he is clearly the beta provider. I should have left them with a kid of mine to raise. Nah they would fuck it up they're immoral modernist normies

Leave, run as far as you can.

I endured a lot of drama with my bdp art hoe ex gf. In our break up phase (which lasted almost six months), she could literally go from calling me a fucking loser to saying she can't live without me within ten minutes. Had to block her number at the end.

Looking back, I wish i hadn't tolerated her abusive texts etc for so long. At the same time, we did connect in an amazing sexual and intellectual way to be begin with and part of me still really misses.

But knowing how out of control she really is, I would never go back.

bpd girls are fucking weird.

I've been considering it since she's gotten very distant lately. no kissing at all, doesn't say i love you or say it back when I say it to her, and doesn't text me throughout the day like they used to when I first met them. Barely talks to me. Think they've found someone else or do they just play multiple people at the same time?
Relationship felt like it went by really quickly. How much am I being fucked with?

You're out of vogue, with a BPD girl you are either in or out and you are out, so anything you invest past this point is just making you look stupid when she tells other guys about it in the future/maybe even now

Its me again I just had to reply once more and say 10000% you are being fucked with. Cut and run. It sounds like you arent living with her or anything? Just ghost. Thank me later brother.

It feels like I'm being fucked with. 2 weeks ago she was telling me how she loves me so much and wants to spend the rest of her life with me, constantly flirting with me. And now its basically like I'm being treated like acquaintance that barely knows her

I completely feel you 100%, and nobody could have successfully told me what I'm trying to tell you right now when I was in the thick of it either, I never would have listened. But do yourself a favor and just fucking drop her. It is her nature to be this way. The more you come back to her, the more you bend and accomodate, the harder she will lean and squeeze you. The only successful move, you will eventually be forced to make it, is to stop feeding into the BPD insanity. Think about it. Or do yourself a favor and take my word for it. There is no fixing a BPD girl she will soulsuck you just like the memes, it happened to me and it was hell, I almost killed myself, I lost a ton of money, I lost myself and my perception of reality pretty much. Give her back any stuff of hers you have and stop talking with her it is a bad path, normal women are far less crazy

The love bombing is over, she'll just keep abusing you to see how much you're willing to put up. They know that they're being shitty, but it boosts the fuck out of their ego to think that you're willing to put up with abuse just to be with them. "Wow, they'll endure this continued and worsening maltreatment just to be around me? I must be so great."
Get the fuck out of there.

DoublepostJust had to tell you btw, she will tell you ANYTHING you need to hear. Mine was SUCH a good, convincing liar. I cannot overstate how good of a liar, seriously. And she always had an answer for everything. Candied lies brother dont listen go with your gut

> The more you come back to her, the more you bend and accomodate, the harder she will lean and squeeze you.
I've noticed that she has been testing the waters a lot. Saying shitty things that felt like they were deliberately meant to provoke me then saying its a joke when I get upset. So bpd are just constantly shit testing you to see how much you'll put up with?

my gut and all logic has been telling me to run right now. Will I have a hard time? I've heard some bad rumors about her after I entered a relationship with her.

Whatever you do , don't get emotional. Don't show her that you're hurting or that you want her back. She wants to feed off your pain (look up "narcissistic supply"). Basically just ghost her. She'll definitely make attempts to suck you back in, and you'll want to take the bait, believing that everything could go back to how it used to be, but it never will.

Wait but this meme suggests cheating if fine and you're insecure if you dont let women cheat on you. You doing it backwards

Mine shit tested me the exact same way. I was younger when it started too, late teens and she'd tell me about how I have a little dick and her ex could beat me up (you have no reason to believe me but I have no reason to lie, both those things are untrue shit tests) and a bunch of stuff like that and it shook my confidence and let her sort of get the "upper hand" in the relationship.
I don't know what you mean about a hard time, I think it depends on the girl and what these rumors are, whether or not you are worth pursuing under the present circumstances inside her probably crazy unreality. She'll probably try to reel you back in at least a little no matter what. She. Will. Lie.

Its a high tier meta meme you fucken retard kys

>You incels probably drove them to cheat
Imagine white knighting for random women lol

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Don't stick your dick in crazies brothers, shout it from the rooftops

So basically don't let on that I'm hurt by anything she says and act like I don't give two fucks that she is ghosting and acting cold towards me? When will she attempt to suck me back in? What do I do when I'm being sucked in? Tell her to fuck off? Should I just do the same to her and start ignoring her when she tries to talk to me
hard time meaning she fucked a lot of people over i don't know the details though

Too high concept for me sorry

Act busy for a while, ignore her once, respond once, never respond again.

> (OP)
>My ex used to fucking accuse me of cheating. Looking back on it now, she was probably doing that to deflect the fact that she was cheating.

Fuck I never even thought of that. Probably got cheated on in both of my old relationships but not like Im gonna ask now

Sweet a ps4, that's nice.

Femanon with borderline here, more men have cheated on me than the other way around

Yeah but I would have preferred my pure girlie

Then sell the ps4. Hit the gym, spend the rest of your time preprepping meals, keeping your place organized, and learning new skills, improve your looks. You got cucked because she made a determination that you weren't providing enough value to be faithful to but enough to keep up the sharade. It's time to put away childish things so that girls wouldn't think twice about leaving you.

Women who are prone to cheating or want to experience multiple men should just date us cucks.
Femanons, if your bfs are cucks then do them a favor and cuck them

Thanks for the advicepost faggot but unironically. I have a good trade job now and a better healthy gf and am generally killing it now. I'm happy to learn the truth, I took her word but she is just incredibly lazy and wanted a better doormat. With his new job he can pay for enough things on his own now. Its pay to win and I dont want to pay so I'm not mad anymore

Disgusting cuckold go dilate your bull

All love is conditional at some point, even when you find a great gal. Don't get complacent. You keep yourself busy and she'll think 'damn, how did I land a guy like this?'.

This is the truth that bpd girl and life taught me