Got these

Got these
should i take them or what?

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You again? I told you to flush that poison nigga

Get noopept instead 90 mg twice at day. It will make you listen to music much better

i got banned right after i made the first thread and couldn't ask questions
what makes them worse than other goy feed?
idk what to tell my doctor if i don't take them

Why is an anti-psychotic medication the most prescribed medication in the US?

The side effects is a list 8 pages longs in 4 size text. I was on abilify for 3 years. If you want my advice, please stay away from antipsychotics. Getting on them is torture. Getting off will easily be the worst experience of your life so far. I'm on Zyprexa now. I can't take withdrawal again so I'm stuck on them.

Why are you being prescribed them?
Neuroleptica has a fucking ton of side effects including but not limited to
Feelings of hopelessness and extreme depression
Suicidal thoughts
Your dick can't stop working as in no erection
Gender dysphoria, you can start to feel like a women, maybe because your penis stops working, could be related
Weight gain, you could get fat as shit
High doses over longer periods of time can lead to brain damage
Sensory loss or worse sensation in extremities, such as fingers toes etc
Loss of peripheral vision
Give you extreme anxiety

To keep you docile, it fucks you up but just enough that you can work a bit and sleep all day
don't take cypress dude I was on that shit an nearly killed myself so many times, if you have to I recommend paliperidon, mildest shit I've tried

your doctor is lazy as shit. if you are going to take pharma, there are a ton of other drugs that do exactly whatever it is he/she wants drugs to do for you- with a much less deleterious side effect profile. are you depressed, manic, anxious, paranoid? why are you being prescribed them

I was throwing up for 2 weeks straight when I quit that shit cold turkey was pretty horrible but worth it in the end, you can just gradually take less over a week or to to avoid withdrawals user, pleas don't get stuck on that literal rat poison

It's been 5 years. I'm on 25mg. Suicide is my only way out.

pretty sure that won't make me want to be a wageslave

>Your dick can't stop working as in no erection
permanent? it's just 5mg
and for bipolar depression and anxiety

>Give you extreme anxiety
anymore and i'd have a stoke
>depressed, manic, anxious, paranoid?
all but the doctor just wrote the anxious and depressed part maybe mania

Take a half

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half dangourous at all?
is it worse that wellbrutrin and seroquel?

God damn man, 25mg is rather high, how're you? You hear voices and shit without them?

No not permanently, it will come back after you quit it, and no 5 mg is ok, shouldn't be too bad, and this is not shit you should take for bipolar your doctors a quack and I wouldn't advise you to take half as the other user said 5mg is pretty small you could try it

Then you should be taking SSRI not fucking antipsychs fucking low IQ doctors should be shot

Even the full 5 mg wouldn't be so bad, I'm the one who wrote about your dick not working and 5mg shouldn't do that you, you can try if it makes you feel better, but I'd advise against taking it for any extended period of time

aren't those even worse?
i shouldn't be taking any of that
give me some kind of nerve pill for when i must go outside
i will never be a normalfag or wagie jesus doctors leave me alone

Yeah last one didn't make me feel better just made me not think about anything at all and stare at stupid youtube videos i don't even watch until i took that

all psych meds are shit. If ur dealing with anixety go keto. Fuck dont take psych meds, they ruined me for life.

Neetbux demands me to see a shrink
and i don't think certain foods will help with the way my brain works nor zombie pills

Not even close dude, antipsychs are strong fucking drugs, with strong withdrawals if you don't quit them gradually, SSRI can work for some at least, not nearly as heavy of a drug, but of course it's be better if you didn't take anything, I'm on SSRI myself they never worked for me so I'm quitting them in a week or so

then why does r9k bitch about ssris all the time but not antipyches
r9k said they fry your brain and i like my brain for the most part

They can fuck up your serotonin receptors sure if you take them for long periods of time with is related happiness but more than that I can't imagine they have any other effects, at least in my experience it's some weak shit, what have you heard about them?

just that they fry your brain permanently and make you angry and a psychopath

Oh well then I can't really answer that I've always been an angry psychopath so I guess I wouldn't notice, although I'm rarely angry anymore, is my anger worse now because of them? Maybe but not in a large sense I would say

To add onto that, we're talking high doses over periods of likely years of time, taking them for a few months so you can get your shit together will not permanently damage you I assure you, unless you decide to triple your dose just for fun

I'm on Invega sustenna, only gained like 20 lbs in a year and a half and no akathisia or motor restlessness like I've experienced from other antipsychotics. I just wish I were off them though. Even though it's the best med I've been on so far I just know id be more normal feeling off them. My doctor says she's not willing to let me try to taper off meds until I'm 26 though which is supposedly the age where the brain stops developing. 22 now. Psychotic episode 3 years ago.

What does get my shit together mean?
i'm fine as long as i secure my neetbux but they make you keep taking shit

>My doctor says she's not willing to let me try to taper off meds until I'm 26 though which is supposedly the age where the brain stops developing.
what does that have to do with it

Idk maybe my brain will get adopted to having low dopamine from the antipsychotics so it will naturally not be psychotic and prone to psychosis

Lol fuck that doctor, she is hindering you development of your brain, although as I mentioned above Invega is the mildest shit I've taken, but at least where I'm at they can't force you to take anything just taper off by yourself you'll thanks yourself for it, I've had 1 psychotic episode 2 years ago and one this year both drug related, and I'm off it since a couple of months now and I finally feel like myself again, they're making you take them for longer "just to be safe" but at the expense of your physical and mental well being because they don't want to risk you hurting someone else, fuck those quacks man a psychiatrist has to listen to you unless it's court ordered medication

>low dopamine
sounds worse

Not at all. They even come in 2.5 doses. I'm on 300mg of welbutrin too. Shit does nothing. I'm so numb...

I don't hear voices unless I'm full blown manic which has happened twice. Even hypomania can be a bit much for me to be around people. The only way I can explain it is when I'm hypomanic there's no such thing as a bad idea in my head. I came very close to castrating myself. At the time it made sense. My most recent depressive phase was 3 months. During that time I put out 33 cigarettes on my thigh. No regrets. It was that or hang myself on the doorknob in my room.

Well surely your neetbux is tied to a mental condition then, they're not going to pay you just for the fuck of it, you'll have to find some other way to get those sweet Grant's from some disability

It is actually court ordered. I committed burglary and malicious destruction of property while psychotic when I was 18, arrested, medicated, let out on bail, tried and sentdnced to probation for 3 years (no I'm not on probation for being black guy). I'm 22 now bro it's been since I was fucking 18. Im off in December.

God damn I feel bad for all you anons in here, I took it for 1 month my first time and now a couple of months more recently but fuck taking that poison for so long, they wanted me to take it for a bit longer when I got let out but they can't do shit and I'm actually fine, maybe you aren't but I hope it gets better for every single poor soul stuck in the trap of mental medication

yeah but i have shit diagnosed i don't know why i have to eat pills that fuck me up to get neetbux

>should i take them or what?
Only if you want to die.

>Only if you want to die.
oh boy
only if it's instant
would be fine if i just got some nerve pills or neetbux and left alone

Ye shall not surely die.

Because they want to make you work, the problems you mentioned earlier are not life ruining and there are functional members of society with those diagnoses so they want you to get better and do something, you could fake schizophrenia but they pill you for that shit too

No it's not instant. You have to take it for a while before you stop wanting to die.

>Because they want to make you work, the problems you mentioned earlier are not life ruining and there are functional members of society with those diagnoses so they want
not when i'm pretty sure i'm autistic too
and i can't fucking breath when i'm around other people i feel like i'm going to die
like i'm overloaded with stress just being outside around others and i can't do anything when someone is looking at me and i forget EVERYTHING when stressed like awful awful short term memory

Autism could work, then you could just collect those sweet dollars, but you'd need to be diagnosed

idk know who to go to to get diagnosed
but i'd say theirs at least a 90% chance since i mean i have 90% of the symptoms for Asperger
it's the only think i feel comfortable saying that i have as i'm really sure

reading this thread has me concerned abt my brother. he was taking this 5mg and lexapro 20mg but now hes taking the abilify w effexor 75mg. he seems ok

i'd rather fucking die than be a noramalfag and be around normalfags that belittle me
>hurr hurr why don't you talk or do stuff like we do
fuck you people man

I guess this is the thread where I should disclose my drug information to dataminers:
>be 26
>was on 10 mg lexapro for 4 years
>ramped up to 15 mg the past year
>missed my psych appointment back in april because I wrote down the wrong time
>didn't want to shell out the extra $200 appointment fee so I decided to taper off lexapro completely using my refills
>started at 10 mg first two weeks of june
>moved to 5 mg last two weeks of june
>moved to 2.5 mg for all of july
>cold turkey first week of august
I've been completely off SSRI's for about 10 weeks now. Feels ok man. The withdrawals weren't as bad as I thought but were certainly noticeable during the 2.5 mg and cold turkey phases. The medication helped me get through difficult times in uni, but I decided that I was done taking it and wanted to be natty again.

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>>didn't want to shell out the extra $200 appointment fee

Yea, I had been going to my uni psychiatrist for 4 years which was paid for by my tuition fees, but once I graduated I had to pay out-of-pocket to see the same person because they didn't accept my (((medical insurance))).

I thought it was fair enough though, because:
1) I have a job
2) it was nice being seen by the same person who was familiar with my situation and goals for all that time

>2) it was nice being seen by the same person who was familiar with my situation and goals for all that time
if only he wasn't a jew
$200 dollars just to walk in lmao

>if only he wasn't a jew
In all fairness, (((he))) was a paki woman, but yea still $200 at the door which I would do every 3 months. The medication itself was only like $2 a month with my insurance so that was nice.

I looked into finding a provider covered by my insurance and it was equally fucked. I called like 3 offices, and either none of them were accepting new patients or they were booked 6+ months out for new screenings.

been on this shit. it is a PARALYZER, not an ANTIPSYCHOTIC
it will make you incredibly low-energy, suicidal and sleepy
it's generally used to protect you and others from yourself

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>it will make you incredibly low-energy, suicidal and sleepy
uhh what if i'm already all of that?
it's 5mg
and i'm actually really lethargic
i get tired really easy doing anything
back in hs before i dropped out i just went to sleep as soon as i got home everytime
and now i have stregth for maybe 15 minutres during a actuivity and then it's just sapped out to like 30% of my max at best

well if i don't take this then what the hell do i tell the doc? i can't lie at all

>well if i don't take this then what the hell do i tell the doc? i can't lie at all

well goodnight Jow Forums mayble i'll make another thread tommorow and maybe try that goy feed even though i don't want to

>the problems you mentioned earlier are not life ruining and there are functional members of society with those diagnoses
they are for me
i wouldn't consider it ruined though as long as i get bux