Airport /fa/ edition

Attached: Jen.jpg (800x1200, 171K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Random blur pics, I swear

Attached: DWj3EvfVoAAx-jU.jpg (1344x2016, 195K)

classic edition

Attached: 814.jpg (801x1200, 96K)

don't worry about it, kid
i like her and that's all that matters

stop slandering, you know i do it for a different reason

more of them coming up heeman

Attached: DWDD_ZXU0AEvvlP.jpg (901x1200, 141K)

Wings count.

Attached: 1527893232928.jpg (1920x2400, 967K)

VERY nice

Attached: DZozpcQVMAEInjA.jpg (1500x2250, 272K)

Reeny is most glamorous when in transit.

Attached: 37295987902_9d7fe8b3c0_o.jpg (1200x1800, 1.47M)

Post her messed-up luggage.

Attached: 20170903-IMG_2197.jpg (1707x2560, 1.9M)

unironically don't know that at all

Attached: 192.jpg (800x1199, 172K)

Attached: DFfj-pYUMAEvRrC.jpg (682x1024, 114K)

Attached: 33695DED-D139-486D-88BD-7707E664A03D.jpg (497x750, 146K)

Good edition

Attached: 1528156317551.jpg (1364x2048, 192K)

Attached: 201806011819102737_l.jpg (520x780, 79K)

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Time to restore stamina for a few hours.

I would expect some serious compensation for that damage.

Attached: DC-tsgkUQAEpYUI-orig.jpg (1500x2250, 259K)


Attached: 193.jpg (800x1199, 168K)

elris is a 10/10 group

Attached: DBq85vrVwAAleK5.jpg (1080x1350, 111K)

Rest easy

Attached: IMG_20180220_201255.jpg (1500x1000, 159K)

when's their comeback again

Attached: dutchie sees me comment on a nayeon.webm (1306x752, 1.67M)

Good night.

sleep well

i'd try to dispute this
but these are too cute


if you post other members ireneman can't recognize them and greet you

Attached: DQ1D4DnUMAAVICf.jpg (960x960, 122K)


OMG the fall at

Attached: 22213539595138AD0A9E0A.jpg (1024x1365, 298K)


i posted a couple webms last thread

Attached: DQK2WGaVoAAgyki (1).jpg (1200x900, 158K)

>these are too cute
you know what that means

Attached: 190.jpg (800x1100, 125K)

just so you know, i might have overhyped it a bit

don't worry, i've expected that

Attached: 191.jpg (550x975, 52K)


i expect a paragraph review of the pic

>i expect a paragraph review of the pic
maybe if you ever POST it you big tease

Attached: 187.jpg (1200x900, 114K)

it's not that spectacular actually

just farming hyebins here

Attached: Nayeon - x The best.jpg (1024x1024, 68K)

Her tongue is scaring the fuck out of me

pretty good but i still feel cheated
>just farming hyebins here
never posting another hyebin again

Attached: 46.jpg (720x960, 99K)

>pretty good but i still feel cheated
No how could you
>never posting another hyebin again
no how could you

Attached: Dexrc3NUEAEtDbb.jpg (1024x1024, 69K)

you've done it to yourself

Attached: 45.jpg (750x737, 79K)

hey i delivered a quality nayeon

Attached: DeYT541U0AAX8p-.jpg (720x720, 98K)

Attached: 4c426a0980909a9a2055c9e65a4d6a6d.jpg (600x867, 76K)

>68 KB

>69 KB

>98 KB
>hey i delivered a quality nayeon

i cannot deny that was a quite nice nayeon, but you built it up way too much


Attached: 38.jpg (886x720, 94K)

Attached: High quality.jpg (1200x1799, 1.14M)

you always give me such a hard time

lol, i like it a lot, i can't help it
if she did her tongue trick when in some other place you would love it

whose side are you on here

Attached: 25437A4D564B28CE01.jpg (900x1350, 357K)

No one. I just made the jpeg needlessly uncompressed.

>no one

Attached: 26730149565D644D22.jpg (900x1350, 412K)


Attached: ry6r6u22.gif (350x362, 1.84M)

my team's got room

Attached: Nayeon - 531.jpg (1000x1500, 1.18M)

Attached: DT0cx7DUMAASegU.jpg (1080x922, 75K)

You started it


Attached: DeAgM54VQAA1SfT.jpg orig.jpg (1200x800, 159K)

But you'll just destroy me in duck game again.
Throw me in the sea.
What are you up to?

Attached: Cwj38C0UQAId7u4.jpg (801x1200, 97K)

you hit too hard

Attached: Sana - 13.jpg (801x1200, 147K)

i'm not destroying anyone when i'm tired

Attached: Wendy - 69.jpg (1067x1600, 306K)

Reading. Slowly.

Our blows are the same, I just have tougher skin.

Attached: portrait of yeri.jpg (1524x2048, 456K)

a sea of sheets?

Attached: DTPis2kVoAAu8pk.jpg (1200x800, 69K)

you always get me when i'm tired
im weaker then

Attached: Wendy - 189.jpg (1000x1500, 814K)

>if she did her tongue trick when in some other place you would love it
the nayeon dump is very nice tho

Attached: 178.jpg (719x960, 82K)

Fortitude is a virtue

Attached: smile through the pain 1.jpg (802x1200, 116K)

If you say so.
Why slowly? Savoring the story?
Makes me think of being caught under a parachute in water.

Attached: w5ywy.gif (343x365, 1.86M)


>the nayeon dump is very nice tho
got to repay you for wasting your time somehow

Attached: Eunha - 572.jpg (960x960, 129K)


Attached: 171126 ê³¨ë“ í‹°ì¼“ 벨라2..jpg (1800x1200, 1.76M)


Attached: DCLu-lkVwAIfsb7.jpg (1080x1350, 121K)

end of the month

i legitimately have no idea what else you could have meant
nice eunha too


Attached: 155.jpg (1200x800, 131K)

so is being nice, friend

you won

i meant in a nice scenery you doof

Attached: Eunha - 17.jpg (1280x1920, 369K)


Attached: DFB5IjYUMAATQGE.jpg (800x1200, 128K)

Attached: IMG_20180501_225123.jpg (2730x4096, 974K)

you won so hard it made me amost go to bed

Attached: Sohye - 201.jpg (750x1200, 204K)

>in a nice scenery
bad scenery is the best

do it anyway

Attached: 1880.jpg (720x719, 62K)

Unfounded praise.
And you were supposed to sleep. Thanks for reminding me.

Attached: u35u35.png (474x398, 482K)

you're just saying that because all your girls take selfies in scruffy places

>do it anyway
give me 5 minutes to finish my sandwich

Attached: Dami - 40 Paris.jpg (720x960, 143K)

Bad ADHD brain make read hard

>so is being nice
Two virtues you have failed on so far then.

Attached: sana thumb hand.jpg (800x1200, 205K)

Also okay.

Attached: CwL96MuVYAApzRy.jpg (559x385, 34K)

very spooky

let's gym

Attached: DTepOjIVwAIw4JZ.jpg (1200x800, 124K)

scruffy is just a codeword for comfy

Attached: 1875.jpg (902x1200, 147K)

I have a home gym now.
Dutchingu set it up for me. It's called "stairs".

Attached: 1526826151952.jpg (1500x1500, 1.14M)

i'm trying to be nice
you often enter the thread attacking me with your first reply, i can't do anything about that

not smart, i'll probably extend that time

cute nayeon btw
your new hat is very scruffy looking

Attached: Dami - 10.jpg (800x1200, 144K)


lmao, lameo

you don't even go to your home gym then

Attached: 99FF0D4B5AAD10D509.jpg (1200x1800, 646K)


I'll remember this.
My stairs go into the sea.

Attached: 1523159634204.jpg (2500x1875, 551K)

I guess the problem then is I get a kick out of banter (we are on a board called Jow Forums after all). I'll try to be a little nicer I guess though.

Attached: wYRCkMe.jpg (810x1406, 486K)

>your new hat is very scruffy looking
finna scruff you kid

Attached: you tryna start have a tussle m8.webm (476x640, 314K)

first one i get
but the second was justified

it's ok, i'll banter you, kid

that was a compliment

Attached: DeypHVAVAAAECyz.jpg (800x1200, 128K)

>that was a compliment
You can't just say this about everything.

Attached: 1522444860325.jpg (1024x707, 105K)

>that was a compliment

Attached: 1877.jpg (799x1200, 117K)

i don't. all my compliments are genuine

let's get this out of the way: surprisingly cute. correct hat

you said your hat was comfy
is scruffy not the same?

Attached: 161018 서울패션위크 우주소녀 직찍 by 스피넬-12.jpg (1200x801, 350K)

Wtf don't bant me

Attached: DZlBcSBVAAACU01.jpg orig.jpg (500x784, 69K)

ok ok got it
you may do as you please

Attached: Seulgi Wendy Yeri - 2.jpg (1800x1200, 167K)

Y-You too

Attached: red blanket.jpg (1200x947, 336K)

Wait a minute delete this

as long as you post high quality images

nah, it's ok thick skinbro

>surprisingly cute
>correct hat
>is scruffy not the same
i would assert that it is but you don't believe that so you intended it as an insult

Attached: 1866.jpg (799x1200, 113K)

This warrants bullying you

Attached: DZl4PwMUQAEQEEy.jpg orig.jpg (2048x1129, 441K)

>Wording a surprisingly cute
Kinda mean towards Nancy

>but you don't believe that so you intended it as an insult
Me? Insult that hat? Never

Attached: IMG_20180609_151029.jpg (2048x1367, 417K)

As long as you consider that I'm close to going to bed, so don't push me over the edge and make me go to sleep

I'm gonna go take a walk. You should go to bed, friend.

Attached: IMG_3278.jpg (700x393, 58K)

If you say so.
What? why?
Go to sleep.

Attached: 1516991070861.jpg (1000x1500, 284K)

i've started to take your surprisingly cutes as regular cutes, ya big bully


Attached: me on the left.webm (1324x822, 1.98M)