Whats life like in Japan?

Whats life like in Japan?
is it as miserable as people say it is?

Attached: [타락잉] NHK에 어서오세요 05화[14-41-14].jpg (800x450, 59K)

Watch the first episode of Mahou Shoujo Site
It will answer all your questions

>watch some faggot anime to get a feel of real life
Haha fucking pathetic weeb

It's realistic. And OP's pic is anime so why not?


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>Cute lolis
m8 I'm on a no fap.



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how are there so many hikkis there? is their unemployment program that good?

i understand your viewpoint but you just sound like a twat tryin too hard too sound cool
f*ucking we*Ebs amirite lol HAHA