Whats life like in Japan?
is it as miserable as people say it is?
Whats life like in Japan?
Eli Ramirez
Liam Peterson
Watch the first episode of Mahou Shoujo Site
It will answer all your questions
Jaxon Hall
>watch some faggot anime to get a feel of real life
Haha fucking pathetic weeb
Lincoln Miller
It's realistic. And OP's pic is anime so why not?
Xavier Garcia
Oliver Bennett
>Cute lolis
m8 I'm on a no fap.
Angel Hill
Bentley Harris
Alexander Young
how are there so many hikkis there? is their unemployment program that good?
Easton Jackson
i understand your viewpoint but you just sound like a twat tryin too hard too sound cool
f*ucking we*Ebs amirite lol HAHA