
Why don't you stop being degenerate and instead live a holy life? Things will be much better, and if you persevere to the end you'll enter into ETERNAL PARADISE after you die.

All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and are doomed to perish in hell FOREVER. Yet through God's immense love His infinite wrath was poured out upon Jesus to save anyone who puts their trust in Him.

If you repent, be obedient and believe, you'll go into everlasting JOY, BLISS and PEACE after death.

Why don't you pick up the world's most important book today and guarantee your salvation?

>The flesh will be judged with the soul and the spirit. Some will find repose in the kingdom of heaven, but others will be punished alive forever (Epistula Apostolorum)


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>monkey man back at it again with his monkey brain
You just don't learn do you?

You don't learn. Your heart is hardened and therefore you have no ears to hear nor eyes to see with.

You guys always try to claim that if I make the wrong decision concerning my believes it is based on moral reasoning and therefore sin.
But I dont. Obviously I want to figure out what is right. Tell me why god would punish me for choosing the belief system that seems most logical to me by using the capacity of my god given brain.

I can't just pretend to believe in and give lip service to something that I simply don't believe in. Why would any God appreciate a pretender?

Have you read the bible yet? Faith comes through hearing.

But what if the bible is 100% false?
Then I would have read a huge book for no reason!

I don't want to play cheerleader/errand boy for a cosmic couch potato who can't be arsed to do anything himself.

What if the bible is 100% true?
Then you would have not read it and sent yourself to hell forever!

You do realise this is the testing grounds, right? We're here for ~75 years to be tested, whereas our reward or punishment lasts FOREVER.

why would i go to hell for not reading a book?
that's kinda gay

There have been thousands of different religions over the course of human history. Many of which existed for thousands of years before Christianity. How can you be so sure that your religion is the "correct" one? And don't say "faith", because everyone of every religion has faith that their religion is the one true religion. What makes YOUR religion more valid than THEIRS?

It's not just a book, it's the inspired Word of God. Words are symbols, symbols have power. And Christ's words are Spirit and life.

Because through my research I discovered that Satanic forces control the planet, which is the opposing team to Christ, and just like it says in the bible (Satan is the god of this world). Also it's the only religion where God came down from heaven and sacrificed Himself on a cross for humanity to absolve them of their sins

>spend your one and only life in this world doing what we want you to do and you'll totally be rewarded for it, after you die of course :^)

This sounds like a fucking scam. Like that Nigerian Prince bullshit.

yeah but i still have to pick up a book and read or burn for eternity
kinda gay

You only have to do that because you're evil. If you didn't sin, you wouldn't be guilty of going to hell.

>Also it's the only religion where God came down from heaven and sacrificed Himself on a cross for humanity to absolve them of their sins

Buddy, there are texts from all kinds of religions about all the stuff gods supposedly did for mortals. Doesn't mean any of it actually happened. Your argument is basically "everything in the bible is true because the bible says so".

And did they absolve humanity of their sins? History has proven that Jesus existed.

>If you didn't sin, you wouldn't be guilty of going to hell.

But apparently everyone is tainted by "original sin". Which means you can't just live a sin free life and go to heaven, you HAVE to join our special club and do what we tell you to do or you WILL be punished! JOIN US OR OUR SKY DADDY WILL FUCKIN' SPANK YOU!

Because Satan was right.

>And did they absolve humanity of their sins? History has proven that Jesus existed.

Yes, it has been proven that Jesus existed. However, there is no proof of any of his miracles, of him being the son of God, or him dying for our sins and resurrecting, other than a bunch of stories that can't be verified in a book that has been rewritten countless times for countless different agendas.