Has this ever happened to you before? How do you feel?

Has this ever happened to you before? How do you feel?

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>Has this ever happened to you before?
No. Never happened and will never happens.
>How do you feel?
Both by that weak coward and that greedy bitch.

Has never happened to me. It's insane to me that guys over 13 are still getting friendzoned.

evolution is flawed because girls don't work for their mate

I've been to the restaurant they went to, it's nice.

>are still
I dont like this. I love treating my friends to special things, I love showing them I appreciate them without having to fuck them. Making people feel good and making them feel like you care doesnt have to tie into sex, and its a whole lot easier than making yourself feel good.

But do they ever do the same for you?

Not him, but my friends do.

My friends actually do a lot more for me than I do for them. That includes the females.

The fuck of it now is that even if Austin never intended anything, he's STILL a sucker in the eyes of his fellows. In the absence of solid dating rituals, his gesture can only be viewed as an attempt to fuck her, as there's no way to distinguish his generosity from the lavish display of someone trying to steal away a freshly-dumped girl. In a more structured culture he'd be more free to interact with her in a platonic way; in the absence of expectations, all interpretations are valid.

There is no such thing as romantic bowling

I'm a very sensual bowler.

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I fucking hate that that girl thinks anyone will ever respect her emotional tampon. don't they realize how damaging it is to men to validate them acting like doormats?

>in the absence of expectations, all interpretations are valid.

No, it's much worse than that. The destruction of expectations, because it occurred at the same time that the age of first marriage was being radically delayed, has created a situation where the *only* valid interpretation is that Austin is a sucker. There aren't an infinite range of possible interpretations; there is now only one, and all other possible interpretations are evasions. Any demonstration of what used to be considered the bourgeois virtues is, for men, now interpreted as evidence of weakness, desperation, and ignoble supplication.

wow, a well written and articulated point on r9k.

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never happened to me before, but I feel nothing because she did nothing wrong.

>she did nothing wrong.
oh lawd imagine being this cucked

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Actually a very good point. Modern dating culture is annoyingly fickle, and everything is a horny guessing game now where both men and women lose.

Imagine thinking women owe you sexual favors for filling their tummies and taking them bowling

never said anything about sexual favors. I just think it's evil how women take advantage of simps like that.
the majority of the blame is still on this austin cuck, but the girl is not totally innocent

That's not what she did wrong.

Her tweet is what she did wrong.

imagine being so much of an incel you're triggered by a man being friends with a woman

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Wrong? No. But shallow and insincere?Completely.
She knows EXACTLY what he's doing it for, and is deliberately playing aloof for the benefits. It's his fault, sure, for being so stupidly froward, but she's fully aware of the situation, and agreed to it in spite of that.

women don't even realize when they take advantage of men though. in women's eyes, randomly spending a fuckton of money on someone for no particular reason is totally normal, because it happens to them all the time.

Oh you mean the tweet where she said he deserves the best? Yeah what a cunt
So she's guilty of taking advantage of a simp? Not exactly what I would classify as evil. Selfish, possibly. But saying it's evil is being pretty dramatic

You're an obstinate fucking retard if you think that's nothing more than "just friends."
But you aren't that stupid. You're just facetious.

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yeah, using people and not acknowledging that you're using them is pretty evil

I don't understand what's happening in this image. What's "cuff" mean in that context, and why does the person replying want a moment of silence? Does "cuff" mean "murder?"

Shes not doing it for the guy

She's bragging that guys will do shit for her without sex in return

>Oh you mean the tweet where she said he deserves the best? Yeah what a cunt

Yes. Exactly that tweet.

Since she is literate, it is unlikely that she has a low enough IQ for her to mistakenly believe that she is making her "friend" look good with this tweet. Without retardation as an excuse, I have to conclude that she is either incredibly thoughtless and careless, or that she is deliberately mocking him.

maybe he'll learn a lesson that buying women food isn't necessarily the key to their hearts. He'll grow as a person from the experience and move on. And she gets to eat for free, win win.

>What's "cuff" mean in that context, and why does the person replying want a moment of silence?

She means "to handcuff". As in, this Austin loser is "such a good catch" that some girl (not HER, of course; some OTHER girl) should handcuff him so he can't get away.

The moment of silence is to pay respects to Austin, who was just humiliated so badly by this tweet that he's effectively dead.

cuff is nigger language for entering a relationship

>"I'm obviously taking advantage of a person's stupid attempt at something, but not only is it NOT my fault, but it's actually a good thing for him that I do it!!"
user I hope to God that for your sake this isn't really how you rationalize things in the real world. If so then shallow doesn't begin to describe you.

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the moment of silence is because austin just got slammed into the friendzone

What exactly was humiliating about it?

>What exactly was humiliating about it?

It's incredibly patronizing.

She is patting him on the head and telling him

>"You're going to make some girl very happy someday!"

...with the added insult of doing this to a public audience. No one would ever describe someone they respected in this way. This is the way you describe someone pathetic.

lol. To be fair I was playing devil's advocate, but it could be a golden opportunity for our guy Austin to internalize the fact that women can be cruel without intending to. So I stand by my claim that this is good for both of them.

Yeah, sure. He'll grow up to healthily resent them or something.
But they definitely do intend it. Just saying.

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Did a little research the guy was 21 and she was 16 at the time

fuck austin that pathetic faggot

think he got up in that slanted teenage pussy?

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Well she never dated him but maybe he fucked her who knows

I used to be so stupid about shit like this, and I regret it so much. We all know she encouraged it, though.

how the fuck do we reverse the trend of women being the most entitled creatures on the planet? all they know how to do is take

Unironically just some sort of repressive Sharia law. They have such low self esteem below surface-level, anyway, that a whole week of all men in the world punching them in the eye or something would immediately shut their mouths. That won't happen though, and I know it won't ever.
But it's still a nice thought.

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Every time.

>paying for the date entirely

I've never understood this. Maybe I'm thinking contrary to what I'd actually do in reality, but why the fuck would someone pay 100% for the date? As far as I'm concerned, we're both treating each other, so a 50/50 split is more than fair. Sad to see how when it comes down to it, most men will just cave in and pay for a women's heart.

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I personally think it culminates to a lessened sense of self-worth for our fellow Kings.
Mainstream media and all that, making us think we have to compensate for some transgression against e'm. Obviously men typically paid for their meals in the 50's too, and whatnot, but the justification for doing so changed drastically as of today.

>a 50/50 split is more than fair.
if you ever actually suggest this to a woman they'll act like you just sold them into sex slavery or something.
protip: women don't give a shit about "fairness" and they consider any man that even suggests things like that to not be a man at all

based and marx pilled