The reason I can't get a bf is because guys just want to watch porn now and not even try to approach me

The reason I can't get a bf is because guys just want to watch porn now and not even try to approach me

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So I was eating beans, right, out of a bowl like I usually do. And after a while it looked like I had run out of beans, but I thought to myself, "Come on, there's got to be more beans in this bowl."
Then I turned the bowl a little bit and sure enough, on the other side of the bowl, the beans were right there.

ITT: Times when the beans were right there.

OP here, I'm a guy, btw. Pic is unrelated.

What makes you think that's the reason?

Such triveal shit you have to deal with OP

It's too easy now, guys can just look up free porn and they don't even have to try

I don't watch porn, but I still won't approach you

do you understand we not only have to deal with rejection, we have to deal with crazy bitches who will think we're rapists or are sexually harassing them by taking interest in them.

literally just approach. you have made it so it's basically scary af for us to even work up the courage. men are tired of getting rejected.

That's why you don't walk up to strangers and try to "pick them up", that only works if you're an absolute chad of confidence.

You have best luck meeting girls doing something mutual. Like work or school or hobbies or whatever.

When even trying to "pick up" strangers don't even make it sound like you're interested like that. Just talk to them like you would anyone else and if the conversation goes anywhere then get her number.

thank you for sharing your message.

The women that are worth the effort have all been taken by Chad. The rest are trash that just get used by Chad until he finds one of quality.
I've met very few women I would want any kind of relationship with.

literally that makes me feel like a manipulative sociopath starting a conversation only because im interested in the girl. feels forced and immoral

I'm not trash. I am enough. If you can't see that it's your loss

im trash though and you'd have to work on me in order to get anything good out of me.
women want a good bf out of the box.

i got problems. im shy.

It's not manipulative because women who are single typically want to meet men.

They know when a guy randomly sparks up a conversation that they are most likely interested. If they think they might be interested the conversation will continue.

Since both parties are on the same unspoken page it's mutual and consensual, this is how dating has worked since forever.

Now, since every guy that tends to talk to them are interested in them they tend to reject the ones who hit on them because it makes them look like a tool and the ones who play by the standard nonchalant dating rules they view as more "normal" and better for a relationship.

if they think they might be interested in you*

Girls can get dick at any time from virtually any man, especially ones that are talking to them. That is why they are not desperate and reject people who say things like "hey, i think you're really cute can i get your number"

like that works sometimes, would work often if you were really attractive and confident, but for average people it doesn't work.

Girls mostly are about personality and being comfortable with someone, bonus if you're healthy and have ambitions/goals. Obviously they will settle for just pure chads because they are nice to look at, in good shape, etc.

but they view chads and average people with good personalities on about the same level.

unless they are whores then you should be happy they rejected you.

>Like work

most workplaces actively discourage/punish coworkers hooking up due to "conflict of interest" or some other similar corporate we-don't-want-lawsuits shit

also fuck initiating, shit's for suckers

Why the fuck is this thread getting replies? For fuck's sake, why can't this board just be better?

because cumbrain turns you into a docile, unmotivated, depressed, short attention span cuck...

Show me you are worth the effort and tell me you haven't been a cumdumpster for chad.

Porn doesn't try to "cancel" you on social media whenever they decide they don't like you anymore.

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Approach them yourself, you fucking cunt.

don't shit where you eat
yeah that's the best place but unfortunately if you're not in school anymore...
this one kind of sucks because as soon as a social hobby becomes mixed gender, a social hierarchy starts establishing itself. if you go for a girl and get rejected, you fall to the bottom of that hierarchy and are made to feel unwanted if not outright kicked out. this isn't a problem if there are lots of groups that you can join, but if it's a more obscure hobby or if you really enjoy the group, it becomes a bad way to pick up girls

>every girl visibly creeped out
>tries to avoid as much as possible

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Nah. Some women are conceited,vain or manipulate dudes into liking them. I'm sure u can manipulate somebody op

Oh.. wait ur a dude?? .Lmao


Yeah, obviousIy. Original.

it's all about the approach. you don't make your move after knowing them for a day or whatever.

be friendly, strike conversation, get to know her, strictly platonic, then eventually when ask her to do something outside of the hobby.

also, internet dating works well if you do it right. I'm not talking tinder, but other actual sites.

get some good pictures taken, write a good bio, and just wait

ain't no thread like a COOM thread

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this lowers chance of rejection and if she does do it at this point you are friends so no harm no foul, everyone's adults it's not like she will call you out in front of everyone.

it's also how you play off rejection

>You have best luck meeting girls doing something mutual. Like work or school or hobbies or whatever.
What hobbies are there that are mutual? Most women don't have hobbies. Also, meeting women at work is a no no, especially since #metoo. The only viable way to meet women is at a bar or club, but most of those bitches are hoes or online, but if you are not a Chad you have no hope.
>pic related

Attached: dating_meeting.jpg (1166x1200, 231K)

>eventually ask her to do something outside of the hobby
yeah I've tried that a few times and been rejected every single time, which leads to the downward spiral I mentioned previously. now I just do all my favorite hobbies mostly solo because I don't want to deal with that shit anymore.
>internet dating
I had some "luck" on okc, with women with various personality disorders, back before it became tinder-lite, as well as some on tinder and elsewhere. I don't think I'll dive back into those waters anytime soon though, unless there's a site that's amusing to use like the old okc was.

one thing that has worked a little better is being introduced to someone by a mutual friend, especially if it's at a party or something.
being a reject is something that everyone senses even if there's no outright drama, which there's no guarantee there won't be because
>everyone's adults

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yeah, and it's created a shitty dynamic where you will get instarejected if you ask a girl out irl instead of online, because it's so weird and unexpected that she'll reflexively shoot you down even if she's actually into you

i had a friend who tried internet dating a lot, almost every time girl refused to meet irl.

it's because youre like pic related.

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Online dating requires either being a chad or lots and lots of luck. In most cases average guy will attract obese girls, single mothers or mentals.

Approach some of them, it is not that complicated. This thread explained why you are not approached.

you are probably just fat or something. I'm just a tranny and even I have like least one guy confessing to me right after a breakup.