Who is happy to be /childless/

>being pregnant will fuck up your mind and body
>going through childbirth is the equivalent of getting kicked in the nut sack but on steroids
>raising kid means time, commitment and lots of fucking money to spend on the brat

I will never have a child. I would beat a guy up if he got me pregnant without my approval.

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i see having kids as the only way to truly preserve yourself, meaning a part of you will always live on, but feel free to perish and be forgotten about

Omg me too, my children are my cats ! I luv them

Dunno. Part of me is already in some cousin I do not give a damn about.

>always live
Or at least until your child die too

You will be forgotten sooner or later

I don't want to create a person to live on this shitty planet considering how dumb and selfish the average human being is

yeah but if your kids keep having kids, a part of your genetics or your personality ( if the kid is raised by your descendant ) will live on

I'm happy being childish for now. I'm a little scared of it making me look less attractive but I mean my looks will fad someday regardless. I would like a family though someday and be a stay at home mother.

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>caring about what people think of you after you're dead

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>I will never have a child.
Duh. Men can't have children.

This is why Islam will win, its a numbers game and you kafirs will be outbred mashallah

Once all the liberals kill off their lineages, there won't be anyone to complain when rednecks start shooting up the muslims.

Nobody cares about your retarded religion rivals. We're all going to die anyways.

Get steralized. duh

>beat a guy up if he got you pregnant without your approval

hah, typical roastie logic blaming the guy 100% when you consented to bareback sex too

don't consent to get pregnant? don't have sex. it's that easy.

i hate straight women. (ignoring rape victims)

its more about being remembered, i intend to wright down everything i know about my family currently ,and pass it down through to my kids

In reality id just dump the guy with no warning ahead and get my abortion pill just to spite him.

Yes we all will die one day but we will have Paradise while you dhimmis will die in agony being skinned alive by our brave muhajideen

Religion is just a cope to deal with the inevitability of death. The thought of eternal nothingness once after you die scares all the religionfags across the globe.

It would be hotter if you beat him up before doing all that.

Nobody wants to get your fatass pregnant OP. Enjoy your lonely life and dying alone.

The thought of being punished in the afterlife for their wrongdoings scares atheists through the anglosphere (because its the only place they can inhabit and live their sinful lives).

Perfect that means you can be my mommy gf and I don't have to share you with children.

>going through childbirth is the equivalent of getting kicked in the nut sack but on steroids
There was actually a study on the pain of childbirth vs getting kicked in the balls and getting kicked in the balls had about 50 times the neuron response/pain, it just didn't last hours like child birth.

Like it matters you heathen, thoughts like that will be haram in the new muslim world order and punishable by torture and death, your women will be breeding cattle and their offspring will serve the glorious global caliphate indoctrinated by the words of the Prophet. You will be forced to hide underground with your blasphemy like vermin. Judgement is coming heretic

thats funny because I'm an atheist and I'm more pure than your average religion fag. never smoked or drank in my life. am straight. am a Virgin. dont watch porn because of my low libido. rarely ever lie because I dont interact with people to begin with. the only sin I've committed is not believing in some fairytale sky daddy up in the clouds.

I dunno, milfs can be pretty hot. And if you're having kids with a guy you love, then looks don't matter very much to him anyways.
Not all kids are bad. My brother hardly ever cried, didn't want to be held unless he was breastfeeding and didn't cry in the morning or at night either, my mother would wake up and hear him quietly playing with his mobile.
He has aspergers, so maybe that's it. Marry an autist for quiet kids.

The act of childbirth is creation, the opposite of destruction. It is more beautiful than all of technology and all human feat. You can be the dumbest of the dumb but the act of bringing another human into the world is unrivaled by all marks of art, skill, and human feat. You can be the most bottom dwelling scum or the highest of intellectuals but you will never amount in any capacity to bringing another to absolution in becoming. It is the perfect existiential thesis to life itself, moreso and beyond to a higher being who has placed warrant and charge to humanity to continue.

Eventually you will understand, whether conscious or subconscious.

This is why I want to impregnate women in foreign developing countries and leave.

My cousin and I have 10% identical DNA according to 23andme. My nephew and I have around and about 25% shared DNA. It's the same proportion I would have if I became a grandfather.

Having kids should be citizens duty like in times of ancient Greece and Rome. Because of people like OP western populations are just dying off.


Enjoy being a miserable wreck forced to waste all their precious time on wageslavery to support your kids while me and OP will just stay comfy NEETs and eat tendies while playing vidya.

its like a cult that is entirely fear based. "Follow me and you will never die, don't follow me and you will burn in a lake of fire for all eternity." this is nothing but a scare tactic instilled in young kids who don't yet have the intellectual capacity to evaluate their surroundings, but if they're like me who once was raised as a Christian all throughout their childhood they will soon grow out of it to see all of the logical inconsistencies in religion itself. You will too bud, unless you live in a Muslim majority country then yikes.

John, ur mom didn't think the same thing 9 things before you were born.

Now go back to your homework

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