Why are incels so easily brainwashed by right wing propaganda?

Why are incels so easily brainwashed by right wing propaganda?

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They're all (ALL!) Trump supporting Neo-Nazis and have the Confederate flag above their beds.

>insurgent using commie insurgent encryption

You forfeited your life to myself as I decide how to dispose of you

I thought PragerU was left wing?

right wing is objectively superior to being a cuck
so start with that
then try with any other degenerate fetish

Because they are by definition of low intelligence

It's not easy. The US propaganda machine is an industry worth 10s (if not 100s) of billions of dollars.

prageru is peak neocon

they're incredibly right wing - almost comically so

>Right wing
>low intelligence
Into the chamber you go, cuck

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Imagine being this retarded
i hope you are american, this way your retardation at least won't be as evident as elsewhere.

You believe the Earth is flat. Lol

fatherless upbringing = susceptibility to any kind of manipulation that appeals to authority and masculinity. a weak sense of self leads them to extremist groups where they can find acceptance and meaning as long as they are a conformist, as they struggle to create meaning for themselves independently. see pic related

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Every right wingers I've met denies climate change. It takes a lot of stupid to say you know better than scientists and expert so much data exists to prove them wrong.

>Believing the climate is being changed by human when it changes on its own
Day of the rope can't come soon enough, commie.

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Outlaw climate change denial

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>Climate change characteristics consistent of those caused by an excess of green house gasses starts only when humans start pumping trillions of tones of greenhouse gasses

The climate does change on it's own, but never this insanely fast and sudden UNLESS a massive devastating disaster happens. Can you name any other event that might cause this? No, it's just pus pumping CO2 into the air. There's no other reason. The climate doesn't just mysteriously magically change by it's self, there always a reason.

>day of the rope any second now!

nice cope homo

Being right wing makes you a cuck lmao

Why do right wingers refuse to read anything? You were taught this in school you retard

I always thought it was weird how they complain so much about being badly treated due to ugliness but then also make fun of soiboys for the way they look

They are left-wing on issues of race.

The left wing insults us constantly. Of course some would go hard right, pandering is better than ridicule.

>The left wing insults us constantly

And they're right

I don't necessarily disagree, since the mentality of the incel leads to some pretty shitty worldviews, but being mocked openly by The New York Times and all of the allegedly bleeding hearts type because you can't get a date is very disheartening, and only further entrenches people in their ways.

It's mostly because of the message and image perpetuated internally and externally by the far right aligns more comfortably with those who'd be qualified as or self-identify as incels.

There's too much to parse out so I'll hit the major points.

Many on the left wing side of the spectrum have lost a lot of their sense of humor and will become offended at jokes with even the slightest bit of edge unless the edge is against the neck of those who're they're against. Also, incels are often internet based people and thus their humor tends to be darker and edgier.

While many have solid and well argued reasons for their take on humor (Mostly that a lot of right wing humor is to normalize some pretty fucked ideas), it ultimately makes them seem like humorless fun police.

The left side of the spectrum takes a principally egalitarian view of women which often manifests itself as putting women on a pedestal. In contrast, right wing ideologies see that women should be barefoot and pregnant.

Take a wild guess at which view of women an incel would prefer given the fact they refer to women as non-human.

The right wing has spent A LOT of time and effort on optics and we all know what they are. Much of the right wing effort has gone into the idea of self-improvement with many outlets for such a thing. Book lists, exercise routines, motivational content, and so on. This was the way ChadRight recruited robots not long ago.

The right wing has the image of The Golden One while the left wing has the image of Contra Points. If you're a male, you want to be The Golden One

>Allowances for Bigotry
A huge thing is that the right wing doesn't want to change anything about an incels prior biases and bigotry and they already tend to be fairly bigoted towards everyone. For the right wing, that's perfectly acceptable and is the basis of their entire ideology.

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>Many on the left wing side of the spectrum have lost a lot of their sense of humor and will become offended at jokes with even the slightest bit of edge unless the edge is against the neck of those who're they're against.
Chapo Trap House tho

>The right wing has spent A LOT of time and effort on optics and we all know what they are. Much of the right wing effort has gone into the idea of self-improvement with many outlets for such a thing. Book lists, exercise routines, motivational content, and so on. This was the way ChadRight recruited robots not long ago.
No one thinks of the right wing like that. The media and most normies think of people who identify as "right wing" as being old, rich, out of touch boomers who hate science and believe they know everything.

The left not only have nothing to offer to incels, but was openly mocking and demonising them since this issue was noticed by the mainstream. The left doesn't want to understand why the incel fenomenon even exist.

There is difference between establishment boomer right and more young dissident right and the second type is very much about self improvement.

>Chapo Trap House
They're the absolute worst and are simply champagne socialists whose idea of humor is swearing all the time. Lions Led by Donkeys, Hell of a Way to Die, and others are a lot better.

That's a difference between the traditional media and internet.

Go ask an apolitical Zoomer or Millennial what the far right is and they'll basically tell you that it's a bunch of their own kind who got into politics via the politicization and spread of /SIG/ views.

>Go ask an apolitical Zoomer or Millennial what the far right is and they'll basically tell you that it's a bunch of their own kind who got into politics via the politicization and spread of /SIG/ views.
Just search "rightwingers" on twitter bro, it's not that hard

Yes it has. 50 million years ago. 20 million years ago. 50,000 years ago. It dramatically changed couple of celcius. Not even counting meteors that instantly changed the climate. 20 million years ago there was no ice on planet earth.

With people only starting to look into the past 100 years as evidence, which is stupid and biased, you wont get the full picture.

Most of them have given up on social status-seeking, so have no reason to support progressive politics.

Can you expand on this please? Reps for republicans, I'd love to be a chadright

except for israel of course

What do you mean? I'm sure they have no problem with Ethiopian Jews moving to Israel.

in their mind all the jocks and republicans all got girlfriends and laid so they copy them

reality is all the women leave those type of men due to being unhappy and not being forced to and the incels are sharing the same space as bigoted and prejudiced right wing incels while falling for the same bully talking points they faced while growing up

>Confederate flag
I live in the north, and proud of it. I didn't wage a war to keep blacks in the US. Don't lump me in with those people.

They desperately cling for any sliver masculinity they can reach, and truth to be told, it's not that they're easily influenced, it's just who they were raised to be. If you notice the US tends to be really right wing.

>If you notice the US tends to be really right wing.
I love when foreigners say that. Because that's not how half of us see it. It also makes me sad for you.

Compared to the rest of the civilized world, we are extremely right wing, selfish, and ignorant in the worst possible ways.

What comically right wing stuff have they said?

>still believes in the biggest sham of all time: artificial global warming

>Spouting Neo-Freudian bullshit
>Exepecting to be taken seriously

Pick one

Because right winger do talk to me, while left wing faggot pretend they fought to those in need treat me like shit because I'm not a girl, poc or fag.

you absolute fucking degenerates. do you actually believe any of the right-wing "thinking elite" care about you?
All they have to tell you is that you are superior to some poor fuck from somalia and you guys will nod and let yourself be fucked in the butt by some boomer piece of shit. guess what idiot, to them you are the same as a fucking refugee, a vessel which can be exploited, used and sold like fucking cattle. and you motherfuckers would probably die in a war for them because you are too dumb to realize that you are nothing more than pawns in their game.
hating others, not grasping that the only way to free yourself is through coalition. you are everything you hate. fuck you

because you are in a vulnerable place, and they would love to recruit you. and as it seems it worked. ask yourself this, are you better now? did any of the advice right wingers gave you ever help you? or did they just reafirm your own beliefs in order to make you feel good? some truths are hard to accept especially if it means that you were wrong. and i don't blame you. I'm sorry for the bad experiences you had with leftists, i truly am. But i can promise you that there is so much more, acceptance, company and brotherhood waiting for you if you are willing to open your eyes.
I hate how Incels are treated by mainstream media but you gotta remember, they are not leftists, they are dirty fucking centrists and the left hates them as much as you do. i believe that incels are a product of an unjust system and that a lot of them unfortunaly choose to swim along and be quite. don't be. change the system, if not for you then for the young men after you who will face the same heartships-

I believe in you my friend

if teenagers can't consent how can you possibly convict any of them of rape

user, I used to be member of the communist party, do you want to know why I quit?

tell me brother

Most of them were liars, they were into for the power or for the social status.
They'd fight for mankind, but look down at every single human that could not give them more power or status.
In three years I've never see a fellow party member or any left militant help another human.
On my first walk with a extreme right college, he gave alms to a hobo and offered a random guy a ride.

thats horrible dude,
i assume that you live in the states? well from what i can understand american leftists kinda suck big dick, but the communist party in general is a shitty place, people up there own arse. it's always about who is the most virtuous or educated, when in reality that doesn't fucking matter. Organisations like the DSA are also a fucking joke. From my experience, the people putting actual work in (like feeding the homeless) are anarchists. I know that you are not going to change your political allignment but there is a fundamental difference between brooklyn college snobes and people from rough areas organizing and helping each other because no one else does.

For me, now, it's more about how does the more for their fellow humans, anarchist in general are great people (ancaps are cancer), but right wingers in general are also great people.