What does Jow Forums think about Alpha Male Strategies?

What does Jow Forums think about Alpha Male Strategies?


He's pretty based desu.

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Too advanced for this crowd. You have to grow some sort of backbone before you can even attempt the sort of game he explains.

Pick up artists and their strats are for normies who just want sex. It seems to me most robots want a relationship not just a hookup

Is that you boosted?

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You'd have to be legit retarded to believe in PUA.

Either the woman wants to fuck you or she doesn't.

Lmfao. Redpillers and PUAs are so cringy.
Only such cunt I occasionally watch is CRP just to laugh at how much of a boomer he is.

I've never watched any PUA stuff but after watching some of his videos it seems a lot of stuff can be applied to women and relationships in general, and in fact it's mostly shit you'd read on here but without the woman hate autism. Regardless, it would be dumb to ignore the opinions of successful men.

He is right in the sense that you should disregard whores and get on your purpose and actually earn money instead

*to give to whores later on

typical pick up artist nonsense that only works if you look a certain way. if you don't look like a fuck boy and try to do all that shit you just come off as a creeper

this, it's very easy for people to tell when you're faking confidence.

bro you're so stupid you just need to fake it til you make it bro

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Nothing really 'alpha male' about a former felon telling me things I already knew but took him 2 decades to figure out.

He's popular with young black males with no direction in their lives or actual father figures and gives out basic life advice everyone with a dad already knows. Not mention his PUA strategies are fucking gargabe and only work on bottom barrel trash women.

thats pretty all pua strategies. they only really work on club skank tier women

Again, you guys seem to know more about PUA stuff than me. I don't seem to get the impression that he's telling you to fake it, if anything I feel like this is part of the self-improvement wave.

he's pretty much regurgitating the same shit everyone tells you when you can't get bitches. lift, groom yourself, dress well, confidence, swag, game all that shit

that's how these pua guys sell it, they put in all that basic self improvement crap to try and convince you that they know what they're talking about. he's just doing the same thing thousands of other idiots are doing.

would you listen to this guy if he looked like this? thats what you need to understand

yeah his words only have power because he's a 6'2 tyrone lmao, i cant imagine what it would be like if he switched places with that currycel

I won't even watch the video. All this "alpha male" bullshit is cringy and a dumb charade. The only real "alpha males" are men who are too dumb to realize how entitled and egocentric they act.
Nothing pisses me off more than an "alpha male" trying to hit on me. I am a peaceful and meek person, but their entitled, patronizing and arrogant behavior makes me want to kick them in the balls. Repeatedly.

the funniest part about all this red pill pua alpha shit is that these guys used to be viewed as a joke. everyone hated these embarrassing morons before the internet turned it around and every dumb fuckhead in the world started listening to these retarded douchebags. ugly guys actually think that if they act like these people it will get them laid. this level of clown world is so funny

Pic related, you and your ilk.

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As I said another post, it's stuff you'd see around this place, and also part of that self-improvement stuff. What I don't understand is if this guy is regurgitating it, Jow Forums is regurgitating it, most importantly "everyone" is regurgitating it, then surely there must be something to it right? sounds like it's pretty tried and tested to me. Then why ignore something like self-improvement unless it's some sort of coping mechanism for dealing with how bad your life is?

Again, as I said before, it would be dumb to ignore the opinions of successful men, I'd rather listen to him over the chubby guy you posted, wouldn't you? maybe the successful mans advice could even benefit him as well.

I think we can agree that this opinion is not representative of women as a whole.

They only used to be viewed as a joke when there were still women who didn't behave according to their philosophy. You could make fun of them because the only women who behaved like that were the lowest of the low, BPD whores and bar slags.

But now all women act like that or worse, so what's a guy to do?

Whores don't get paid. Prostitutes do.

Either way don't give women money ever

I prefer Beta Male Strategies.


>Again, as I said before, it would be dumb to ignore the opinions of successful men, I'd rather listen to him over the chubby guy you posted, wouldn't you? maybe the successful mans advice could even benefit him as well.

that is a very strange way you twisted what i'm trying to say. none of what this tyrone says can be applied successfully if youre ugly like that indian guy, there is nothing this guy says that can help that indian guy. if you can't see that then i'm sorry but you fell for the pua meme way too hard.
just because he's successful doesn't mean it will work for other guys

You wish, mentalcel. Sorry to inform you that your massive porn library is not an apt depiction of reality. That is also the reason why you fail to get a healthy relationship with your behavior.

>You wish, mentalcel.
Unfortunately, I wish for the exact opposite. Hasn't happened yet.

Oh, sure there are some who might dig this alpha shit due to unsolved daddy issues. Or due to lack of self-esteem. Or because they learned to view this as desirable behavior by watching too many shitty TV shows. But aside of one misguided friend (who was mentally unstable at that time) there is noone in my peer group who ever fell for alpha bullshit.

maybe you move in the wrong circles. emotionally and mentally unstable & uneducated men&women tend to resort to social stereotypes to get some feeling of safety from this. If you fish in those waters, you will get submissive toddler-brained women and aggressive toddler-brained men.

I didn't twist anything, I know what you're trying to say but it's a "what-if" non-argument. What I'm saying is if the chubby indian took the black guys advice, then he'd be better by default right? he wouldn't be chubby if he took his appearance seriously and he'd become a bit more clued up about interacting with women thanks to a guy who has more experience than him. Either way he'd level himself up even if he isn't as successful as the other guy. Which is why I wondered why people decry and ignore this sort of thing when it seems inherently beneficial.

You seem to be under the impression I've fallen for some "PUA meme", I don't see why you jumped to that conclusion because I didn't for one second imply the youtubers advice was some sort of dogma.

I don't know enough about this alpha or beta shit but I imagine a lot of it is bullshit when it applies to human society and how complex it is anyway. What's certain is that there are more attractive males, be it looks, body, personality, wealth, whatever else, I guess these are what people mean by the "alphas", and these people have one of these traits or more, doubt it's even that simple either really.

>I didn't twist anything, I know what you're trying to say but it's a "what-if" non-argument. What I'm saying is if the chubby indian took the black guys advice, then he'd be better by default right? he wouldn't be chubby if he took his appearance seriously and he'd become a bit more clued up about interacting with women thanks to a guy who has more experience than him. Either way he'd level himself up even if he isn't as successful as the other guy. Which is why I wondered why people decry and ignore this sort of thing when it seems inherently beneficial.

because its worthless when you're that ugly... that indian guy is hideous and has no chance to get anything other than some fat gorilla pajeeta. some guys have potential and the self improvement does work, but ugly is always ugly no matter what improvement you try to do

It's almost like certain actions are acceptable (and even enjoyed) in certain situations and not in other situations.
That comic is not as much of a gotcha as you think it is.

>in fact it's mostly shit you'd read on here but without the woman hate autism
Basically this. I don't even really consider AMS to be a PUA either, at least in the whole Mystery PUA sense. He honestly just says that hypergamy against men is real and that we as men need to practice the same against women. Makes sense to me.