I feel as though women are aware of how guys are brushed under the rug but they don't know or don't care to what extent

I feel as though women are aware of how guys are brushed under the rug but they don't know or don't care to what extent
For example, if a guy ever fights, it has to be another guy: there can be no hotting a girl. I've heard women say under no circumstances should a man hit a woman.
Another issue is that society truly wants us men to overexert ourselves to te point all we are is a tool that can be used, not a person. Let's be honest, how many men do you hear about being "good stay at home dads" from others? No, our place is out in the world, doing whatever menial job we can to sustain ourselves.
And of course, the stigma of men being violent all the time. I've seen men get hurt in ways I can't even begin to describe both physically and emotionaply until all that was left of them was the husk of what they used to be and if they so much show any emotion that could possibpy be healthy, such as crying or letting any anger out, then they are considered "unstable".
I'd saybmost men are stuck in their own little world, with no hope of anyone coming to find them. Loneliness would be a good start for them, but not accurate to what they feel

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Yeah. What really pisses me off is when women pretend to care about that. You know, "conservative" women that wreck feminism with facts and logic. They pay lip service to these ideas but they're still just as grossed out by seeing a dude cry.

Ultimately, they just don't care
They want nothing from these men, and thus whatever is troubling them, or what they think is of zero importance to them
They would probably just prefer them to disappear so they don't cause them any trouble in getting what they want (Chad types)

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This is why I've stopped caring about society, and especially about women's problems. We're little more than slaves for women, we're held to insane standards, it's socially acceptable to hate us and discriminate against us... and on top of that, we have to hear from those stupid cunts about how they're so oppressed. I honestly have no empathy for them any more, none whatsover. They deserve every bit of suffering they get, and much much more.

But why is it like this?

Because men are the natural protectors of their family/tribe. Women just don't have any protective instinct towards men - on the contrary, they're more likely to see us as a threat (which is irrational, but that's how women are).

biology is a fucking curse. why does the natural order have to be so emotionally damaging for the majority of the (male) population

Because evolution is a soulless mathematical process. It doesn't care about your emotions or your quality of life or anything at all. We're built to be expendable and there's little to be done about that.

Biology can be both a curse and a blessing. The issue we have now is that men have been socially and legally deprived of any authority they used to have, which also had its root in biology.

absolutely cursed. the same process that produces males as expendable labour drones also gives them the emotional awareness of their hopeless position. Humanity should just wash its hands of its moral delusions, and we should face each other as the cold utility-maximising monsters we all are.

>we should face each other as the cold utility-maximising monsters we all are.
But that would just be giving evolution what it wants.

Evolution also gave us (men) the ability to see that people shouldn't be treated as mere utilities.

I think it has less to do with women themselves but more on how men are raised post-WW2 to not be "men".

No one cares honestly. I have always had to be the strong one for the sake of my siblings my mother and people I care about it's very tiring. I'm tired of being strong I left home early so my siblings could have their own rooms and I wouldn't suck up resources they would need. I miss seeing them often and working long hours doesn't help. I unironicly work in a mine but I have to do emotional labor to help my GF deal with the stress of her office job. I just want to be done sometimes.

Life as a non-chad male is way more isolated than any woman could know. A woman goes a week or two without contact and suddenly everyone's up in arms. I didn't speak to another person besides occasional cashiers for the better part of 7 months and my phone didn't go off once. I almost wish they could live lives like ours just for a while. It wouldn't change shit but I don't know.

I'm old school about it. If you want to hit a woman, you marry her and pop out a baby, then it's nobody's business. Otherwise, what's the point?

If you are so worthless that you get brushed under a rug, you are no man.
Also be grateful that we havent killed or enslaved you

Why spite people for your own laziness?

And it gave us the competitiveness to not care because pussy is apparently more important than decency.

Women are not meant to be in positions of power. When they have it (given to them), they become resentful of men for being weak. Your ancient ancestors did not come home from slaying mammoths and sabre tooth tigers to be dictated to by a woman.

Modern men are too weak to have power though.

You don't have to be a female or a Chad to have friends and family, user.

>your own laziness
Just fuck off. I tried and failed.
Well lucky you to have those.

We've built complex systems of government that have taken control away from us.

Look, we constantly invented these technologies and social systems to make ours and women's lives easier, and now that everything is in place and running smoothly, women want to get rid of us. Never expect empathy from them or believe that you've built up equity for your past deeds.

I don't have friends, and my relatives mostly leave me alone. I'm just saying, I think this has more to do with your character and social skills than your sex. I know lots of guys that are uglier than me but have a social life.

>failing means you give up
Lazy ass
We used to make guys like you build shit for peanuts or work the fields. Then we would send you to a battlefield to die.

The sheer fact that you have no locus of control means you can never have power. Given or taken is irrelevant, it is a good thing that we dont limit 50 percent of the population to basic tasks just because we cling to tradition. All the cultures that did died or barely survived only because of a wealth of natural resources

My point being you never see socially isolated women or attractive men.
>I think this has more to do with your character
You don't know the first thing about me you cunt.
>Lazy ass
What are you basing this off? Like I said to the other jumped up prick you don't know the first thing about me.

Women and attractive men can be socially isolated too, if they have some mental health issue like depression or social anxiety. I remember reading that there are actually some very attractive males and females posting on Jow Forums...

I feel as though you're unaware of the guys not getting brushed under the rug.
guys on the bottom of the food chain are getting brushed under the rug, but guys in general are not

>if they have some mental health issue like depression or social anxiety
>there are actually some very attractive males and females posting on Jow Forums
And they shouldn't be here.

Wow sound harsh man. Hope things get better for you

"The bottom" gets bigger every year. Eventually it really will be just Chad and his harem at the very top.

nature made them in a way they'll do everything to get and protect their children which sure is 'cute'. But if you don't want the exact same things she wants, she'll instinctively see you as a threat to her life at some point. Sooner or later she'll find an excuse to get rid of you in a way she can make as much profit as possible. They don't even want to see these wacky trends. It's just normal to them. fucking psychopaths

>We used to make guys like you build shit for peanuts or work the fields. Then we would send you to a battlefield to die.
Who is "we"? Lmao at that anyways since foids would be forced to stay barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. Good argument.

just the way Chad likes it. the quicker you accept non-Chads are the ugly women of your sex the quicker you can get on with your life.

men think in black and white too

If you dont do something about it that is