He believes in a mysterious invisible force called 'gravity' instead of the scientific FACT that the Earth is...

>He believes in a mysterious invisible force called 'gravity' instead of the scientific FACT that the Earth is constantly moving upward

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haha. Lol it's not mysterious.


>constantly moving
constantly accelerating you mean? In an infinite space.
>Dear passengers, Next stop Tau Zero

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you can measure the protons contracting towards large masses

ofc. protons are charged.

He believes velocity causes a constant force when in reality. constant acceleration causes constant force

they are charged in a way that they repel each other. You can also observe neutrons attracting each other even though they have no charge

yea. large masses however have to have both electro strong polarities
plus electro weak field has been proven to exist

Wrong. That's God doing it.

wheres it moving to?

explain what an electro strong polarity is

>He believes the earth is a flat plane accelerating upwards rather than a large sphere expanding at an accelerating rate

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you need to define if you mean EM field or strong interaction?

nvm I read it wronng.
What about neutron stars. They are large masses of neutrons that are attracted to each other with a very low amount of polarity

electro weak field where the *higgs boson* comes to play through the mass of the particle

hairy, I promise. but worth it. if you are strong enough.

Reminder the universe is under no obligation to make sense to you

why does light look as though it's going straight when if the earth is supposed to be accelerating upwards at 9.8 m/s^2

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Good question. I really wish I had an answer. So far we are accepting the Standard Model.

Why light in a vacuum has that particular speed about 300 000 kilometers per second and not some other speed? We just don't know.


The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you

That's why she is wonderful.