This is what happens when you marry a white woman
This is what happens when you marry a white woman
Old Mustang GT's are a dime a dozen. Underpowered, handle like shit, etc.
>falling for an obvious Audi Ad
Whatever, in 5 years that get will be still worth more, and the Audi will be a oil leaking mess.
But the real thing is men having to give up all thier hobbies becuase wife said so. Every married mans house I have been in, almost the entire thing is taken up with the women’s interest. I knew a guy that had to fight to find space for his tennis racket, becuase his wife and daughter had claimed the entire house as theirs.
>literally the worst ’Stang ever built
Real men drives a Golf GTi mk1. It’s also rarer than that burger piece of shit you see 1000 of every summer.
They didn't have to, they chose to. You're talking about weak people.
Ahahaha, I live down the road from that dealership. It's among one of the shittier Euro dealerships here to boot.
Any good woman would have encouraged him to keep that Mustang.
I can smell the onions through my monitor
He doesn't deserve his dick or balls. I hope she drives around town fucking niggers in that car and brings him back stds.
The Audi looks like shit. Audis are notorious for being douchebag cars. Only idiots buy Audis.
>when you try to create an ad but all it does is advertise that your product is inferior to its counterpart from half a century ago
>because his wife and daughter claimed the entire house as theirs
What a bitch. How do you even get to that point?
My wife is a bleeding heart liberal, but when election day came she didn't know who to vote for and I explained my position on each prop and person and played videos that also explained things as well. I changed from Cox to Allen, but regarding her ballot she copied every thing I had voted for. The might bitch and complain, but at the end of the day they do as you lead.
>TL;DR: if that were my wife she would have bought a matching vintage mustang (possibly in purple) to park next to mine at car shows.
your vagina is showing.
Asian girls are the only way to go
Make and you can both have your own cars......Like everyone else does.
Lol no, it was only social media. And they spaz out about EVERYTHING
Audi's are very popular with Asians.
From everything I've read this is an overpriced underpowered shitbox that you're going to have in the shop once a month
I imagine the implication is that’s it is safer.
I like trucks and if I drove a sports car it would because either:
>sentimental reasons (passed family member's car)
>a DIY project that I built/restored myself
buying some $50k mass produced shitbox that any faggot with a wad of cash can purchase means nothing to me.
>trade old shit car for good new car
so ? the mustang might be more aesthetically pleasing , dosnt make it not shit.
>good goy
>completely plastic face
why do so many Asians get this surgery, they all look exactly the same and obviously fake. i would never breed one of these things because you’d have no idea what the child would like since her face is plastic.
Obviously you want to look at some of her childhood photos before marrying her
and nothing of value was lost
that's a nice 2016 used Audi A4 with 80000 mileage.
There are a surprising number of stories about this.
that is a textbook face the surgeons learned to make in school. they lack creativity so they are doomed to make that same face over and over again.
>t. Poorfag
Like my car Jow Forums?
I'm sorry you can't get a white woman.
>dream car
>not pic related
He wasn't a real man anyway.
Forgot my pic kek
is that from GTA Liberty City?
loved that game on my brother's PSP
Banshee was badass
>I've just been in this place before
>Higher on the street
What is the official car of Jow Forums and why is it the superior 2002 wrx wagon?
Still my favorite even though plenty of other cars are objectively better then it. Though the Infernus from 5 is a close second.
this is a good car
In Italy this is accurate too
The Mustang appreciated in value.
The Audi will be worth 10% of its value in 20 years.
Source: Any auction.
Christ you counts are dumb.
Probably years of apathy. I let the girlfriend do all the decorating because it's something she cares about and if left to my own devices I tend to keep my living spaces fairly spartan.
Fuck you, both, Asian chicks are just as sluts as any other woman, but since they're smarter they can hide it better
What’s the point of car collecting if you don’t have enough money to own the Mustang and the Audi? Cars are just tools that take you from place A to place B.
His old car was useless crap no reason to be offended.
The audi is already worth less than the Mustang as soon as they drove it off the lot. The Mustang is going to appreciate. That audi will be $30k in a few years when the Mustang will be $60-$70k
Oh look, another one liner shitpost thread.
>newer is always better
>finance a new car goy
>your dream car? who wants that, buy a brand new one regardless of its merits
You don't know anything about automobiles yet you entered this thread just to stink it up with the stench of jewry.
This. Unless it has some kind of interesting perigee that is a 12-15k car at absolute best. Show car quality restoration. Vintage mustangs aren’t very collectible outside of Shelbys.
>literally about 90% done with restoring my dream car, a numbers matching 72' Oldesmobile 442 W-30 with a 455 cui bbc.
>just need to repaint it to the original color, rally red with black stripes
If I ever get married and my wife tries to get me to sell it I will go ballistic. If we were to ever get divorced and she tries to take it, I will wrap it around a tree and donate the insurance money to the shriners.
Mom & daughter must suck cock pretty good
at least he could have traded for a nice looking one, not that abomination
But they hold their value. That S5 will be worth half after 2 years. I would rather sell the Mustang and buy a two year old car, lmao
Maybe he's not a weeb. Don't get me wrong, I like Initial D, but I would be embarrassed driving it because someone could take me for a weeb.
>What is the official car of Jow Forums
>t. vapefag
> his dream car
> that's love
wow. yea, people are this much of a cuck with no standards
>official car of Jow Forums
Jews fear the samurai
> Don't be like a Robert, Robert is a spineless cuck
Look up the China man who suit his wife cause she was ugly like a sin, but had multiple plastic surgery that completely changed her appearance, but the kids become ugly as fuck.
That was an ad campaign i.e. not a real situation.
>audi drivers
and nothing of value was lost
Swennebanan is right. I have a cabriolet with 20vT.
well I am a whiite woman and like old cars and would not demand from a man that he sells his car.
But why do so many men pretend they are forced to do that? I would just have said "No, because I love my car and I won't trade it in for an ugly 2018 car which will be uninteresting and low value 5 years later. Much like you.
if you want such a car, work for it and buy one."
But no, the man is incapable of doing so and that is the woman's fault
>not buying 10 year old BMWs with ultra low milage that have already had heavy depreciation
This is an E92 335i. It retailed for $95,000 in Australia, now you can buy a good one for $13K to $19K.
There has never been a time in history where the performance to price ratio has been so good.
Your virginity is always showing. Even if you were kinda right.
They are crowd magnets
that is some serius TRIGERING ALERT
Micropenis that's why
Mercedes Benz owners detected.
Before i got married there were only a handful of things that didn't have an actual function
Now my home is full of stuff on the walls and everything, upside is it's basically all centuries old and mine. Behind the computer is a map of Europe circa 1864 so i guess we both win? Anybody that ever breaks in is a fucking dead man though
I dont use plastic german crap sorry.
Golf IV
Your mechanic should be proud for having such a loyal customer base
Being weak is bitching about not having a place to put his racket.
Men don't give a single fuck about the house and how it s organize or whatever.
You fucking basedboys wanna be interior decorator? kys
Each to their own.
>golfs are for grannies and faggots..kys
I'm under 25, I'm not going to give (((them))) more of my money.
96' ford ranger with the cologne engine.
Should have bought a Toyota Land cruiser, one of the most stable priced cars.
So Jow Forums you do your own automotive work, right?
I'm not a onions faggot so yes
Oh yeah, have a (You)
>appreciating asset vs depreciating asset
That S5 will nose dive in value the second it leaves the lot. The Mustang will stay the same if not rise in value.
The retard could have bought his bitch an older S5 that looks just the same for like 1/3 the price
Wtf that jap nigger implemented a new word filter
>This what happens when you a sackless cuckboi
Fixed that for you