Does Anime Cause Pedophilia?

How do you explain content such as Kanna from Miss Kobayashi? For what purpose is she drawn this way and why is there a running joke that she's old enough to breed?

I am not the only one with this opinion.

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Pedophillia causes pedophillia

All human beings are naturally innocent and have no dirty desires, and reading media depicting erotic, pedophilia, and gore contents will affect them to be corrupted

people aren't naturally innocent
most children are pretty shitty human beings, in fact

they learn from their parents.

>BBC Reporter

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I believe her. The proof has always been staring us straight in the face.

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anime cause virginity
money and power cause pedophilia

no but anime turns you gay, and homosexuality leads to pedophilia, so kinda

were focusing on anime causing pedophilia and why there is so much loli and underage focus, dont downplay the topic by changing subjects

The show is about gay dragons. The character serves the purposes of a child surrogate despite being an ancient dragon with apocalyptic powers. The joke is in the juxtaposition of the supernatural characters' identities verses how they present themselves in the human world.

As for the fans of anime, they are almost universally hopeless perverts and freaks who will lewd literally anything.

you obviously have another agenda here, but im going to count you as +1 for anime causes pedophilia

how anime can cause pedophilia if weebs dont have sex

So what youre saying is the anime attracts pedophiles? Why do you suppose?

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There are pedophiles that have had sex and that are virgins. This can be ignored whether they have had sex or not. So if we take that out of your statement:
>how anime can cause pedophilia

I was saying that the show is perfectly fine. Anime as a whole attracts no more pedos than American TV. The fans are generally perverted but not necessarily for pedo reasons.

Anime is one of the last visual media that is able to tell an intriguing story without any unnecessary pandering to minorities and affirmative action. If you are uncertain about your sexuality and afraid it would make you like little girls, don't watch it.

What type of people do you suppose boku no piko attracts? Why do you suppose there is a specific loli genre? American TV doesn't have a loli genre. And you don't explicitly know whether it is a loli genre in American TV. In loli anime you DO explicitly know you are watching loli anime.

>Thinking nogs are scum because of bad parenting

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Then why are you arguing:
"Does Anime Cause Pedophilia?"
and not
"Does Loli Anime Cause Pedophilia?"

The answer to both is still no. As much as media with killing and psychopaths doesn't cause murders.

yes it does it's the same crap with 80s cartoons. they all promote the gay agenda. notice how in 80s cartoons the protagonist doesn't have a girlfriend. i miss the days of good animes like fist of the north star .

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Yes look at them, are you to dumb to understand that the nogs are literally mimicking their mothers behaviours?

I don't think you understand how the concept of pedophilia is a bunch of interrelated similar behaviours. By your logic: It's like saying that tattoos, drugs, and violence don't adhere to a "destructive lifestyle."

Sexy children cause pedophilia.
>sex is dirty and evil and no one naturally wants it
I don't even know what to say

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kanna is for sex

fuckin libertarians, man

Are you agreeing with me that I'm not saying anything profound? So by that logic: Anime causes Pedophilia because of pic related isn't saying something profound either.

Agreeing with you about what? That you're a stupid? Yeah, you are. There is loli anime because lolis is good.

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because pedophilia is a concept of interrelated behaviors that arent necessarily OVERLY specific as you are trying to make it out

Yes, and? Little girls are the best.

Are you seriously debating this? I though this thread was just a stupid bait.
Look, if you aren't a pedophile, you won't become one only by looking at "sexualised" children. You won't become gay by looking at gay porn and as the British user said, you won't become murderer by watching murders on TV.

On a side note, pedophilia is attraction to prepubescent kids. The sexualisation in anime - giving the kids adult sexual traits is what turns the actual pedophiles off.

based imptrash thread

I'm pretty sure this and GI Joe made a bit gay.

Here is a great example of someone who doesn't know the concept of cause and effect.
People turn a blind eye to evil because they are also terrible, and you are terrible.

>Here is a great example of someone who doesn't know the concept of cause and effect
No, that's you.

The one who doesn't know the concept of cause and effect is you. Anime is not the cause, but effect at best. And propably not even that.

daily reminder that an*Me was designed by kikes to turn young western men into mentally ill tranny pedophiles

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my bad i just noticed i'm on the wrong board

pic related. Also Cause and effects are interwoven. An effect can be the cause of something else.

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you three, out of the thread, you're all retarded.

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So again, you don't even know what cause and effect is.

im gay once i watch anime like a faggot what i am, and i browse Jow Forums because i thought it;s for faggots, so here i am.
Btw, nice bich you hav in your picture, i wanna inseminate her with my 8" tunnel snakeh.
Anyone liking megumin here? i fucking love anime, i love my waifus and im an incel fallgot.

Btw i also watch futanari, and Jow Forums is the gayest board (b4 /a/ ofc)

is this true? I guess so, fuck off with your anime faggotry.

>all humans are naturally innocent
Handing out bluepills in this thread i see

playing fortnite ill answer in a few about how ur totally wrong

You’re naturally a fag though OP

loli is the cancer that is killing japan . your pedo s o y anime's will never beat this

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>loli anime causes pedophilia
>not the other way around
You are actually retarded.
He thinks sex is unnatural act no one really wants. Though he also thinks anime causes pedophilia so Ye gods, that's disheartening.

pedophiles created loli anime. innocents consume loli anime and progressively become more pedophilic. its not a one way street as you describe. this is how ideas and behabiours spread from person to person

Loli's are inherently sexy. Why does Jow Forums try to dispute this scientific fact? Does Jow Forums not believe in science?

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Kanna is most definitely pedo bait.
She's not drawn in the typical way but more thicc.

That's how popular culture works. If you are a normie, your worldviews are dictated by what's cool at the moment. You can change them on a whim. You can't however become a pedophile on a whim, so those two things are incomparable. Also
>implying the rap is at fault here.
Anyone who seriously listens to that crap and takes life advice from it was already beyond saving from the start.

The cause and effect thing you are talking about doesn't make sense.

I'm not watching moe crap, but lolis aren even pedophilic.

Fortnite is actually undisputably more gay than anime.

retarded faggots, anima ain't got no place in a white supremacist/politician's life, it got a place only in a faggots life, but you still didn't answer my question is it true that only gays watch anime? I wanna hear from you.

youre changing what the picture is referring to. you cant just say this is how ideas spread amongst normies. because its not exclusive to normies how behaviours spread. it is also how behaviours can spread among minorities. aka how unpopular ideas spread? youre like really stupid.

>pedophiles created loli anime
Yes, correct.
>innocents consume loli anime and progressively become more pedophilic
No, that's bullshit.
Because they've swallowed the feminist lies.
>I only watch mature anime for mature guys like me

refer to pic

I don't care whether it is mature or not, I like Ghibli studio fairytales for example. Moe isn't even supposed to be childish to begin with, so I don't know what you are talking about.

How about you 2 manchilds stfu and stop arguing about a shit genre of cartoon.

Imagine being a 39 years old manlet in 2045 and still watch anime, huh I wanna see that, srsly. You faggots deserve to die, you're the toxicity of society.
Cause and effect... Cause: You two are born faggots; Effect: You watch anime 24/7 and suck nigger dick from your waifus,
case closed/
weeaboos are degeneracy.

Anime is a medium of entertainment. It can cover alot of different genres and topics. There is legit shows that pedos do watch. Take a trip to /a/ in a gochiusa thread or colors. They might be saying it for memes but they non stop saying how they want to fuck under aged girls. That being said there is plenty of other shows that hardly cater to this notion at all.

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I reserve the right to mcnuke you.

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i dont watch anime who said i watched anime? you?

Recent anime and loli shit entirely does. Flat is justice people need the gas.


OP is a brainlet, making the “videogames cause violence” argument, only with loli’s

You shouldn't lewd the dragon loli.

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I still don't understand what does it have to do with anime. If I take the picture literally, then it becomes unrelated.

dunno but pedo criminals are always anime fan

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No, but pedophiles do watch anime for sure

>ravioli ravioli XD

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Theres a differency between pedophilia and hebaphilia(?)
Meme lolis usually are tiny bodies having adult features.
Might aswell argue "petite" porn creates pedophilia.
Beside, the whole concept of aquiering kinkX through observation is leftist bullshit. By that logic, pedophilia is cured by reprogramming through porn

I was already talking about how giving the children adult sexual traits turns the actual pedophiles off, because they are atracted to prepubescent kids. But I guess it doesn't fit into OP's stupid narrative.

never used reddit lol

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Please leave the children alone hans.

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Translate please, Japanman.


Animefags need to be gassed.

Loli is love, loli is life.
All lolis are for lewd.

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At some point it causes a sexual desifre for them, its amazing how a lot of morons whine about pedohollyweird but no one talks about the fetishization of infants by that animated series, its an obsession for children and everything related to childhood in this with adult situations in it

But some lolis are for other lolis

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Lolis are for pats, not for faps. Dont lewd my enju

when did i go into the specifics about what constitutes a prepubescent kid ? the fact that you are giving sexual traits to an underage on paper makes you pedophilic no matter how convoluted you make it
>le i draw an adult woman
>le i say she is 15 years old
thats not how it works

That wouldn’t be innately lewd if not for the panties at her thigh


She is my Enju and she is for creaming in/on.

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>15 Years old

That's not even what I was taling about. I don't know man, I think we are incompatible in understanging each other's arguments, either one of us is a genius or a retard. And I'm betting on the second option.

Anime is notorious for its unrealistically chaste teenagers, a theme that is endlessly lampshaded.

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youre the one implying i say things. how about you actually use what ive explicitly said instead of derailing my thread. mixed breed scum.

Youre just a NAMBLA tier moron with no arguments at all trying to defend degeneracy

"Introverted", "obsessive", 8 people who know criminal

(ex classmate)

Q. How was he like?
He was a unique.
In other words, he was a otaku or something like that

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Still deserving to serve jail time, but you can have loliTyrone

Only as a joke on the Internet, nothing in real life.

>Youre just a NAMBLA tier moron with no arguments at all trying to defend degeneracy


b4 it gets anymore cancerous, this is not /w/ or /a/ fuck you stop using retarded anime pics
but you post cancerous picture of a retarded rip-off cartoon.

Kanna shitters are the worst anime fans of them all.

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what is how furries started?
what is how my little pony started?
hint they started as jokes do you see a pattern here?
as retarded as the picture is it greatly describes the point i was trying to make

It’s supposed to be humorous, but leave it to the pedo defenders to sexualize it.

do u think that was the intent of the artist?

Doubtful. Or at least, if it were the case, it'd depend on the anime.

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