>tfw ISTP
A life full of boredom and alcoholism awaits me. Should I pull the plug early?
>blaming all your failures as a human being on a four letter acronym based on pseudo-science
that's retarded.
People's personalities change a lot
Good meme, wrong use. You'll learn the lower you stay here.
t. brainlet
I picked opiods
who are you quoting?
Im intp
I feel the same
I need alcohol to be able to socialize
I'm on Devils lettuce against the boredom tho brother, I think it's better than to go alcoholic
Doing stupid stuff from time to time is also helpful, climbing on things and making fire with lots of gasoline is nice for instance
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a PSEUDOSCIENCE.
Whom quote
go back
As is every form of social "sciences"
MBTI isn't scientific to begin with so the wording is rather weird on your side
same here man, i dont like being an alcoholic that much but without it my social life wouldnt exist. Doing dumb shit like setting things on fire is such a relief if youre alone or with someone who also enjoys it.
If you're on your own you could also try getting into cooking. Just improvise and do as you want with it, so long as its edible. Once you get better at it you can share it with others and they will appreciate it.
Its great since its a usable real life skill that lets you be very autistic with.
I love grilling
It combines both
Cooking is just kinda sad alone, and I live in a one room flat with an alibi kitchen that's a pain in the arse to cook properly
I cook with friends tho from time to time and it's nice
>want to help people but I'm too much of a fucking introvert
Oh look it's the faggot that signs all of his shit posts and break global rule 13 on the regular
>want to help people
Unironically yes, i have felt nothing since i was 16. Neither hapiness nor sadness, it is truly a nightmare
>inb4 le coldsteel the hedgeheg
>judging means you don't want to help people
t. brainlet
such is life for istp
fool of a took
Judging means you're a cunt that thinks he helps other people through forcing your worldview onto them