Al/ck/ thread.
What are you upto edition?
Al/ck/ thread
Tending a 12 pack. Based on timing sobering up
Killing a goon bag tonight.
Y'all niggas gay.
Yo ass thread is ruined now
based discord drop inbound
I haven't touched it in over 2 months but I still fucking love cocaine.
In how many hours do you need to be sober?
I'm through two bottles of wine onto third and about to expose the perfect spaghetti bollenaise.
Expect to be impressed.
No official time requirement, yet plan to be driving in 12+ hours
I've been involuntarily sober for a whole month now and I finally got my hands on some more liquor.
I want to get drunk but I don't even know what to do with myself at this point, I don't wanna just end up laying around like I do every time.
I won't be able to get more booze for god knows how long.
Have you tried being 21
Done goofed
I turn 21 in a month. I've been successfully obtaining liquor from stores without a fake ID since I was 17, but recently I've had no luck. I can drive to a different area but it's not worth the waste of time and gas.
Okay, okay, I get it boys.
Presenting the new and improved al/ck/ (Anime Loveable Cuties Kontest)
I'm your host, the fake rageleaf!
Here's a quick rundown:
- I have a lot of cute pictures
- I want you to help me figure out which among them stands at the top
- Feel free to pick up to five cuties per dump, typically ~50 images
As an aside, I have the impression some of you have less than pure motivations in your responses. This is the LOVEABLE CUTIES, not the LEWD CUTIES kontest, so please judge with your heart and not with your knob. This is really just a personal request. I can't stop you or tell you how to feel but I would really appreciate if you kept your remarks in line with the intention of the thread.
Now, we're going to have a special edition tonight because of a certain poster who requested some nice Koishis, and to my great shame, I did not have enough to satisfy his great taste for cute Koishis. But that's been remedied, because to my wonderful surprise, there are many, many great pictures of her!
Without further adieu, let the kontest begin!
God your posts are boring. Don't tell me all of bant likes this utter shit.
They really do.
why ruin one of the few things these sad people have
alright, the entries are in. Let me know which of these great pictures of Koishi (and a few of Satori I guess, lol) stand above the rest!
At least they are not alcoholics.
ohhhhh I forgot to post this one too that I cropped out of a pornographic one
why do you have that saved doc
Sry low resolution
Alcoholics work better than you.
That's bullshit and you know it.
BTW. You will get fired for drinking in work.
I don't drink in work.
Drinking a few pints of cheap beer. Feeling pretty good so far.
Alcoholics = Type of people
just do the world a favour and kys
i wish i was drunk rn